League of Legends General /lolg/

Crimson Lord edition


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1st for best champion.

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People who main champions because they are sexually attracted to them are the worst
Fight me

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you're reatrded and purpously misquoted apdo, he never said he's too strong, he said he has a very strong laning phase wich then leadsd to people getting overconfident, wich is very different from just "too strong"

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>enemy jungler tries to steal our red
>mid doesn't move
>adc doesn't move

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>tfw I wasn't sexually attracted to Vlad until that sweet battlemage gameplay got really under my skin
necromancy is gay because it involves working with bones

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was meant for

whatever you say

i boost people for money quite easily using this busted champion

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>making your two carries lose farm because you are shit

>second post in early thread
You are among the worst.

im not saying he's shit, but he's far from the most broken champion in the game, you noobstomping with a character meant for noobstomping means dick, you could've used wukong or fiora for what matters

>champion is busted because I’m winning in a lower elo

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>having shit mid/bot lanes that can't pressure

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No the worst ones are the ones that main extremely binary or straight forward champions like Annie, Karthus, Lux, Olaf, Malphite, Skarner, Sejuani, Garen, Leona, Shyvana, Trundle, Teemo, Tryndamere, Zac, Yorick, Vi, etc...etc...because they lack the brain capacity for the slightest bit of complexity in a kit. These are also the brainlets that whine when a champ gets improved through a rework because they can't mindlessly smash buttons anymore.

I mean they'd get gold for the kill so I don't see a huge issue. Not like they were pushed under the tower or anything.

>t. 0/4

my team holds me back in high elo

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based yasuomains triggering silvers

Who were you playing?

unless one of those lanes was pushed and free, you have no right to say this and they don't have to lose CS and XP because you're a monkey who gets countered

>buy RP for Bullet Angel Kai'sa and GGMF
>wait to hear reception
>kaisa sucks and GGMF is just plain bad
>not sure what to spend accumulated RP on
>Irelia rework incoming
awwwwww yis

so apparently this is the final product for the new MF ultimate skin. What do you guys think ? is it worth ? and how would you rank it

Why do junglers gank top lane? I don't get it...

a solid 8/100

the ai is annoying and has burch wirtten all over it. I will int on anyone in my teams that uses this skin (on smurfs)

>not sure what to spend accumulated RP on

Do you guys like Raziel too?

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>play top
>get fed 7/0
>doesn't matter because the enemy botlane is 14/x/13 combined and i get peeled to death 1v2
I want the assassin meta back and I want it to be more cancerous than ever so botlane mains will kill themselves.

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I give it a never/ever, anyone who buys this contributes nothing than to otherwise funding the progressive decline of skin quality and increase of waifubait TRASH

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>complaining about straigthforward and simple champs that dont need to press all keys to do ebin combos

Prefer Kain myself but he's pretty cool.

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The only ultimate skin that is and will ever be worth the price tag is spirit guard Udyr. The other skins of the tier are either shit or have cheaper choices that are just as good if not better.

what if the enemy mid follows and yours get killed?
or theenemy mid just shoves yours and loses farm and cant recover?

post skins that make your champion feel smoother and more comfortable to play

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the fucking robot ruins that

Vladfag ily

good goy

Doesn't stop it from being Waifubait trash though. It's just shitty waifubait

y-you too


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It's better certainly. I'd only buy it if I was an MF main though.


its bad, it could have been better
riot is fucking up a lot, i hope it continues so irelia turns out to be shit too and watch the waifufags and previous """mains""" cry and complain

Kain Raziel were such a good duo man (dont ship them, they're pure)

Nigger I bought SGU on its release sale and it STILL wasn't worth the price tag then. Don't buy into release hype kiddos, kills your wallet. At the very least DJ and Elementalist are neat for the transformation gimmick but it's hard to ever justify buying a skin for $25.

Blue skins are usually pretty comfy.

>see the spotlights for the new Galio skin
>buy RP after next paycheck
>get M7 on Galio earlier today
>fully prepared for the new skin, the chromas, and the ward
Feels good

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Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!

*blocks your path*

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All skins released for girls are shitty waifubait
All skins released for guys are either edgy shit or meme shit both aimed at underaged players with their mom's credit cards.

Yeah riot needs to be taken off their high horse. I can see how they have a lot of pride due to league being the most viewed game on twitch. But alot of the changes they've been making have been retarded. Wicked admits that he hates what they're doing and apparently Neace is quitting league for fortnite because he doesn't find it fun anymore

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talk about a fucking regress

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God staff Jax ? Arctic gragas ?


God Staff is pretty shit m8. We should've gotten Janitor Jax

>irelia turns out to be shit too

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Both edgy garbage

WK Azir ?

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3 hours and 6 minutes until Irelia's kit is revealed.

I wonder what she thinks of Yasuo,Yi and Zed the gods of ionia. Also it's sad to see her relationship with soraka severed

Am I really gonna have to be forced to play ADC just so I don't get retarded botlanes?

No matter what role I play it's always the ADC that somehow fucks up

>not playing a split pushing top in solo
If you have another lane that knows what to do with a team-comp-top pick then chances are they're good enough to dumpster the other team without you picking one anyway.
If you have teammates that are dumb enough to feed their asses off chances are they'll be the unwarded-jungle-wandering-@15, no-wave-or-objective-controlling, out-of-position pieces of shit that won't know what to do with a team-comp top.
Never assume random teammates know how to win a game.

I feel mid has more impact than bot 2bh.

>Arctic Gragas
Please explain

Are you this guy?

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Yeah but midlaners never really cost me the game with their stupidity

>rengars brother

>Trist walks in her jungle alone
>I kill her because of my R
>she complains about how overpowered Kha'Zix is
Why do ADC players lack self-awareness?

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Bot's easier to fuck up since there's 2 people. I remember losing a game as vayne because my support soraka kept getting hooked. There's absolutely nothing I can do about that.


that was me, and we didnt have a lot to work with back then, after xayah and kayn i coudlnt stand the idea of another edgelord. thankfully i was wrong.



Is Vel'Koz actually broken or is it just crowns autism that makes him so good at it?

>turning a fat, silly drunk into a XD SUPER SERIOUS SOLDIER


>its a riot releases another high mobility champion episode

Her model looks fucking deformed lmao what is this
Kit looks ridiculous though.

When do we get this as a melee champ? The game could do with a new robot champion.

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>dash with reset not just on kill
>some sort of ranged poke skillshot

looking to be overloaded. Im not worried though, she cant be worse than yasuo or ribbon

Crown is just really good at Vel'Koz. Keep in mind that because he plays in the most competitive League of Legends games, pros tend to play it safe early on and Vel'Koz can free farm as a result (as opposed to solo queue where people try to jump on your dick all game because you're squishy and immobile).

>constant dashes
it's just fiora

Pay attention to how many players start randomly walking around unwarded jungle around 15 minutes. Prepare to rage, regardless of playing Kha, because it will happen on your team as much as theirs.

She looks like a midget

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Giving up farm and exp to help out my shitty jungler...

No thanks both chat and pings are muted the second you say anything after getting cucked like the beta you are

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>a gorillion dashes
>an invuln move that absorbs(?) ranged attacks
at least it doesn't look like she has CC anymore. and she's fucking T H I C C.

>ionia's supposed to be runettera's version of asia correct ? Why does she have blue eyes ?
She's the flashiest champ in the game by far. I hope that it's transferred into power

youtube.com/watch?v=5fZiMNo5-uo WHY IRELIA IS SO SHORT?!

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Something is wrong with that hip.

when will they learn?

I'm ready for adjustment, but thematically, this must be the first time that I look at a high mobility champion and think "I want to play this."

Attached: By pixiv's Eramey-エラミ Irelia - League 2.jpg (600x500, 152K)

it was confirmed she still had cc

ah fuck man
>thicc thighs
>long hair

she reminds me of HER

Why do they let flithy niggers like Aphro into the LCS

She stuns Riven in the video.

Because they can spell and proofread unlike (You)

Riot was trying way too hard to go for the thicc meme and ended up with this
It just looks weird.

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>w-what ? She's T H I C C.

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how lo

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Looks fun af.

Literally just to upset you

god-tier thighs