/2hug/ - Touhou General - #132

Happy Birthday Zun-sama! edition
Previous thread >What is this game?
Touhou is a bullet hell series made by ZUN where cute girls have tea and snacks with other cute girls.

>I have questions!
pastebin.com/PMpRnhmb (Includes FAQ, netplay guide, 1cc charts and more)

>Where can I get the games?
moriyashrine.org/ (For separate game downloading)
nyaa.si/view/979648 (All in one pack)

>Touhou 16 and 15.5 on steam! Please support the official release.

>Introduction and tips for new players~

>Download and apply Vpatch for reduced lag, MoF MarisaB glitch fix, extremely high FPS fix and Windowed screen adjustment (Search ‘vpatch tutorial’ on youtube if you have problems installing it)

>Fangames pastebin (Contains a fixed version of FMW2 without the game-breaking bug)

>/2hug/ Highscore Spreadsheet! (If you want to submit a score, use the term 'score' somewhere in your post)

Chug! Chug! Chug!

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Since Jesus apparently exists in the Touhou universe. Who do you think he would get along with if he traveled to Gensokyo?

Silly user, everyone knows he's the Hakurei God.

literally everyone but Sakuya, who is an atheist.

>literally everyone

Eh. I know Jesus is a forgiving guy. But i think he would have some problems with at least a few of the characters.

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It's not ZUN's birthday anymore you fucking laggard-clock Westerners. If you didn't celebrate it yesterday then it's too late, you failed!

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Seiga and Seija are the only truly evil 2hus.

i fell in love with shion help