What causes /pol/s problems.
What causes /pol/s problems
Financial insecurity.
Debating on the internet has taught me that I'm a dolt who knows fuck all. All I have is a shoddy framework of history that crumbles a little more every-time I try to drop some knowledge.
I used to be a /pol/lack till I realized just how much it was corrupting my perspective
Comeon now
You have to be very deluded to think that STEM Students don't behave like the way you accuse Poltards of
Kids being insecure about their future and trying to find scapegoats (the jews, the muslims, the chinese or whatever). Their main belief is "It's not my fault, it's X's fault because he's not like me (aka a retard)"
Lots and lots of paranoia I'd wager.
Personally I believe it is their lack of rigout.
>not spend years reading basic philosophy
>consider himself expert on literally everything and will enter in an autistic fit of rage if you say otherwise
not knowing anything, but not realizing it.
Are you implying the picture on the right is desirable in any way? He looks like a faggot.
puberty and angst
first time ive ever heard the term rigout
He looks employable
By your local Starbucks at best.
/pol/ is clearly not the best place to learn about politics, economics, public relations etc. However, they really know about shit when it's not blatant racism, anti-semitism or whatever wets the noodle of the folk at stromfront. You could say that /pol/ let me see how I really cannot trust any type of media and how you can manipulate language in some nasty ways just to fit your narrative. I mean, many of their "statistics" are complete rubish (holohoax for example), but if you deal into the data yourself, there is still many shit to be learned, you just have to avoid concluding that it must then be a Jewish conspiracy.
So you say the left one can work as an astrophysicist or a lawyer ?
Nah more like they're both pretty cringey.
That's just the natural way the body reacts when seeing British people. But don't worry, they evolved differently, and rather, they see everyone as slaves.
Are you saying British people are actually Jews? Because that Harry Potter guy is indeed a Jew IRL.
And humanities students/proffesors stupid superiority complex based on muh feels?
>first guy is Veeky Forums
>second guy is /pol/
It's funny because many on /pol/ either don't care or even support Israel and Jews. Sometimes an Israeli flag posts and others take him seriously and don't attack him.
Not the mention that /pol/ supported a literal pro-Israel candidate and has fantasies about his daughter that converted to Judaism.
Unironic nazis are called "stormfags".
A large share of the post are trolling from people who don't even care about the subject, not from hardcore racists.
Really makes you think.
Pretty accurate.
>lost stormjws routinely come to glorious Veeky Forums for the sheer purpouse of shitposting
>it's gone so far as they don't even hide it anymore
>"""don't think about you at all"""
Ah so ideology should revolve around wealth accumulation and societal acceptance?
Essentially you're promoting a society of silent self-censorship based upon promoted versions of morality.
I wouldn't say so, it's more like leftists on Veeky Forums being super paranoid and witch hunting. For example I get called a /pol/ack all the time on here everytime I express any sort of right wing opinion.
last night there was a thread titled, word for word "why are jews the worst people in history?" with a picture that may have not been related, also the routine holocaust denial and nazi threads and their comments are evidence enough, whatever bubble you're living in is irrelevent
Nah I think the majority of people posting on /pol/ are very serious about what they're saying
Thats right white man, stay soft, effeminate, and avoid any scary emotions like anger, God knows what might happen if you had an identity and weren't just another consumer or self-styled intellectual
/pol/ considers everything that isn't blatant racism a left wing opinion. A large portion of this board are Christians, and right wing values are put forth and argued all of the time, often with success.
But this is the exact retarded mistake you're making, thinking all antisemites or right wingers are from /pol/. I know I sure am not, it's a too fast board for me.
We're not super paranoid, we're on edge because it's a daily bombardment of verbal diarrhea
/pol/tards identify more with consumer culture than anyone on Veeky Forums though.
As opposed to daily Marx threads?
Crippling insecurities and an inability to cope with the modern world
>someones gives their slightly edgy opinion
Look at this thread and tell me you guys aren't overly obsessed with /pol/
>This source is reliable, you just have to ignore the vast majority that is outright wrong.
No I'm saying he's more likely to get a job. In white collar circles at least.
>being christian
Where do you think they come from? Veeky Forums?
Pol is THE breeding ground for pseudo history and conspiracies, you don't find jew hunting on /x/, /int/ or kraut, 2ch or dare I say, infinichan
Marxists don't fling shit in every discussion the way /pol/tards do.
Marx is worth discussing, and that's what we do. You can discuss ideas without subscribing to them. /pol/ is busy planning their hypothetical genocide
>one thread out of one thousand this week HEY U GUUIZZZ R OBSSSESSED LLAWSLZZZ
Shut up retard, you must be over 18 to use this site
>discussing an actual historical figure is worse than denying genocide
>you don't find Jew hunting on infinity
The fucking irony, considering infinity /pol/ is a literal NS echo chamber while Veeky Forums /pol/ is basically just /b/ with a political theme
Also KC is far worse than any other imageboard on Earth
You get called a /pol/lack for egregious shitposting and starting threads that are usual /pol/ fare like "redpill me." Not for holding right wing opinions.
They are much, much worse.
Sure thing, like this self-proclaimed example of a Veeky Forumstorian >mfw this thread
>thinking with your head makes you a cuck
you fucks are just grasping for straws now
This thread is also included
>ignoring the first part of my post
You must have basic reading comprehension to use this site
Face it, /pol/ is your guys' boogeyman
Actually redpill is a standard Veeky Forums lingo used on every board and only some of you newfags on this one consider it a /pol/ exclusive.
my friend started going on /pol/
every second word that comes out of his mouth is "muh globalism"
Good for him, globalism is cancer.
As a Catholic I find much about Marxists that are disagreeable, but compared to some stormsjw from /pol/, it's not even a contest
It's because we don't want Veeky Forums to turn into /pol/ so everyone's on guard.
Who gives a shit, wherever they come from is irrelevant to whatever the discussion is at hand
White collar circles won't hire someone who looks like a tranny.
Tells you a lot about the (((employers)))
/pol/s biggest problem is that the board thrives on revisionism and distorted figures. there are regular threads dedicated solely to posting unsourced and sketchy infographics.
i don't think you knew this concept a few months ago
What makes you say the man on the left isn't thinking with his head? How can you ascertain that from simply an image, does expression of emotion mean you are not thinking anymore? Doesn't emotion (at least in men) come as a result of thought?
>it's because we want a safe space
Chase them off with actual arguments then instead of POL REEEEEEEE then, it should be so easy since apparently everything they say is wrong and stupid
That's the one thing /pol/ has right though. The elites want virtual slaves and the best way to go about that is bottoming out the labor market via globalism.
Stop projecting.
Why do you assume people on here are white? You'd be surprised how many assblasted Jews and blacks are on Veeky Forums.
>implying (((facts))), (((figures))), and (((logical))) arguments will chase us out
kys cuck
We'd spend all day refuting things and not changing anyone's mind, though. If they have an argument people do engage but that majority of the time they come here to propagandize or looking for confirmation in their biases. Not every /pol/ tier thread is worth engaging in.
lmao I bet you actually believe what you say too
Maybe not, but at least it'll give Veeky Forums an excuse to pretend they're actually capable of good discourse
>implying meme threads aren't top shelf historical disscussion
>Marx is worth discussing
>Le plagarize Aquinas and create a bunch of loose terms that really dont have a meaning man
I'm from /sp/ and nobody on /sp/ will get assmad about the word redpill. Go and try make a thread.
He plagiarized Smith more than anyone else and Smith wasn't even good.
You forgot, black science man, bill nye, and that mathematician which 'predicted trumps downfall' who weren't qualified to talk politics but used their science degrees to justifying their opinions
Cringy as fuck
No, you just have to ignore the retarded conclusion. Like IQ in papa new Guinea is under 70, but that really just shows how IQ is related a lot to the type of education you have. Some people would call you racist just for bringing it up and for /pol/ de logical conclusion is that they must be subhuman. That doesn't change the fact of the IQ measured.
>Doesn't emotion (at least in men) come as a result of thought?
Fuck no, men are just as emotional as women. They just do "rage" instead of breaking down in tears.
Marx is worth discussing. He essentially laid the ground work for most of the conflict in the 20th century
Here's another btw
Though most of their Christian names are John, even there Moms call them Fredo.
you do the math
There are some high iq people feeding the children.
70% are racists or simply follow the ideas often shared.
The rest are kinda ramdom, autists and normalfags pehaps
Veeky Forums was raided by race bait threads since it was created. The hate of the /pol/lack here is amply justified. They just keep making the same threads again and again and only post macro images when "arguing".
The only time they actually write something it's an ad hominem argument after their macro got debunked
The problem is that they defend their elites.
Daily reminder that you can't be anti-globalism if you are pro-capitalism
>Actually redpill is a standard Veeky Forums lingo used on every board
/a/ here, you are spouting bullshit
Funny thing is /pol/ actually made me a bit less insecure, their circel jerk acted like a part hegelian dialect.
as a part of
>you can't be anti-globalism if you are pro-capitalism
t. Illiterate pleb.
Who says we want capitalism?
>having Marx's cock so deep in your head everything you hear and read becomes confirmation bias.
Speak for yourself
Funny thing, I'm from /pol/, yet I never make these threads or post in them. sometimes I even report them, yet they still stay up.
If you follow the conversations on these Holocaust denial/Hitler threads you can see how it's the same thing posted again and again like it's a lazy troll who wants (YOU)s, not someone who cares about the subject at all.
And they all have the same pattern
the dumb bait meme - the same response from morally superior Veeky Forumstorian
Almost as if they're doing it intentionally.
If Veeky Forums had accounts like the most hated website maybe we could see who comes from which board and who is just trolling and false-flagging
Nah fuck off shill.
>the most hated website
/pol/ here
So Trumps election has made the big genocide war against the Muslims pretty much inevitable now. You know it.
What side will you be on?