/ss13g/ - spessmen on spess station

The future of ERP edition

Last Thread: Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>fluke cult
>ded serb ?
>spring break soon

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

Try the latest 512 version! It SHOULD be mostly functional
If that doesn't work, downgrade your BYOND version to byond.com/download/build/510/510.1347_byond.exe

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs + Discord circlejerk

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Attached: 1521342834965.png (620x143, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>literally two people online
Why even try anymore

Do AIs consider niggers human

We're not dead until we accept it

Do you think love can bloom, even on a space station?

Someone explain please

Attached: Screenshot - 031818 - 06:30:39.png (281x59, 6K)

Yes, it has before and it will again!

>almost three times as many people in the thread that's 20 minutes old as are playing
*continues to think*


The idea of an immovable rod is something akin to the sword in the stone (unable to be moved, relatively small)
The joke is that when physics are taken into account, an immovable rod would still have to be (or at least appear to be) moving because everything is always moving away from each other in the universe. Thus an immovable rod is actually a projectile of unstoppable power.

ackshually the rod is a fixed point and is not a projectile, the station moves through it and it is stationary

>because everything is always moving away from each other in the universe.
Rephrase to this:
because nothing in the universe is not moving: Planets in orbit, solar systems orbiting in galaxies, galaxies hurtling through the universe, the universe itself constantly expanding.

>constantly expanding
expanding at an accelerating pace, i've put too much time into this

The lobby has been loading for 2 hours, what did they mean by that?

>Removing the ability to break the oath of silence

Every mime I've ever seen break their oath were either
a) vengeful shitters
b) self defense valid baiting shitters
I want neither of them on this server

That's because you don't really notice Mime on the bombed station asking a cyborg for help and then dying as the cyborg ignores them

Why would you use an example where the oathbreak would compel the borg to help or otherwise get banned from silicon (especially if the shit mime pressed the issue in a ban request)

How do security officers deal with arresting people who commit ""valid"" murders

Do you just pretend nothing happened because the guy killed a talking mime or a lubing clown or the killer of his pet?

we're not having this fucking argument again
read space law and accept the updates that were made to it

so the answer is I can arrest them as long as it's in space law and there are no hidden rules?

"Valid" means you won't get banned for it.
You can still perma the Assistant who toolboxed the talking Mime, but some people are not going to like your decision

honestly i don't felt the need to arrest people who do that, it's usually a ghey move
it also means they collect the valids for me and i don't get mememins on my ass for killing lubers


Attached: 1437472543671.jpg (791x621, 235K)

I would argue it's no more gay a move than dropping everything you're doing to get your valids on someone who you OOC know is now free to be killed.

nuke code breaker added to random items/bundle when?

What if I drop everything I'm doing to get valids on someone I know OOC?

Too stronk. The pre-placed station nuke isn't like the Nuke Ops one where it plays a movie, it just blows up the entire station z level, like literally, it's a map wipe.

Murder is still murder even if they're oocly valid.

t. Sex main

I am not just gonna roll over and flail my hands when the clown lubes the place and the mime breaks his vow to call me a faggot and I wouldn't expect anyone else to.
For greyer stuff and things like pets I would consider maybe manslaughter if they were a fag about it.

Yeah obviously you can't slice everyone with the same knife but if I see a HoP completely dropping his duties to chase some retard who punched his dog repeatedly you're god damn right I'm going to try and shove him in the clink.

>anything lower than death sentence for murdering Ian

roleplay challenges grug
grug doesn't like rp
grug just want smash spacemen

Attached: oogaboogaaa.jpg (800x450, 38K)


based grug

Pomf fix serb, it's turn based again

Please no
I still get flashbacks to the feature presentations

>almost three times as many people in the thread that's 20 minutes old as are playing
Honestly? I don't want to commit to a lowpop round.

I have played one (1) shift a day for the last two weeks and every time it lasts multiple hours. I don't need TG lightning rounds or what the fuck ever but after 1-2 hours I want it to be over. I want a little action. I've built so many autism projects my creativity well is running dry.

Did you know? Just the other day I read in the logs antags ahelping to say they don't feel like antagonizing because it's lowpop. That's not an uncommon sentiment, it's not very sporting when there's no security. So every lowpop is 2-3 hours of extended where medbay does nothing at all.

new hopefully lag-free round starting now

Come post your support for reviving Veeky Forums.

oh boy the round setup froze again.
Lag-central confirmed if it manages to set up after 3 hours

Veeky Forums dead for real, nice to know ya

those logs from last round sure are interesting

TOPIC: "status", from:[IP CENSORED], master:, key:


Cant wait to make a vox base model for Space Station 3d. And just low poly clothing / items in general.


>People are sleeping, getting up for work, are in night shift hell or are subhumans

You pat them on the back for doing your fucking job for you because you're such a worthless subhuman shitstain.

Guess who got a ban for that.

>securities job is to hunt vow breaking mimes

Attached: 80c.png (645x729, 58K)

>killbaiters only have the best intentions for the station

The ban was for not doing what Mustard said, which he's since then been told to fuck off for by enough people that he doesn't even bother arguing about it anymore.

I once had an ahelp from a talking mime who complained that Johnny valided him after he called him autistic

If security operated based on intentions half the crew would be cuffed 12:05

>walk into bar
>battle of lil slugger starts playing

>Don't perma the guy for killing a syndicate agent
>The ban was for listening to mustard
>Can I get people who did valid kills
Well, good to know you're donnigger testing the waters or similarly autistic.

>it's not murder if it's the Right kind of person you killed.

Attached: unknown-2.png (753x590, 403K)

I'm not The ban was literally for not doing what Mustard said. The ban reason talks about playing space lawyer in ahelps. Both headmin appeals focus on rule 6 which is the one saying admins have the final say.

Sure you aren't.
And what were they saying?
Don't perma him for killing the syndicate agent for attempted assassination.

That you struggle with that is worrisome.

There's also the big about Donnager fishing for extra brigvalidz by putting them in the same cell, regardless of whether Mustard brought that detail up.

What is this dumb slut saying, do you think it even understands the discussion?

>which he's since then been told to fuck off for by enough people that he doesn't even bother arguing about it anymore.
I don't mean people like the clown and chaplain, I mean other admins.
>Don't perma him for killing the syndicate agent for attempted assassination.
>putting them in the same cell
These are the only claims to doing wrong shit since even Pomf has said that the chaplain could have deserved some brig time. This is especially true when the ban on donigger CREATED a new clause to space law called manslaughter specifically for this situation. It's down in the part secshitters don't read, right under medical reasons and self defense.

Well since it's apparently shitpost hour now, I guess I failed to understand that you weren't serious.

>I want to punish someone
>For wanting to not be murdered or removing griefers
Do you understand what you're trying to support? At all? Do you not understand the impact of your actions at the procedural level? Ah that's right, you're only here to grief people. Why would you care about others let alone the stupidity of brigging them.

Thanks for confirming you didn't actually read anything about the situation or what I posted. At least you've moved on from going "no it WAS FOR BRIGGING!!!"
Talking mime is valid. Valid means you won't get banned for killing him. That has absolutely nothing to do with griefing or with what sec can do in response.

They're solely here to grief. The only thing that should be done is get rid of them as fast as possible to minimize the damage. What kind of brain damage do you have to have to talk as a mime. Pick anything else.

Are you baiting or something? That's gotta be the most retarded thing I've read all day.
This must come as a shock to you, but except for the guy who ACTUALLY GOT BANNED for breaking his vow, people who break their vows aren't just here to grief. Go ahead, look through the logs for it.

Because nobody ahelps them. They talk and be assholes so people kill them. People vent their anger by killing the person they know it's okay to kill.

The logs say when people break their vows. You don't have to look for an ahelp.

The one on the right has upgraded capacitors.
Not sure what to change with a better scanning module.

Attached: 2018-03-18 16-07-16.webm (720x720, 2.54M)

Pai slottability

Eh, just split the load over them? Better scanners = better battery charge recognition allowing for faster charging without risking damage to the cell

The current method is that the capacitor level decides the speed multiplier of the recharge, capacitors have levels 1-3 and max upgrade should charge 3 times as fast, so it's basically "total capacitor level/2".
I'll probably change it to include the scanning module so it's "total parts level/3", but that's a bit boring.
Either that or I'll reduce the power consumption/loss of the charger (every 100e charged in an egun uses 250 power).
Not even sure if the server wants this, who should I beg for a server poll?

This would be legit.

Cute little build from yesterday on Packed

Attached: packedshard.png (796x769, 179K)

That's not fucking fishing for brig valids, thats putting prisoners in perma where they belong. Retard.
Rule 6 is like Rule 0, a dumb "admins can do anything" rule that exists as a fall back when admins want to ban someone for not actually breaking the rules.

ascended tier is having containment run through the shard chamber filling the shard chamber with sparks

Remember to release your bangers

Server is loaded and in pre-game lobby at byond://game.ss13.moe:7777



Someone make a
>the virgin pomf
>the chad randysandy
because I don't feel like it

I don't feel like it either

>when you're not sure if your singulo ride failed because it was a dumb singulo ride or becasue the rogue borgs messed with it since you had to sleep before roundend

>tranime roleplay catholic guilt squad
>barely speaks in-game
>whines about pol
>poasts shit pol memes all day
>whines about mean players
>greytides and preps harder than anyone else

really makes ye feckin think don't it

Who is this about

uh the dumbdumbs who make fucking public service announcements in the thread
specifically the guy i replied to

>all these arguments over talking mines & Ian murderers solely because no one with the access to the wiki pages can be assed to update spacelaw to include all the various nonantag -valids we’ve acquired on Veeky Forums over the years
It’s pretty simple really; no one argues about people reading porn on the radio because that actually /is/ mentioned in space Law
Whereas stuff like talking mimes being valid, lube making you valid, etc. cannot be found in Spess Law or the Rules page anywhere and instead could really only be gleaned by a new player either in practice or by diving into the forums

new players shouldn't be
a) playing mime
b) playing HoP
c) playing sec
d) looking for excuses to kill people

When I was new and heard about Catbeasts I tried to validate someone with cat ears

The space law page got locked due to [someone] editing it while salty.
Go ask an Admin :^)

which is funny but you should have held off on that

Relevant anecdote about this: in 2016 some admin tempbanned a guy for killing a talking mime resulting in this thread:
So if this is a big enough communications that it causes admins to fuck up too, I'd much rather have it written down in the rules instead of some shitstorm in 2019 because a HoS got tempbanned for shooting someone to death with his lawgiver for killing Ian.
Another important note is that this game has a shitton of random little details and nigglings to it. An important component of this is that moderately experienced players will be ignorant of certain details but they'll also be ignorant THAT they're ignorant of those details. I play HoS fairly regularly and I can personally attest to the fact that reasonably experienced & level headed officers of mine have gotten into conflicts with eachother over, as an example, murdering shitter diona nymphs, and this specifically happens because that shit ain't written down in the Rules or Space Law, it's entirely HOUSE status and instead mentioned only on some dudes abandoned rule rewrite on the forums.

Haven't played in about a year, probably longer, how do Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums compare in terms of codebase and playerbase?

we had a rules rewrite written up by nuke in 2016 that mentioned pretty much all these things getting brought up, not sure why it fell through

TG code does it fast 'n loose with zero player input, and it sucks in several ways but quality-wise in particular
we take fucking years to get anything done but people seem to like ours for some reason

TG players either greytide or greytide with hats (cat ears) on
Veeky Forums players vary in quality

(Also when shit is never written down you end up having no idea when shit like this stopped being relevant:)

Attached: banned.png (1254x134, 18K)

Nothing has changed significantly in about a year.

TG is still as close as you can get to random deathmatch without being hippie. Yes, people are EXPECTED to abandon their department to run around with a fireaxe as soon as a valid is announced. Yes, people literally say "Thx" in character. Yes, they still have way more game modes and weird oddities like chat wheels.

Veeky Forums is still the only transparent server that posts bans and logs publicly. Veeky Forums's probably got a couple new maps since you last played, we have 5 available on round end vote. Taxi and Bus are permanently dead, Deff has undergone major renovations, Packed is the new lowpop map, Bagel is designed to accommodate even higher pop than Deff. Veeky Forums is currently undergoing an alltime low player spell particularly in the early morning America/prime time Australia timezone but it's still "okay" at prime time American time.

Veeky Forums = good
TG = bad
Veeky Forums = dead

What counts as "okay"? Any reason for the lowpop other than kids in school? I'm in EU so more concerned about that timezone.