Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1723: Little Bird Edition

Zenkai no /llsifg/!: Current Events
JP: UR Punk Ruby Scouting
EN: NozoNico Score Match

>Game Wiki

>Event Points Calculator

>Event Cutoff Predictor

>Team Builders


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Other urls found in this thread:

Umi is love.

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Wub Wooby

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Chika loves her beautiful senpai Dia-chan!

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holy shit the new album is so fucking good oh my god OH MY GOD

Riko's voice is so nice I am actually crying

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How sex with Umi would even feel like?

For Nozomi!

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wet and tight

Lick Umi.

For the most perfect canon couple!!!!!

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>Maru always talking about Ruby while Yoshitko just doing her datenshit.

Reminder that Umidah saved SIF EN

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DBZ set when?

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Preparing for thread derailment, captain


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I can't believe Dia's VA is dead.


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Yoshiko VA JAV when?

CHALA HEAD CHALA Aqours cover when?

Japanese Anorexia Video?

>clear awaken the power with R Leah and R Ruby 5 times

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>another worst girl OP
Also that artist's artstyle is ugly, especially with those eyes.

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For Umi's butt.

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Not op, but I like the eyes and the artstyle

Is anyone even doing these tasks? I don't even have the right Ruby or Leah cards and am no grinding for them.

Cute Chika, post more!

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To the user who told me to turn the speed up in the last thread, arigato. I'm doing much better !

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Lick slutty Burd.

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>have 2 angel charms
>but no pure scorer URs

Spoonfeed me on how to make a macro for this shitty mod please

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Like this.

Attached: CZ5d5AoVIAI_6gn2.jpg (1600x1685, 426K)

1. wub umi
2. tickle her feet
3. ???
4. honk a shit

I can't believe people are actually cheating in this thread?

What's the point, the game loses the element of fun if you can just roll until you have all the cards you want? I don't even spend money on the game, but why?

It's like STALKER, the game is only fun up until you're walking death incarnate, after that point when nothing is a challenge and you have everything you get bored?

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Please don't use Rin to shitpost.

I like it

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I have a constant urge to roll and before I waste all my hard earned seals on my main account I rather play around with the mod on a throwaway account. Still have shit luck on it so far though.
Plus I don't participate in the event with this account so it's not like I'm taking things away from others.

People who were given everything they wanted since they're kids can't deal with gacha games.

For magnets.

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GOD This artist is so good.

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Shut the fuck up MOB, you goddamn roastie

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put my penis on ruby

Please don't.

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Well said

>Waku Waku Wooby
Ruby Blanco when?

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do you guys think that love live is dying



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I love this general when burgers are sleeping, it's so comfy

It's still filled with shitposting
Fucking flips ruining comfy yuro hours

Yes. PDP needs to come fast if they want to slow down LL's death.

>I would say my obsession is borderline unhealthy, but unlike the other obsessions I've had over the years
Sasuga, reddit-san

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she grew up so fast ;_____;

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Cute proto YoshiMaru.

Anyone knows how to put SR Leah into teambuilder?

You don't. Team builder doesn't have promo SRs.

>Tapping circles game with a waifu collector on top
>People want to cheat at tapping circles
Wtf would your raibu approve of such inappropriate behavior?

Nico would.

there is ganbatte left anymore in this world u.u

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Ruby isn't even my favorite raibu, but damn, I've been feeling an immense necessity of having rough sex with her.

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she has 4 slots available plus SR-tier skill and appeal
she's an legit SR that could be used in your teams for quite a while

Not taking the opportunity would be pretty stupid.

Wooby Ultra Instinto will end El Grande Pezon Honokanegro.


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thicc weah

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Nico is cheating for a good cause.

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Self control, crash mind and dropout beatmaps when?

Is YouKanan the thinking man's ship?

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what about this one?

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wanna lick

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Lube Leah!

I'm sorry but we @ /r/SchoolIdolFestival will mop the floor with you guys. Oh, and we're reporting you as well. ;)

no, it's rikokanan.

id mop rkk with the floor...

I miss Diabetes. I bet he wouldn't let these dumb ass cheaters give us a bad name.

I miss Makibro

>old screen partner shows up
>I spend some time with her, clicking between sections

Yeah, he would give us a bad name by himself.

The bottom line is that they need to step up their game
.jpg partners is so 2013

At least he wouldn't make us look like a bunch of cheaters.

You're at the fan meeting and this Anchad walks up and slaps your raibu's ass

What do?

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Aikyan JAV when?

Already out


My favorite rare pair.

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Jumpman x me

>come 3rd with a FC
>guy in 2nd has a combo of 96 and beat me by just over 1k

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someon up for a match????

just had a wank to raibus in kisekae and now I feel really sleepy

You just like any ship that involves Chika.

How much MMR?