/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #120

Reminder to love cat boys Edition

>General VR Resources

>Oculus Rift Setup Guide
>HTC Vive Setup Guide

>Recommended VR Applications/Games 2018

>VRChat Resources and Tutorials

>Socks containment thread
stale tofu:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Real trash thread, Orb edition apparently

Reminder that Molded loves you all. Return that love, please. Hug your local Molded today.

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>Hang out with friends for the past 4~ish hours
>Go from simple talking to karaoke and then the Just Dance map
>I am exhausted and my throat hurts
>But I'm so happy

God damn I've needed this.
I'm only a bit terrified that I'll get a little note on my door tomorrow that I was being too loud.

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Sorry, it's easy to forget. Thanks for getting first.

Bono clip, self posting because Ferris is best boy.

how do i do leg stuff with occulus
is it impossible

Kinect, but it's bad.

>everyone is filled with homoseckshuls

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I wish I don't ever have to sleep so I can be with you all forever.

>Be angry in last thread because I can't figure shit out in my work
>Finally figure it out
>Still kind of angry at myself because it was as easy a fix as I expected but I didn't know how too do it and I was shooting myself in the foot by not doing my research well enough to figure it out sooner
>Still just relieved that I figured it out
Thank god, I was going to have a stroke, good times ahead. Maybe I'll even play a little more tonight, a chill low population meetup sounds good right now.

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l just had a dream tonight that some user died and we all did a funeral in VRChat for him. lt was raining, everyone had suits and some were crying

>tfw jellykino

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Do you have what it takes to storm the walls of Castle Pengo?

Attached: PengoPillowFort.jpg (1327x1273, 174K)

If I add a prop in unity that pushes the tris beyond 65.?k when active, will this add one or two draw calls?

enjoy the rain

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Is the prop more than 65k? Are you attaching it to something? Any multiple of 65k is a new mesh and each mesh is a draw

the prop will already be another mesh, m8, unless you merged it with the base model before importing to unity

burn the rain


So it's one, then.

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Squat Squad


The nose knows

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>Got off early and missed it

Hey trapanon your voice is so fucking cute

I didn't count how many I did, but my body will remind me in the morning.

Here's to doing even more next time.

>kern is actually jewish but plays along with the shekel jokes to fit in

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Woke Jews generally hate other Jews more than any gentile.

>dot still has the most aesthetic face in /vrg/

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I hold my doubts

>US Jews
>Elitist Israelite Jews
>Pleb Israelite Jews
>Just good old Jews
There are so many flavors of Jew i don't know which to blame for my lack of planning and action

>that fade to black
absolute masterpiece

Hope you all had a good St. Patrick's Day, goodnight.

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>tfw no cat

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Sava's is one of the best imo

Also since I said I'd post this for him. Trimming some stuff now to post on streamable for you anons. I need a simple program for trimming videos though other than the webm converter so I don't lose quality.

Attached: jewchandesu.webm (1280x720, 608K)

>tofu, that ferris and donald all there
Is this now or was this way earlier? They weren't there when I was.

It was just before we went to rave robbi or got offline.

I'm making more screenshots from the video, I'll keep dumping.

Attached: nice duck and nice bote.jpg (1280x720, 185K)

I heard from a friend that a new update allowed the kinect to track PSmove controllers exactly how the Vive trackers work. So he strap 3 PSmove controllers on his hips and legs and it works. He also said it will work with Wii controllers but he doesnt have those to test out yet.

webm converter is just a noob-friendly gui frontend for ffmpeg. Any alternative you find will probably be no better than the webm converter and be doing the same thing. Go learn the command lines for ffmpeg and you'll have faster and better results.

If this is true then then my trip down the rabbit hole might not be over

its still not 360 leg tracking though. If you're gonna use big playstation-style IRLEDS to make bodyparts why can't occulus do that with the existing ir cameras? It already supports extra trackable objects, they just haven't extended it past cameras.

I just want to snip the files and leave them as mp4 though. Well, guess I'll stick to my retardfriendly gui and quality loss.

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>tfw just bought skyrim for like the 4th time because I noticed the VR version was Pre-ordable on steam

ffmepg will snip them just fine too. It's a whole suite.


Oh fine user, I'll do it but I'm not sure where to check the commands for ffmepg

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So VRChat is basically where sexuality and gender norms go to die? It looks like a bunch of boys being girls and kissing and head patting each other.

Thank you, you're cute too whoever you are :3

Pretty much.

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Do others that talk intentional use basic mouth positions on overrides to avoid the visemes looking retarded? When I started talking more, I had to simplify all of my expressions so they looked ok with talking.

Performance is probably not acceptable trying to keep track of that many LEDs.

I don't kiss masculine avatars. It's basically like a place where a huge number of perfect traps exist.

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Each race has evil factions in their gene pool.
It just so happens jews has the highest IQ and therefore also has the most effective evil faction.

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>play as a loli
>some overly masculine character (Goku tier) gives you a friendly greeting
>answer politely in baritone voice
>watch them freeze for a moment and run away
Works like a charm

A lot of my hands, this meetup.

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Your a slut we get the picture


kino pic

>Everyone's filled with homosexuals

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Wait I think I've managed to locate the Alex Jones's VR stream.

>stating the truth is rudeness
sorry didnt know youre being subtle about it

A hand that gives and shares. Keep up the quality posts!
This guy seems to just be blunt. I'm sure he also likes the attention and journal documentation via screenshot of the happenings inside VRchat.

Having content to discuss about is good for the health of the general.


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Good night /vrg/, please remember to sleep before the headpat meet up today.

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I'll satisfy your autism with this one

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anyone up now? just getting on but i bet nobodys at the meet anymore..

Hopefully it is still going at 10 pm GMT when I'm back from work. I will need some patting after that.

rip kite

Yeah, that's him.
Don't worry, he wasn't streaming when he joined that meetup.

folks still at rave robbi, just chatting now

Hows the level of general intoxication, don't want to get thirsty for booze by watching people being wasted

Another view, though not a very good one. Can't be bothered covering names either.

Attached: 2018-03-18 18-51-14.mkv_snapshot_00.43.02_[2018.03.19_00.18.50].jpg (1920x1080, 1.14M)

ffmpeg a shit

Attached: 2018-03-18 00-36-36.png (892x719, 865K)

>Operators head patting each other

Streamable isn't working for me right now so have them on Mixtape instead. If someone wants to re-upload them to streamable for permanence that's fine with me.
Custom Tupper my.mixtape.moe/eubglc.mp4
St. Patty's Violin my.mixtape.moe/hicrzg.mp4
Noot Noot my.mixtape.moe/yfnucj.mp4
Duck my.mixtape.moe/gjlntf.mp4

There was also some cute loli cat girls I saw today my.mixtape.moe/itigsf.mp4
Others need cropping and I'll cut just the first Noot Noot from that clip into a shorter version too.

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>You discover this is your vrgf irl
What do?

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>You discover this is your vrgf irl
What do

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Become erect.

Most people get ugly when they get old user, not just trannies

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I've got it recorded with no names but it's kinda shitty.


I don't care anymore desu

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Who is this literal angel?

>maybe shes born with it, maybe its masculine

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>Hear my voice in the video
Kill me