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Wow, great units.
I can't wait to get any of these on a legendary banner six months from now!
My orbs are ready
Are you going to roll for this big bunny?
This boy still hasn't got an alt. However, he will give you a (You). Say something nice to him
>art already
Roll the rabbits
Probably not. More interested in Alfonse and the Miracle banner. Maybe if I have spare orbs lying around then.
Was hoping for some advice on this. Anything I can do better like with the C-slot for example?
>Want Catria and Kagero
Send luck pls
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Hinoka could bench 3 mommyfags at once
Inigo better be on the next Legendary banner
Ninpou: Oppai no Jutsu
mine has seal spd
>plain bad
>unique typing that will probably be held back by stats alone
feels like a skip even tho i like the .pngs and voices
>wanna roll on miracle banner
>but only because I want Mist
>going to actually roll like 100-200 orbs to get probably the worst healer in the game
>all because I like Tellius and she's one of the only ones I'm missing alongside Zelgius
Feels awful man.
Nope. I'm not a fan of bunnysuit titmonsters. Probably try for Catria since I like catria, but eh. I don't like dagger units in the first place and just cause she is flying doesn't make her a must have
The non-egg units got shit skills.
Probably. I'm like 80% positive but getting official confirmation about her having good stats will secure my decision.
Chrom has been abandoned by his allies as they swarm around Sakura, even his sister!
Threaten Def is a good choice.
If you're an arenafag, then a drive for maximum scoring. Otherwise probably threaten defense or speed.
>kind of cute
even though i only care about catria i feel like i miss out if i don't pull on it
Hope the art gets released soon, smug sharena in the normal standing art for her seasonal is a fucking gift.
She looks awful, continuing the trend of Sharena looking good drawn by any artist other than Kozaki
Kozaki live execution when?
But Gunnthra's ass also looks bigger because of her dress.
mirror strike or swift sparrow for Lady Lel?
Even for Honkers, benching 3 morbidly obese and foul smelling Manchildren at the same time seems impossible
The bench
Ok, that makes me sure not to roll on this
I think she looks fine, if anything I'm surprised her breasts aren't bigger. I might be slightly biased because anything above shit tier like Mae or razor chins like Micaiah seem okay to me now.
here is my Athena, I like using her. She usually murders 1 unit, gets in wrath range. has to take it easy for 1-2 turn and then wrath+wodao bomb something else. I have AOE-specials on her also which is a lot of fun to use also.
C-slot doesn't really matter.
But I want her for tactics team and in no way will i be rolling for Sharena. And she's cute which does matter.
you saved enough orbs for Kagero, right /feg/ ?
How would Catria react if you busted inside her?
Who's ready for the flood of Sharenafags cucked by the Fonse, and Alfonsehomos cucked by their best friend simultaneous?
By licking her lips
Rather than lament what you do not possess, you should treasure what you do.
>20 orbs
If it
Hey, you also have 20 more orbs than you plan to spend on her? Nice.
I'm gonna murder whoever designed Alf's costume.
I hate Kozaki too, but I admit Fates Marth looks good.
It probably depends on if you're Marth or not.
>Kagero even comes with goad fliers
Kagero my love join your big sisters
TFW I will recreate the doujin when Orochi arrivea
722 orbs here.
>Implying I'll waste them on this banner
That's a no.
i have 19 left on TT and i have to see stats first
At 360 now. I want to save up for CYL2 but it seems so vain.
>normal catria will break people's rates from spring catria
>fonse and sharena will break people's pity when going for the other
>HEALERS FOR DAYS for people going for kagero
Can't wait for the salt.
There's no need to be afraid of his giant cock.
>spooked by Sharena
It's LA banner all over again.
>Want Kagero
>Have been saving for Leif
W-will it be enough?
Yeah, but I'm not gonna roll anything more than free+15. I already got PA!Olivia the last time I was guided by my dick so I doubt I'll get lucky a second time.
>Kagero alt
I thought this day may never come
I thought I was safe
290 here just want catria for reinhardt and kagero for collection
Yeah because she's a flier
Fjorms seasonal alt would never appear on a shared colour
Her tits are too huge. Camilla size is my limit. Also she is dagger so... Shit by default.
Yes. This banner I actually like all three colors, so difficult to snipe
Which husbando are you saving them for, user?
His legging and shoes looks retarded. And that shading, it's so bad.
But I still will roll for him.
So the old seasonals is not coming back right?
Cuboon should draw older, demure girls more often. He manage to make her look different from the usual Tana/Olwen/Ayra/Marida type of look. Palla is like a mix between these two types.
Right now I'm just looking for what the future will bring. Chances are high that I'll use some of them on the new legendary banner.
I'd love some Laguz (especially Lethe) but if I'd save all my orbs until they drop I'd probably become the next Pelleasfag.
Why did cuboon have to ruin her? Fuck anyone who thinks cuboon is good at all. All he does is give every girl a 3 cup size upgrade fat thighs, and a stupid tan that looks out of place. He basically turns every girl into a stupid looking slut and it's what he did here too. He completely ruined Tana by making her into this big titted bimbo when she's supposed to be a cheerful little sister. It makes me fucking mad that this guy is still getting work because 13 year old boys this his art is good. No.
If he gets his hand on an Azura alt I'm probably done with this game.
Not gonna roll for her but those legs are probably some of the best legs in feh. Pantyhose always get me, but getting the feet as well WEW LAD. Never saw two of my fetishes combined into one even though it's so simple, god bless ISIS and Cuboon. She's going to have some amazing hentai man
>Rides a brown horse
Why didn’t they let her keep her Pegasus?
>promoted lel
>forgot to check iv's again but was pretty sure she's +atk -spd
>check on 40
>it's the reverse
well, I guess with buffs team she'll still to her work
Mochi dagger is better than Carrot dagger to be honest.
Fodder her to your firesweep user and have them run def+res
Else blade and anything but mirror
Not his transparent lace veilcape? Tight hose and small heels are at least fairly normal attire for royalty in centuries past. I don't know what's up with his cape.
Cause we can't have nice things thanks to milkers
Wo dao's > killer weapons
Unless you have a prf special like Ayra or BK
>tfw I am actually managing to save orbs since november from the last year
>Look at easter banner
>Don't want most of them
>See Sharena
>Fuck me.
Also I'm going to roll, if I draw even, I'll whale for Sharena, else I'm saving.
How good is Michalis compared to a Brave Axe Cherche? I only have one copy since I accidentally foddered some of him off.
Kagero is my wife.
name one unit type that isn't oversaturated other than armors + anything or mage flyers
>water season
well too bad, but i never liked oliver anyway so it's okay. I don't use firesweep anyway.
Kagero has canonically been cummed inside.
>tfw I just noticed his cape
Damn, it's getting worst.
please leave
It's cool you should try it
Didn't Heroes win another award recently?
How is a -spd one? I have a 4* -spd +res and am not sure on whether to promote in a Gunnthra Wind Brigade as a blue res tank. 28 base speed is so damn slow
Ladylel fags keep deleting me from their friendliest so maybe that's why I kind of hate her
>Tfw was going to roll for Morgan but decided to wait and see who’d be on banner
>Fucking Catria
Vindicated baby. Probably still going to wait and see who’s coming with Thracia. They might Ayra us
Catria and Kagero are the first character arts to get me a hard-on
Axe cavs.
Its nice that Kagero is getting her one moment in the spotlight before fading back into obscurity.
Does soy turn people to redditors by default
We need to add another row to this soon.
Sword fliers
>All he does is give every girl a 3 cup size upgrade fat thighs, and a stupid tan that looks out of place.
sounds good to me
I have soleil somewhat built but she doesn't fit the team comp. For my planned team i just don't have a spot for firesweep
well if she was +atk then you could do the typical one-shot build with buffs but for your current iv's i wouldn't promote