Today leave the nocoiner life

So, I am leaving the nocoiner life and finally buying for the first time today.

I am verified on Kraken/Bittrex/Coinbase and am ready to invest 1.5k into coins.

I'm willing to play short and long depending on the coin.

So Veeky Forums how would you split up 1.5k USD into coins?

I want to play it on the somewhat "safer" side and don't want to put more than 50% of my investment into meme moon coins.


Other urls found in this thread:

I just want to know this whole tax/cashout thing


no one cares faggot fuck off

XBY, DGB and Ripple are going hot. BAT will be released in 2 weeks which I suggest looking into.

So everyone here will meme you into losing all your money, I'm gonna give you some real advice here now.

20 percent Monero
20 Percent ETC
20 percent Litecoin
5 percent Maidsafe
10 percent Mid tier Coins like Digibyte
5 percent Meme tier gambling level like xby

I went with 30% BTC, 30% ETH, 20% XRP, 10% LTC, and a handful of 2% alts. XRP running up put it about on par with what I have in ETH and BTC, and in not going to worry about rebalancing until my next deposit is available. LTC has been a disappointment, but whatever.

i'm a non-coiner too. which meme-coins are the most promising in the long run? i'm planning to put like 100$ on those.

literally ALL of them have already mooned and are at their ATH you fucking scamming fuck
you could as well recommend him buying bitbean when you're at it

60% ETC
20% BTC
20% Monero

Did you verify your 1500 or do you mean that your accounts are set up? If you didn't verify the 1500 you'll have to wait a week on Coinbase for your BTC and ETH to arrive before you can start to trade them.

I put $100 into ripple and $2000 into eth two weeks ago. let's just say I wish I had went all in on ripple instead.

send bitcoins to the beggars on Veeky Forums ;)

I am verified with the sites but not with the money transfer. Just put it in this morning so about a week to decide how to invest.

Buy 60% BTC and 40% ETH now so you can trade with them when you decide. Most of the shitcoins use BTC to trade with so don't hesitate to get it.

I put my $1500 into a BTC order via coinbase. BTC arrives Monday the 22nd.

Nice, now just read everything you can about crypto and pay attention to the market over the next week. I don't want to tell you what to invest in because that could all change in a week desu. Maybe this could help you:

Also, Blockfolio is a great app to help you manage your coins. You can download it now and plug in your current data to get started, since you are officially not a nocoiner anymore. Congrats!


holy fuck my digits.

literally all will get you Lambo the question is when,
XRP gonna moon tho

>solid advice
>Mexican dinero
top fucking kek user

theres some solid advice here for sure, but to address your point of "playing it safe" stick to bitcoin, at least 50% in bitcoin

>getting cucked by shitbase's 1.50% fee
>lost 23 bucks
>waiting a whole fucking week, who knows what the market will do in that time

coinbase cucks never learn

No you stupid cunt, BAT is still a viable option.