theres been enough asuka debating already, someone say something dumb about a different character
Charles Green
Jack is not top tier.
Jose Hernandez
there is nothing to debate
Adam Moore
thats true though, I dont think anyone can say hes on the same level as dj or drag
Dominic Scott
In fact a character that can't sidestep is necessarily bottom tier. He just has very good players.
Isaiah Wood
t. asutard
Nicholas White
not an argument.
Jace Fisher
Imagine not being able to fight asuka
Parker Green
But I want to play Leo
Cooper Nelson
Jack isn't SS tier but he is high tier alongside the other top 10 His lack of sidestep is a legit weakness as it should be because otherwise he'd have no weakness >muh panic tools play better
Austin Wood
Imagine being an asuka main
Isaac James
Imagine being a gay ginger Asuka main
Joseph Adams
imagine actually playing tekken
Ayden Gonzalez
Who is the top ten? DJ, Drag, Jack, Paul, who else?
Just for you. On an unrelated note, I just learned that so much of Byran's shit after a b1 mix up can be side walked left. I can't explain how great learning this feel. I haven't put this in an actual game yet, but I feel like I'm a step closer to figuring out my worst matchup.
I'd highly recommend Hwoarang or even Master Raven based on those merits. Hwoarang has great range, safe moves and speed. Master Raven is nice for her mix-ups, speed and flashy moves. I think Vega likens a bit more to MR out of the two, but there ya go
John Allen
Since Vega is gay, I recommend Jin or King
Hudson Miller
For real though were they at the tourney?
Ian Jenkins
Is there a list of all the abbreviations on the frame data link in the OP?
Mason Harris
Sooooooo, what's the point of making a lobby with public slots if you're just going to kick every fucking person that enters? Just make them all private slots or are your extra chromosomes not allowing you to think that far ahead?
What the fuck community, pull your heads out of your goddamn asses.
what rank ausbro? I usually can find ranked matches decently fast but im only green. also it can be slow during working hours or really late at night also check your settings, I search 3 bar and any rank when its slow or 4 bar normally, our net is still shit
Oliver King
yea but some aren't there thanks, any idea of ar, pc, and just a? Also wtf does ~ mean? I guessed it meant between 17 and 18 at first, but theres some that are like 1 ~ 20 or something
Alexander White
1~20 or other big numbers signify delayed strings, or increased block from charged attacks.
Mason Peterson
pc would most likely be power crush (so how many frames before the power crush starts and the move armours through any hits)
Carter Roberts
Give me some Dragunov mix ups right now
Jordan Lewis
Jose Perry
>iWR2 and D2
Note this mixup doesn't work on Devil Jin.
Isaiah Turner
has anyone used tekkenbot in a while? Mines not working again
Mason Gray
Aiden Green
King of Iron Fist Tournament Tag 3
Bentley Gutierrez
Trying to figure out my main, does any character have a dab?
Yes they steal the turn by crushing (evading) an opponent's attack. That is defensive. Another reason I would class them as defensive attacks is the fact that they are best used only against the specific things they are good against (highs or lows) reason being that if you use them against say, a df1, you will get floated for whatever damage the opponent gets off of their float combo and also they are only good in specific situations (slightly negative to positive) because if you do them while too negative you won't crush anything. Moreover the fact that they do not give Asuka any pressure after they are blocked means they can only be used as a defense against the move that they are attempting to crush and if that fails your offense is forced to stop.And no all of them are used to condition your opponent to not press buttons on minor + frames so it's easier for you to continue pressure it's not true, proving that asuka not only is a poke based character and not a gorilla that plays at range 0 but showing that crushing moves, safe counter hit launchers and parries allows Asuka to be a master of defensive tekken like Steve or Ling
Jack James
>hey mom i posted it again xD
Owen Gray
>verse training boar mishima >crouch >he literally buckles and doesn't rematch me
I wonder how Chanel and Saint feel always being second to their best friends.
When was the last time Saint ever won against JDCR?
And even though Chanel has won a couple of times against Knee, he loses far more often than wins.
Luke Morales
I think Saint should just play another character vs JDCR, not being able to sidestep WR2 kinda fucks him over hard
Jacob Brooks
It's funny because both Chanel and Saint use characters that aren't top tier, while Knee and JDCR play with god tier characters. Really makes you think.
JDCR has always performed better than Saint, even when Saint was a dirty Bob player. IDK about Chanel but Knee is arguably the GOAT and has had more tourney success with Steve and Paul than he's had with DJ and Dragunov.
Hudson Gutierrez
Leo qcf1 is the cleanest dab you will ever see
Jaxson Price
>It's funny because both Chanel and Saint use characters that aren't top tier Jack mains at it again
Aaron Jackson
>JDCR has always performed better than Saint, even when Saint was a dirty Bob player