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xth for SJWleague

I want to see her getting fucked by a horse

Grape died of old age

>tfw not getting better at ana

looks like I'll stay in 2800 as long as I keep maining her then

I love Tracer!

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also mei is fat and murrifags are asleep

based horseposter

We need more bullying TRACER~!!

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is she a hunchback?

She's not for bullying.
She's for love and affection.

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How old are you?


I want to marry and love Lena forever.

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from last thread


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You still have a chance to turn your life around

How many bullied Lenas does it take for me to get an erection? Just one

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She's for both

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Who is the next gay character

best duellists

SBB tracer
linkzr widow
jjonak zen
pine mcree

what am i missing

He was always gay


>After a decade-long relationship, Midori later left him for a younger penguin, which led Grape-kun to become isolated from the other penguins.
Life is not fair

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you are user, your parents will be more supportive than you think

Rein doesn't care about sex, he seeks glory in combat.

Why is devil Mercy so flat compared to her normal skins?


It’s so obvious. They wanna keep the Reyes/Morrison thing ambiguous because people like that

Are there pictures of hurt tracer going back to emily? or any other heroes for that matter


>passed up for overwatch
>stuck in blackwatch
As the leader of an elite black-ops division operating at the highest level of the most elite strike force of the UN. Hardly "stuck". Blackwatch is still part of Overwatch.
>>Mercy having nothing to do with Reaper
>>never revived him
>"Overwatch's Swiss headquarters was destroyed in an apparent accident. Among the casualties were Morrison and Reyes."
>"What happened to you?" "You tell me, Doc."
>"Dont forget youre the one responsible for this"
Alright senpai
>this war is over so both sides just turn in their weapons and no more violence can happen
>a terrorist group taking over a sector of the city for a while is comparable to a global scale war
overwatch was still active during uprising. Britain's prime minister shut down 76's team and he went against it.
so it did mean fuck all to the people, they didnt want overwatch.


I WANT TO kiss Hana's forehead and tell her it'll all be ok SOO FUCKING BAD~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Because flat chest == bad

Because she is not wearing her pads

I want to BE Hana Song getting playfully bullied by Brigitte!

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Tips on playing Tanks?

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why the fuck would you even say that?
is she even suffering?

>Mercy tryna fix Reaper after hes been hurt by a mission or by the overwatch collapse.
>She cant and fucks up.
>Reaper goes to Moira and she fixes him and makes him how he currently is.

>Chu liking all that R76 art

For what reason

>"What happened to you?" "You tell me, Doc."

literally Mercy, a doctor, asking Reaper about his condition, and Reaper being snappy and saying YOU TELL ME DOC, because you are the doctor, you should know you useless slut.

Besides, all the other Mercy + Reaper lines have been deleted from the game, for example the '' This isn't what I planned/meant for you '' thing.

You also gotta remember that the novel wasn't released because they didn't like the path it went with the story, and are instead working things from the ground up, probably inspired by some fan theories with it.

She's a child thrown into a world of pain and war.
Of course she is suffering.

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I want to give Hana Song my Magnum Dong

Is it ok to ironically use dallas skins. possibly a dallas winston with gold gun?


That's what they pay him for

Come now, let's not lewd her.
She needs our love and affection, not our lust.

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sure, but people who see you in-game probably won't know it's ironic

>As the leader of an elite black-ops division operating at the highest level of the most elite strike force of the UN. Hardly "stuck". Blackwatch is still part of Overwatch.
He was stuck in it even though he was originally Overwatch Strike Commander for the original six then passed up. So yes, stuck.
>"Overwatch's Swiss headquarters was destroyed in an apparent accident. Among the casualties were Morrison and Reyes."
Obviously that wasn't the case since Soldier was obviously fine and people would have found both of their bodies if they were and would have been reported as revived. Not to mention Mercy in lore hasn't revived anyone.
>"What happened to you?" "You tell me, Doc."
That's Reaper being a smartass since Mercy's asking what's up with him.
>"Dont forget youre the one responsible for this"
That doesn't even apply to Mercy since it plays when he eliminates someone.
>overwatch was still active during uprising.
Which means it had fuck all to do with the Omnic war since Overwatch was basically being UN World Police.
Your waifu is an edgy faggot and gets made fun of by everyone when they eliminate him.

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>for example the '' This isn't what I planned/meant for you '' thing
That never existed.

>Besides, all the other Mercy + Reaper lines have been deleted from the game, for example the '' This isn't what I planned/meant for you '' thing.
That was reddit making crap up.
>You also gotta remember that the novel wasn't released because they didn't like the path it went with the story, and are instead working things from the ground up, probably inspired by some fan theories with it.
First Strike was about Reyes, Morrison, Ana, Reinhardt, Torbjorn, and Liao. All it would have done is give back story to the omnic crisis.


>when a korean who barely speaks english explains that "push means gogogo"

I know! I'm just waiting to meet Lena and ask her out, then everything will be fine!

I'm not the guy you're arguing with but

>Obviously that wasn't the case since Soldier was obviously fine and people would have found both of their bodies
Reyes is officially on the run as a terrorist known as Soldier 76. They don't know its him and you can't just assume their bodies would have been found in an explosion we have no information on
>Which means it had fuck all to do with the Omnic war
It literally says in the opening cinematic that OW is directly responcible for stopping the Omnic war

you're arguing submarines here, there is literally not a concrete, canon storyline for OW so why ever argue on it?

So let me get this straight. Just bought this game after being pressured by some friends.
You are telling me that it's out for 2 years and the story is still the same as the day it came out?
Are you being serious?

Am I being serious? Does a submarine swim?


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>bro are you serious 40k came out in 1987 and the emperor is still on the throne wtf is that

i want brigitte to break my arm and suffocate me

Just don't use your ulti or look at him or turn on your PC ;)

>*nerfs Sombra even more*

What's that supposed to mean? I just really like the universe so far but I read up on everything it has to offer lorewise in ~1 hour...
The waifus are top tier though I'll give you that.


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Well sure but at the same time a milliard other storylines have progressed/concluded. In OW literally nothing has happened since it launched 2 years ago.

>Reyes is officially on the run as a terrorist known as Soldier 76.
Freudian slip of your gay pairing? Serious though, both on the run, so obviously they weren't revived which means Mercy had squat to do with either.
>It literally says in the opening cinematic that OW is directly responcible for stopping the Omnic war
I'm not talking about what caused them to be created, I'm pointing out the specific which was Uprising.

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>Bro are you serious that one aspect of the lore hasn't changed despite the thousands of other things that have been drawn, written and animated to add to the overall lore of the universe?

Well if you're not memeing the lead writer for OW answered some fan lore questions with "Does a submarine swim" and everyone got pissy because he really won't write any lore. A lot of people are seeing through the sham that is Chu, even Reddit

>Genji is on screen and climbing
>still fire rockets instead of eliminating Genji or finding him and making sure he doesn't get in the way
Honestly, that frag was deserved.

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>*Nerfs Sombra*

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Its such a retarded delivery tho. "Arent you a doctor?" or "Not so good of a nurse, huh?" would work better as an snappy insult.
"You tell me, X" sounds like you've asked a question you already know the answer of, like a scientist guy from jurassic park doing the "what is THAT" scene with a giant tRex. You tell me, dude, youre the one who made it.

>stuck in an elite black-ops group
He's still in overwatch and probably still goes on official missions. He wasnt dismisssed and then rehired into Blackwatch.
>Soldier was fine
No, he was dead and reported dead by whoever wrote that snippet. Then he came back years later as a batman vigilante.
>xd reeper is ur waifu
actually logged in to see how many hours i have on the shotgun dude. 6 whole hours.
I like the lore and want a decent story other than "lel hes the bad guy he does bad guy things shooty shooty"

>Genji's dick is so big he fucks McCree in mid air
Swift Strike isn't a projectile, so I don't know what was expected here.

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>watching dallas v fusion lijang control tower

allah have mercy that was R rated. dallas look like a bunch of solo Q players facing a 6 stack.

>He's still in overwatch and probably still goes on official missions. He wasnt dismisssed and then rehired into Blackwatch.
He was put in Blackwatch, which is a Black Ops. There are no official missions in that group since everything done is off the books.
>No, he was dead and reported dead by whoever wrote that snippet. Then he came back years later as a batman vigilante.
He was reported dead but they never recovered the bodies of either meaning they weren't actually dead. He wasn't revived or else there wouldn't be a need to say they were dead.
>I like the lore and want a decent story other than "lel hes the bad guy he does bad guy things shooty shooty"
I don't see how you didn't see him as anything but an edgy faggot like he's always been and how you're expecting story from Blizzard.


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just don't play the game when reflect is up lmao

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Hana-posting time?

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BASED old men poster

When is it not?

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I don't know about you but Deflect doesn't stop me from moving, aim in different directions, change positions, playing the game and what not.

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>when you half across the world from home in a foreign country playing video games surrounded by 3 weirdos that paint their hair, a dad from straya and a few random autists trying to carry a team to victory with your compatriot

Which overwatch characters are ticklish?

Lol dude just wait until his deflect is over so he could swift strike the shit out of you.