This is Veeky Forums's list of approved literature. What is Veeky Forums's list of approved literature? I want to know so i can become smart on topics?
This is Veeky Forums's list of approved literature. What is Veeky Forums's list of approved literature...
No one here talks about the same shit. You'll find religious threads, historical threads, economics, and philosophy. Good luck finding a consensus of opinion on these books.
Go to the Veeky Forums sticky and look up right wing, left wing, greek and legal guides.
That's the best we can do. We haven't made one, yet.
Most serious ones would have primary sources.
I for one can recommend History of the Byzantine state.
It's the only time i was bored, couldn't sleep got up and read a good 100 pages before going to sleep.
That book The Man who Mis-took His Wife for a Hat made me fear my brain turning to a demented blob. Those close to me would argue that's a lateral move, but fuck them.
The Bible (Vulgate).
>Guns, Germs, And Steel
Came here to post this.
so Veeky Forums's list is either pseudo-intellectual bullshit, posssibly pseudo-intellectual tools, depending on who's reading it, and a couple of interesting books.
Jesus Christ, there is so much wrong with that. This is like the list of a pretentious 16 year old edgelord.
Off the top of my head, here's some good shit:
Sapiens by Harari
Silk Roads by Frangipani
SPQR by Mary Beard
Decline and Fall by Gibbon
What is History? by EH Carr
In Defence of History by Evans
Hitler by Kershaw
Rise and Fall of Third Reich by Shirer
To Hell and Back by Kershaw
Guns of August by Tuchmann
The Romanovs by Montefiore
Stalingrad by Beevor
Bury my Heart by Brown
Making of English Working Class by Thompson
I know a lot of these are memes but they're all great books
Silk Roads by Frankopan
the only pseud there is sam harris
I see Veeky Forums is trying to bait us again
People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn
Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris
If youre gonna recommend Zinn, you might as well balance it out with A Patriot's History as well
>those books
leddit as fuck, I thought Veeky Forums was supposed to be good?
Lol no, we recommend textbooks. Though again it's mostly memes or bait images.
Sometimes an errant graduate student or two would stumble in and make a good thread, or turn a shit thread into solid gold with their presence.
This seemed to be happening with declining frequency, and eventually I stopped visiting and posting.
I can't speak to how the board is now. But if the image in OP is a joke it isn't that far off. Board seems to consist mostly of CS-mouth breathers who jerk off to popsci and can't conceive of any framing of the world that isn't rooted in naive scientism.
Pretty meme tier, wish it wasn't.
Do you want an actual one, or something deliciously trolltastic?
of course the closest thing to humanities a science board can come up with in Guns Germs and Steel. STEMlords are retarded.
>there has never been an irrational actor in all history, it's biologically proven
It's a troll, I'm pretty sure.
If you like crusader history then I recommend God's War by Christopher Tyerman.
>forgetting 1491
I have a degree in Poli-Sci, so I'm by no means a historian or anything, but I did get a minor in history (I didn't even plan it, I just happened to do the course-load and they added it on for me), but I found pic related to be the best historical book I read.