League of Legends general - /lolg/

Morde Rework When Edition

Old Thread

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How do we fix e-sports?

LoL just isn't growing in viewers in the west

>ywn ask Cassiopeia to be your valentine

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>I'm almost 100% certain after those 3 it's Kayle and Morgana, Kayle with a Xin level rework and Morg with just a visual update
Morgana getting little more than a visual update, huh? Can't say I'd mind that much. Would be neat if she could combine spell based on order used, giving the second spell some properties of the first on its next cast.

Soraka is for ____

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>autofill first time top laner who didn't dodge
>first time eve jungle who ints my lane double buffs at 3 minutes
>ping on my way as i'm roaming bot and the 20% hp chink ADC goes stealth as twitch and tries to 1v2 the enemy bot lane before I'm even there
Those fucks don't deserve to be carried.

new draft for pro scene

once a champion is picked, it's out of the champion pool within that specific set for the rest of that specific set

forced variety, but it would force pros to play more than 16~ champions within a set which in itself seems interesting enough on its own.

violent sex in the missionary position.

I really, really, REALLYA need some champions for carrying silver V
Please name some good hypercarries for low divisions


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morde yorick yi

FUCK morde and FUCK morde players. You fucks are literal edge fags that no one likes.

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You can literally play anything and make it work in that shit elo

Holy fuck if you gave me a night with her I'd treat her right

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>You fucks are literal edge fags that no one likes.
whats edgy about morde. hes just a big hollow shell of armor equivalent of dante

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something with a pre-20 min power spike that doesn't need to rely on teammates... not sivir.

There's nothing wrong with being a penis loving faggot

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Fellow Irelia lover please stop. Last Morde I encountered was a bro who went ADC because of people and their champ select stubbornness. We won.

Perfect splash, perfect music


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>I'm an ADC main

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Kill yourself faggot, i will pick illaoi and stomp you into the ground.

>mfw slightly hype because there might be a cinematic for the irelia release

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i will miss those headphones

yes but I want it the easy way with hypercarries

>draw a generic slut
>somehow call it Irelia

nailed it

play vayne


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Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.

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>how to protect your virginity a basic guide

Hey /lolg/, is there a champion you used to love but can't play anymore because how bad it is to play them now? You remember exactly when the sparkle died?

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How long does 1-30 take now?

Irelia. When they took her E ap ratio from x1 to 0.2.

When they gave him a visual overhaul

when they removed the corrupting pot interaction from kayn passive
fuck that german cuck for making toplane kayn bros wait another fucking patch too

I liked playing K6 in lane, not jungle

Literally forever.

Mundo is pretty much unplayable right now. Only reason his winrate is above 30 is how weak top lane is over all.

What's your fascination with dicks, user?

I miss old fiora with the omnislash

>Jhin is tier 2 on opgg now
Is he back bros?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

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Why is every kaisa build I see just standard? How come nobody is building shit like rageblade?

Because Rageblade is shit on her.

Ranked soon... can't wait to be bronze ;_;

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I don't know. Dicks are hot. Guys are hot. I'm lonely.

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Why is it that every Udyr I run into plays Trick2g's shitty play style. Take every buff, never gank, never help team, take all lane and jungle farm. Then proceed to lose.

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i thought her passive proc is suppose to be a huge chunk of her damage?

Vagoos are cuter.

>girls are yucky
>plays ezreal

>cucking ebin outplay champs as malzahar

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>dicks are hot
only uncut ones

Alright /lolg/, which league slut Has the biggest dick?

Girls ARE yucky though.

Sure but between your W and allied CC you don't need Rageblade to keep using it. Also having to ramp up 6 autos in a fight and forced to keep autoing to keep up the passive is garbage on a champ with 500 range where you have to be very specific about your positioning and how you fight.

Slightly tweak a champion to make them viable in Pro Play.


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Pixelbutts if you're here
Thank you :)

>Thank you
for what, fag

malzahar is total cancer, kill yourself

Telling me how to the client to Japanese

Riven. I love her but I can't play endless games just to be stuck in silver when I can play Ahri instead and get plat in the time it would take me to get okay at Riven.

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She's so easy dude, it takes like 1-2 hours of practicing animation cancelling and other tricks in practice mode to get good at her


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What about learning every match up and not fucking up your mechanics on top the macro aspect of the game. Even top tier Rivens like Adrian and Dekar fuck up occasionally.

Of course I can learn her but I don't want to spend a lot of time in low elo just because I suck at a champ when I can pick up Ahri and make the push for Diamond this season.

I'm gonna play Shyvana in the top lane with glacial augment and there is nothing you can do to stop me!

*bans shyvana*

weak willed faggot
do everyone a favor and remove yourself from the genepool

Yeah I can. *dodges*


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Top lane isn't really weak, it's just completely irrelevant
You can go 6/0 in lane and it wont matter in the slightest
Only thing that has an impact on the game is if your botlane is fed or not

better way to put is that adc and support are so fucking broken they eclipse every other role by a large ass margin

seriously though they gutted malzahar's damage. now he's all about that balanced 50% aoe silence uptime

>go 6/0 in lane
>walk down bot
>double kill
>take towers
>take dragons
maybe if you're playing fucking mundo yeah but fiora rengar sion jax riven aatrox garen vlad swain akali rumble kled panth can win the game on their own
or autistic splitpushers like yorick nasus and tryn who take top inhib while the morons are dancing around mid or drag

sorry i mean 65% silence uptime enjoy playing illaoi into that you FUCKS

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I keep getting troll supports and winning anyway.

warwick, ashe, camille... lol

>double killing anything through 6000 hp worth of shields at level 6

I would rather have troll supports than mastery 7 Sonas.

I have yet to win a game with one of those boosted fucks.

You don't even really need to know the full animation cancel for riven until like plat you know. As long as you get down the aa reset with your Q.
Auto attack - anim cancel with first Q - AA - anim cancel with second Q etc etc. That's literally all you need to know. You don't need to start clicking behind you and infront until you get to a much higher elo.
Make sure to get down her tricks though like the E, W, Q quick press to shit them all out and anim cancel in a split second.

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best champion

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>lux brand and viegar
l o l

going to main jungle since retards need to be spoon fed in order to to win games

what jungler should i main to get out of plat


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I'm reading this "very interesting" trashtalking interwiev which was on the front page on client.
So to get this clear the reason you shoudln't do it because the guy who you talk to doesn't know what that you are just playing with him.
>doublelift as example
I mean come the fuck on dude lmao
>“I don’t trash talk in chat,” Doublelift says, “because I'm afraid that people would perceive me as this really toxic person who rages when he loses.”

Who the fuck likes to lose, I mean really?
Who is this guy trying to fool? He was constantly called out for making the worst fucking decisions and always needed a someone who watches over him, because of his bad decision making, even if he was mechanically good. (If you count that Vayne was an incredibly broken piece of shit back then)

This whole article is like that league players are role models or some shit? Your shitty game is represented by Tyler who is literally the most popular LoL streamer for a very good reason.
Rank1 players are even fucking worse than tyler1.
People love doing this shit, and even seeing it.
Its not the people's fault that watching someone raging over a video game being more fun than the actual game.

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If dodging wasnt punished ranked would be much more fun, this way I can only play 2 or 3 games a day.

Hmm... I wonder

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Don't you mean with?!?!?!

>lux brand and veigar

Will Conqueror be good on Yasuo?

If Android 17 is a good guy then why does he fuse with the evil Android 17 in GT?

Why did none of you niggers tell me about Vel'koz?

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tanks/fiora/gp aren't irrelevant
if enemy botlane isn't fed, fed fighters can still carry easily
its just that if the enemy bot is fed and the allied top is fed, the enemy ADC will almost always win

Make your 3 most played all yordles please. It's only the right thing to do.

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We did fag you just didn't listen

If could add one ability or item from a different game into league (with some minor tweaks to balance it out), which one would it be?
You can add new mechanics.

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