Is he the most based monarch of all time?
Is he the most based monarch of all time?
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>depend on Russians being Prussiaboos to not have your country raped
However, Leuthen remains an amazing battle in his repertoire.
t. Pollack
Everyone needs a little luck now and again. The guy still pretty much won a war fighting against most of the great powers of the day simultaneously.
>t. Pollack
Imperial citizen of His Highness' Kingdom of France* buddy, though I'll concede that us and the poles have our distate for some countries sometimes intertwined and entangled together. So fair enough that you thought of me as one.
>Everyone needs a little luck now and again.
For sure, and I was even embracing that there were exploits of his owed only to his brillance, rather than them stemming from sheer luck, but at some point you'll have to acknowledge that "The guy still pretty much won a war fighting against most of the great powers of the day simultaneously." is sometimes a bit misleading. It'd be better phrased as "he won the war for a time", because these days, people touched only by the "he won a war fighting the great powers of the day!" believe that he had such a streak of victories until he'd occupied Paris, Vienna and St Petersburg, which is pverblowing things for a guy that had Berlin besieged for a short while.
Hope I didn't seem too butthurt. He's a fantastic commander, but lest we forget he had his lucky charms on him.
Frederick is the paradigm of fortune favors the bold. At the end it all came down to luck, but war was unavoidable due to the politics that were brewing in the mid 18th century.
>Brilliant strategist
>One of the founders of German maneuver warfare
>Talented musician
>Skilled statesman
The true Enlightened Despot
>teleports behind
>ravages your rear with superior Companion Cavalry
>"Psh... nothing personal kid"
Are heterosexual monarchs allowed too or is it LGBT only?
His father was cool too. His response to letters is pretty hilarious
10 November 1731: Ivatyhoff, the Brandenburg Agent in Copenhagen, requests an increase in his allowance. [Frederick William: ‘The rasckal wants an increase – I’ll count it out on his back’]
27 January 1733: Letter proposing that von Holtzendorff be sent to Denmark [Frederick William: ‘To gallows with Hotzedorff [sic ] how dare you sujest me this rogue but as he’s a curr he’s good enough for the gallows go tell hym that’]
5 November 1735: Report from Kuhlwein [Frederick William: ‘Kuhlwein is an idiott he can kis my arss’]
19 November 1735: Order to Kuhlwein [Frederick William: ‘You filth don’t interfeer in my family or youll find there’s a barrow waiting for you in Spandau fortress’]20
fags make the best monarchs
The latter half of the 18th century seems like it was full of pretty great Enlightened despots. Frederic, Charles III of Spain, Gustav III of Sweden and Joseph II were all pretty good. In a perfect world and when done correctly, Enlightened absolutism seems like the overall best form of government.
No its vlad the impaler
I do like that for quite a while, the worst thing you could call someone was a rascal or scoundrel.
I heard he used to beat Frederick as a kid sometimes.
He was a real asshole. He always played pranks on this intellectual named Gundling.
>In February 1714, the king demanded that he deliver a lecture before the assembled guests on the existence (or not) of ghosts while taking regular draughts of strong drink. After much raucous hilarity, two grenadiers escorted the inebriated commercial councillor back to his room, where he shrieked with terror at the sight of a figure draped in a white sheet emerging from a corner. Provocations of this kind soon became the norm. Gundling was confined in a chamber where the king kept a number of young bears while fireworks were rained down into the room from above; he was forced to wear outlandish courtly attire modelled loosely on French fashions, including a towering wig in an outdated style that had belonged to the previous king; he was force-fed laxatives and locked in a cell overnight; he was pressed into a pistol duel with one of his chief tormentors, the joke being that everyone but Gundling knew that the weapons contained no shot. When Gundling refused to grasp or fire his gun, his opponent discharged a spray of burning powder into his face, setting fire to his wig, to the huge hilarity of all present. He was prevented by his debts from leaving Berlin and constrained by the pleasure of the king his master to return daily to the scene of his humiliations, where his honour and reputation were martyred for the amusement of the royal court. Under these pressures, Gundling’s liking for drink soon developed into fully fledged alcoholism, a weakness that, in the eyes of his detractors, merely enhanced his suitability for the role of court fool
When Gundling died, he was dressed like an idiot and made into a state attraction and then buried in a coffin made to look like a barrel.
>Hey Alexander, how many levels of conquering are you on right now
>I don't know maybe 4 or 5
>You are like little baby watch this
He actually beat him regularly, even in the presence of others, and humiliated him publicly.
Enlightened absolutism only works if you can insure your successor is enlightened as well. Every monarch you just listed had a shitty heir that undid some of their best achievements.
Don't forget, Frederick William was known to be incredibly frugal, allowing for the kingdom to build up a massive warchest (which his son would use). On the other hand, he forced Frederick II to watch his best friend get killed.
best """"friend""""". yeah...
Pepe Frederick William and Wojak Gundling edit when?
Excerpt from "Iron Kingdom," right? I'm reading that at the moment.
I love Frederick
>gay, but not in a faggy way
>loved music and art
>hated polacks
>utter bros with britain
>made Prussia a great power alone