user what is it that you're not understanding here? It's an account. For storage. Of my money. Except instead of storing my money in a savings account where I earn 0.00001% interest, it's in an account where I own VOO and gets me 8% a year including dividends.
>have 15k in my checking account where I pay bills out of
>have 80k in my IRA
>have 35k in my daytrading account
>currently have 110k in an account where VOO is my primary asset
>when daytrading account approaches 50k, money withdraw to the VOO account back to 35k
>when checking account gets to 10k, add 5k from the VOO account
>when I want to add funds to my IRA, add from the VOO account.
What's so confusing here? Are you saying that being an investor and a daytrader is impossible because you believe daytrading is a scam? Just because most people lose money daytrading doesn't mean that I do. I have a very specific strategy which uses technical analysis, I'm not some random "buy low and try and sell high but usually sell lower because I still bought too high" person who thinks they're an investor