what do you think of the sandnigger space rock?
What do you think of the sandnigger space rock?
Christians jelly that they don't have a space rock.
Resistance is futile.
>tfw want to visit Mecca as a tourist but Muslims are problematic racist shitlords who do not permit kuffars to enter
Convert to Islam to visit Mecca and then denounce the religion? Is that a thing?
that's a lengthy, involved process
apparently the saudis are slowly turning it into disneyland, the muslims i know aren't pleased
Well, make sure youre out of Mecca before you go apostate. Or at least keep your apostasy under your hat.
wtf i love saudis now
Also very racist in how they run Mecca.
not really
You know how Catholics consider you Catholic no matter what?
It's kind of the same in Islam, except they cut your head off
As a Christian I wonder what's in it. There's nothing in Christianity comparable to the hajj. Sure, we have our pilgrimage sites, but it's not required. Not even the Church of the Holy Sephulcre, where God himself literally was buried, is a required place of pilgrimage.
What's so special about the Kaaba? Why does every Muslim HAVE to visit it? It seems an awful lot like idolatry from a religion that purportedly abhors that.
you don't HAVE to visit it, you're just supposed to set it as a long term goal in your life to go if it wouldn't cause undue physical or financial hardship to do so.
I think the idea behind it is that its supposed to create unity within the faith, different people from extremely different cultures and races all coming together to partake in the same ritual, in a way its quite inspiring. It's a similar idea to the praying 5x a day, it theoretically makes religion a much more fundamental part of a muslim's daily life than those of other religion.
Kek. I don't want to convert to Islam. I'm just saying it could be done maybe? Let them have the city. Hell, nuke it. They shouldn't be worshipping false idols anyway.
While there are considerations, hajj is still a must.
Isn't the Kabaa a holdover from pre-islamic paganism? How do they justify this?
>How do they justify this?
They don't know their own history. Anything before the advent of Islam is called the "Age of Ignorance", consequently they ignore it.
>you want to appreciate this priceless Sumerian artifact?!
>pagan worshipping idolatry!
>brb praying five times a day to a cube with pagan origins
they don't pray to the cube lmao
Yeah but that's the thing though, for them it's not a pagan artifact, it's a stone from Paradise.
I mean, it's the same as Christmas in Europe and North-America too. It's actually a pagan festival called Yuletide, but now it's associated with Christianity.
In the direction of the cube, yes.
>it's the same as Christmas in Europe and North-America too
Just seems odd that on one hand artifacts are destroyed for being pagan, while they worship something that has direct pagan origins.
>Just seems odd that on one hand artifacts are destroyed for being pagan, while they worship something that has direct pagan origins.
It is odd, but it shouldn't surprise you, because the Kaaba was assimilated into the religion centuries ago.
>In the direction of the cube, yes.
fair enough, but try to type less misleadingly
Ya dun goofed
Is it that they don't know the origins, or have they done mental gymnastics?
>be Muhammad
>lead prayers facing Jerusalem
>get message from God saying, "nah man, pray facing that cube you desert pagans used to worship and had pilgrimages to every year."
>mfw followers bought it
>Is it that they don't know the origins
No, it's because they believe the origins are different than what it is in reality. Just like Christmas for Christians.
Juletid in swedish literally means christmas time, jule-tid. Reed yul/jul, yule/jule
>lengthy process
go to mosque, say "ashadu an la ilaha illa allah wa ashadu anna muhammadun rasoolallah"
you a muslim now, as far as the saudis are concerned. Doesn't make you a believer, but that's it.
Same in Norwegian, but the point is that it is associated with Christianity these days, not Balder and Frigg.
>go to your local mosque
>tell you wish to convert
>recieve a certificate of being muslim and your own suicide bomb
>God is great
What is the reality of it, then?
Just a pagan cube that popped up out of nowhere, with no history to it, other than lolidunno?
It's probably associated with pre-Islamic Arabia somehow. Plenty of things are, such as their flag with the crescent moon.
so, we simply ignore all accounts of when and how it was built, because the non-religious stance is better by default? You also do know the crescent moon flag has only been part of Islam several centuries after the prophet and after idolatry had been thoroughly purged from the muslim lands?
>so, we simply ignore all accounts of when and how it was built, because the non-religious stance is better by default?
umm yes? do you know what taqiyya is?
Do you? Taqiyya is first and foremost only in situations of life and death, since one of the main principles of Shari'a law is the preservation of life. After that, it developed further as a mainly Shi'a ideology when it came to "protecting the religion" since the shi'a had been persecuted so much that they felt they had to hide their view of religion for it to survive in the first place. Mainstream sunnism does not do Taqiyya in any real amount outside of actual, life threatening situations and anyone who claims otherwise is most likely a conspiracy theorist.
I mean, can you even explain to me what the origin of the allowance of Taqiyya is?
that's some nice taqiyya but you're gonna have to go back
a religious grup (gulens) did taqiyya for 30-40 years and initiated a coup. they failed though.
you can taqiyya for as long as you want. there isnt anyone to stop you anyway nigga.
>It's actually a pagan festival called Yuletide,
Also Saturnalia, also every other winter holiday during that time.
Christians just split the whole Birth of Christ thing from Epiphany, when it was originally celebrated, to 25 december, and added every holiday custom from "generic solstice celebration from this part of the world"
It's a shame they failed desu. Erdogan a shit.
The original idea was so to make Muhammed's home town of Makkah incredibly wealthy. In that sense, it succeeded.
Source if you've got it please?
Saudis are shit they keep destroying historical buildings for hotels and stuff like that.
The word'm predate Christianity's presence though.
>not mentioning Saturnalian festivities
What's the rock made of, by the way?
And here I was thinking dreams and prayers.
Rome is Europe sperg.
Can you read?
>they call it the age of ignorance so it's a fact that just came out of my rectum that they actually ignore it
ur fucking retarded m8
it's called The Age of Ignorance just because of the ignorance on the Religious side e.g: they were worshiping rocks, they don't ignore any of it.
>How do they justify this?
they believe that it was first built by an angel and they was rebuilt by Abraham and then by Ishmael.