Fighting Games General - /fgg/
Ed will win Capcom Cup 2018. Everyone will complain about him and claim that they knew he was OP the whole time.
Play Spider!
>want to learn a new character
>afraid that I'll forget how to play my main
>afraid I'll get my main and new character moves mixed up and I'll end up with 2 unusuable characters
what do bros
*reads reddit and eventscrubs tier lists*
uhhhh, rashid? broken. menat? broken.
Loli OP best OP
>rashid is balanced because uhhhhh I say so
>two weeks until NCR
We can't just sniffposting for 300+ hours...
Play your old and new character in alternative days. That's how I started to train my flexibility with characters.
Only if there isn't a single Guile in the whole tournament.
this retard is still downplaying rashid lmao
>characters are either broken or balanced
>those feet
why even draw the footfag character if you can't make feet
Menat is literally broken.
Rashid is broken. You're being willfully ignorant if you deny this. The only broken characters in SFV right now are Rashid and Guile. Abigail is stupid but easily dealt with as demonstrated in FR.
should i go with vt1 or vt2 for ibuki
post 30 secs of yourself drawing feet
vt2 i think is the go-to one that every ibuki is using now
I'm not an artist
How is Rashid broken when even at high level people let him get away with murder except people like Infiltration and Tokido who learned the matchup and never lose to Rashid?
there is no broken character in jive, not even abigail
>there is no broken character in jive
vt2 my dude
how do i make friends at locals
not an argument
Watch me
Rashid should be a 900 health character
Y/N ?
that was a close one
guile is close but he has to take some risks and if you read his booms patterns and bait his flashkick you won, still not broken
Legit haven't seen Ibuki VT1 since AE dropped
uhmm... no sweetie
just making fun of this guy
but still, that guy's an amateur and he's trying his best. no point in shitting on someone if they're improving, unless they're public servants or something
if he was a female there would have been no doubt he had the same health and stun as cammy
if you read a boom you get a big jump-in combo into oki and he can't be ready to aa everything, not broken
Rashid should not exist
I have a feeling they're going to nerf Kolin's big thighs to 950...
If they buff his walkspeed then yes I think he's a bit overrated this season.
why is mika lower than kolin? mika is a fatass
I don't think he's broken either, but someone post that webm.
imagine still being triggered by rashid (year 2018)
based kira in the year of our dog
This is how it feels to be a Laura main at all times
SFV females have always been less durable than the males and don't always make up for it with more offensive tools
Are there any Eltnum players here? I'm trying to do 2A 2C 5[C] 421B 236[A] 5B 3[C] 236[B] 22B 66C 22B 66C, but the first 22b refuses to connect no matter what. I've tried delaying the 236[B] as well, but that doesn't really work either.
What exactly did Rose teach her?
She's buff as fuck.
something is wrong with your dog
wtf is street fighter racist?
still waiting on my female big body, bros...
>We can't just sniffposting for 300+ hours...
Why not
is mikeandike /oursperg/?
imagine being a britburka (lmao)
if you're going to filter then go all the way and filter every kind of trash post
>if you read a boom
Well, if you read a command grab you will eat a full combo. If you read a divekick you will eat a punish and an ca. If you read a parry you will eat a full combo...
cant you do 2C after 236[B] and cancel the first hit into 22B?
>Guile has weaknes--
During the development for SF2, one of the designers wanted to give Chun Li 60% of the health as the male characters because girls are weaker. In the end he was overruled
Google it
>hating lil b
Picked up the Arcade Edition of SFV. Not really sure what the pro straits are, so I just picked the coolest looking character and started practicing combos and input moves. If I move into ranked with only basic move and combo knowledge, how badly will I be slaughtered?
On a side note his ultimate is one of the slickest fucking things I have ever fucking seen.
Do you have a single fact to back that up? Especially Fatal Fury since wouldn't fall under Capcom and Bandai's product placement shenanigans.
At that point every single message will be filtered. /fgg/ is a sniff and shitposting board at this point
Imagine filtering these harmless posts instead of the actual rabid shitposting ones.
no, the 2c bounces them up too high, from my testing
all you need to know to win in low ranks of a fighting game is spacing and two good damage combos
>Here, let me show me you my filter
Oh my
The first two only posts like once a thread and is hardly a problem compared to all the shitposting that goes on around here
fuck this fucking game holy shit
i've spent more time looking at the "waiting for your opponent" than actually playing the goddamn game
what game are you talking about
I shitpost or download porn on my computer during the queue
Why are you posting my profile
i'm guessing he is one of the rabid shitposters and he also uses the inline extension lmao
>Want to get better with Ed
>nobody plays Ed so I cant steal teach
I wish he have at least an OH
jwong plays ed sometimes
i find it hilarious that it's only when i defend rashid that i get a triggered poltard projecting
except that guile is going to throw 20 booms per round you just need to read one, how is that broken? is jive the only fighting game you ever played?
Ed doesn't have a single fucking standing overhead? What?
>SFV: 85k Final Round peak
>DBFZ: 56k peak
What do you think would have jape owned if the numbers were reversed?
I actually rarely post in /fgg/ but cannot stop myself from lurking here.
i couldnt find my own since i forgot my fightcade username so i found the most similar one
Just do it, everyone loses at first and that's how you learn to play. Nash is all about space control, so make sure to learn the range of your normals as soon as possible.
And have fun.
who is the best sniff?
Leixia General!
Nope, he just has an instant overhead with
I wish Elena was my gf bros...
wonder woman from injustice 2
VT1 scales way to hard lol.
>Play Cammy! She's a simple sniff to learn the game with!
>900 life and stun
Mmm, hello?
Why did Ibuki and Birdie get fucked up in season 3 but Guile and Rashid and Akuma were left alone? What the fuck is Capcom's problem?