World of Warcraft General /wowg/

Ion is always high edition

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Blood of Sargeras to gold:


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First for KT females are hideous

>male human warrior

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nth for perfection

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Join Argent Dawn EU-Alliance!
You can /w anyone for an invite

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Seriously need to know who this artist is because that is fucking adorable.

>Finding horned blue-skinned women with hooves attractive


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do spacegoats have cold or hot blood?

Anduin is the son of Arthas and Jaina

Condoms don’t exist in WoWverse
Arthas didn’t pull out when he fucked her
Jaina breastfeeds Anduin

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who else thinks ion is a cute

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Maybe I've been away too long and dont know what changes they made, but can someone explain what the fuck is going on here? How the fuck is there a NIGHT ELF PALADIN, in a horde instance?...A night elf paladin? And in a horde dungeon? How?

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look at the buffs noob

When does this stupid fucking Worldsplitter Skuul spawn?

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there are toys that can change your appearance
pic related in this case

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also, why am i seeing all this guy's quest stuff..? Lot of weird stuff happened in this dungeon

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He's a stud no doubt, but, he hits the bong too much.

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Sometimes I just want black coffee. Sometimes I just want cheese pizza. Sometimes I just want vanilla ice cream.

And sometimes, I just want to play as a human in World of Warcraft.

I want to see his hs graduation pic and get a quantifiable measure of how many years law school takes off your life

>has a buff that literally has a disguise as an icon
>obviously never played the game before
>h-haha i just have been away for very VERY long
horde player intelligence everyone

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I've only played vanilla and I also don't get whats happening here

also when did deadmines become a horde dungeon?

thats an annoying addon fitting for his annoying name

Sure, I'll probably do it. I'm not too attached to the guild I'm on atm, and I'm ok with playing my dworf again.

are there any wowg guilds on area 52?

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So got a new computer coming and should be able to run everything maxed for the first time ever, my old pc couldnt even handle the new models, what zones should i level through on the hunter for max comfy? going lightforged.

tfw no undead gf to play with my hooves and make me feel special

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my stereotypes of people who play each race

humans - boring as fuck and also tend to think they're the hottest shit in PVP and instances. Often aren't that great though.
night elves - were once considered weird sexual types but now that seems to have faded. Not as prevalent now with new elf allied races. Often tend to be pretty cool and good at the game.
Dwarves - Hardly ever seem to talk. Not that great either.
Gnomes - Memers
Dranei - l, kind of quiet, pretty good at the game, but also tends to be really weird
Worgen - Sort of like night elves in that they used to be considered just furries, but from my experience Worgen players are pretty cool, probably among the cooler players on Alliance

Orcs - Surprisingly its very different from human players. Orc players tend to be the most chill players in the game and also quite skilled. Don't even see Orcs as often anymore.
Troll - Quiet, decent at the game, but when they do talk its oddly critical
Tauren - Sort of like Dranei players, they are quiet, often pretty good, but strange, often kind of "slow". Tend to think they're way better players than they are.
Undead - Often the worst at the game
Blood Elf - Obnoxiously common and because of that its a wide range. Usually tend to be either really good and really cool, or really bad and dumb.
Goblin - Sort of like gnomes in that its often just memers, but dont tend to be as annoying or "look at me!" as gnome players are

Pandaren - Most of the players I've seen tend to be really cool and good at the game. Like Worgen I think they get unfairly hated on for being furries. The weird sexual stuff I often see in the game hardly ever comes from these players though.

do you even think before making htis kind of post


>friend raids 3 times a week
>still not finished with antorus
How do I tell him that no one gives a shit anymore

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>Dwarves - Hardly ever seem to talk. Not that great either.

>humans - boring as fuck and also tend to think they're the hottest shit in PVP and instances. Often aren't that great though.

>night elves - were once considered weird sexual types but now that seems to have faded. Not as prevalent now with new elf allied races. Often tend to be pretty cool and good at the game.

>Dranei - l, kind of quiet, pretty good at the game, but also tends to be really weird

>Worgen - Sort of like night elves in that they used to be considered just furries, but from my experience Worgen players are pretty cool, probably among the cooler players on Alliance

so youre a hordebab humhumhumhmhm


where might i find one of these guilds?

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>autistic losers
x races
my race

10-12 years ago Horde was considered dominant at PVP and better players in general, but that seems to have shifted, now seems like the best players are on Alliance. When did this shift occur and why?

not the c word nooooooooooooo

Why do they have to use Lore for the Q&A? I honestly can't fucking stand looking at him

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> Not playing a male human warrior

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Argus is hard la

who the fuck would actually look at this and choose horde

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stfu nazi

who is "who one"

>pampered soyboy humans
>strong and fierce badasses
choice seems easy to me

what other toys besides sin'dorei orb that change only race? but leave your armor?

People don't care as much as you think about factions, its more about what they're friends are playing and which side has their preferred race

>leveling a new horde character
>questing in the northern barrens

Man, so many feels here. This zone just feels so isolated from the rest of the world, the music is so great and so sad, and the whole zone just has this feeling of desperation. There's one quest where this Orc tells you his family was killed by quillboars, so he wants you to kill as many as you can. And I love seeing the gazelles frolic around.

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I finally have this sword. Do I get a headpiece or remain helmet-less? I was thinking one of those crown-tiara things maybe.

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>as you think
Nobody thinks that. We are all aware the autismlords promoting faction wars on Veeky Forums are just memeing.

hi friend!

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most fun to lease fun healing classes? my ranking

resto druid
mistweaver monk
resto shaman
discipline priest
holy priest
holy paladin

Damn, your character looks just like literally every single lightforged draenei ever.

>Zuldazar is a thriving port where many neutral races come to do business with the Zandalari (and the Horde)
>Boralus is some shitty backwater port where only humans live, cut off from the world, and their first contact in years is the Alliance
Defend this, Allianceshits.

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Can't decide what shaman spec to play.

resto druid
holy pally
disc priest
resto shaman
holy priest
mistweaver monk

Does anyone else just hate Tauren and their entire vibe? They seem to have this "we are spiritual" thing nonstop and yet it feels like an act. They act like the most noble good guys and I find it kind of obnoxious.

I really like these new gloves with shit stacked on top that we have now on legion.

enhancement shaman is damn fun. i remember when i was first leveling a shaman, i thought it was so fucking boring because it was waiting for the slow elemental spells. but once i changed spec to enhancement I was blown away, its totally different and much faster

Yep. Got a problem with that? Because I'm fine with it.

I hate Nu-Dalaran. It's beautiful in Northrend but the Legion version feels like all the color is sucked out.


>"noble good guys"
>constantly accept all the war crimes that the Horde commits
>there's even a Tauren in Ashenvale who's ecstatic to join the Horde war machine in ripping up Kalimdor
They definitely contradict their own philosophies, at the very least.

How can the alliance ever recover?

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how the fuck can horde/sylvanas have any moral highground after burning teldrassil to the ground? that seems like the most plain evil thing they could do.

>join group as a tank
>healer marks you with a skull

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What fucking retard follows Sylvanas? If the rest of the Horde broke off from her they'd manage just fine.

xth for fluffy

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question to tanks: do you like it when healer druids cast all those spells on you nonstop with birds flying and shit? or do you find it annoying

I like the hip plates personally, like on the ToS paladin and warrior sets

It's literally already been datamined that tyrande burns down the tree because she'd rather let it burn than let the horde invade it.

Also the alliance attacked lordaeron.

I really don't see why the alliance are so upset about "muh lordaeron" the undead in the undercity are literally are lordaeronians that were ressed because the alliance were too inept to save their own people and sylvanas gave them a second chance at life.

They are literally attacking it for no reason.

>What fucking retard follows Sylvanas?

The entire Horde apparently when they accepted her as warchief. I really hope in BfA Sylvanas is a villain and the Horde casts her out.

>pls dont attack our capital


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Holy shit I haven't seen that guy since gamerbreaker tv

>you get to break into the horde capital, destroy it and kill its leaders in SoO
>but the horde gets a badass moment in a quest preceding it while alliance doesn't, such horde bias, reeeee
Nobbel is a fucking mongoloid.

Teldrassil is vastly important to Azeroth. One fucking undead city is not.

>It's literally already been datamined that tyrande burns down the tree because she'd rather let it burn than let the horde invade it.
Where, you stupid fucking retard? All that has been datamined so far is that Sylvanas wanted to attack Teldrassil to secure Azerite in Kalimdor for the Horde.

Is Blizzard destroying two of the best starting zones in the game to make people more excited for Classic?

>things faggot elves believe

it's a tree. Get over it

Its also isolated as fuck so its not like it would seem necessary in a war. Why not attack Stormwind or Ironforge? I mean, burning down fucking Teldrassil, such a beautiful and spiritual place of mostly peaceful druids? I don't get it. If the Horde actually ends up endorsing it they will seem like the biggest pieces of shit.

>Start doing cata/pandarian dungeons
>Get thrown into so many failing/doomed groups
>Run out of patience and berate all the players for being shitters who keep standing in shit who can't interrupt anything
>Wait for kick and repeat

While I get that a large portion of the leveling dungeons are more difficult now than even when it was relevant content, that still does not excuse so many players being genuinely awful at this game

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Yeah, okay, let's just go burn down Hyjal and see how that goes, then.

Any chance Worgen get a new city, or Gilneas is opened back up, and Night Elves have a refuge there? A Worgen city would be pretty damn neat.

Probably not, it would create faction imbalance and we can't have that bro.

No because then they'd have to do something for the Horde, as well.

>another xpac of alliance and dindu tears
it's going to be glorious

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Everything is fair after humans decided to exterminate all undead. All humans deserve death from plague and those stupid enough to befriend them shall go with them.

Holy fuck Bloodmyst Isle is top tier leveling zone now

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t. wants to fuck a corpse and doesn't care about the story

go for it.

>anime picture
>shit opinion
drink some bleach friend

they're not gonna burn it down...are they?

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>picking up and doing 14 quests at once is shit

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Archimonde wanted Hyjal to suck the power from it. Otherwise, it doesn't fucking matter. Treehuggers BTFO