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Kagero is my wife.
Reminder that she has canonically been cummed inside by multiple men.
Regular Jakob will be good one day, I can feel it
You don't even realize that you're one of those people who wasted their life dedicating so much effort into arguing over a game from one of the dullest franchises in the history of tactical rpg franchises. Seriously each invasion following the alphonse and his pals from askr as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the lackluster character designs, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of famous
and beloved characters from the series
Perhaps the die was cast when nintendo vetoed the idea of sticking to handheld games ; Intelligent system made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for their eroge. FEH might be anti-Fire emblem (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-fantasy series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the old games were good though
The writing is dreadful; the gameplaywas terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a main lord appears , the author instead end up writing that he «fights for his friends»
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time analogy to friendship was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. IS 's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Fire emblem fates by the same Ign. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Fire emblem at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Advance wars." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Fire emblem" you are, in fact, trained to play advance wars.
Why does Catria look sad?
Because Caeda got the bride banner and all she got was this.
thingken of Marf
post your despair
>whaled on her first banner
>no genny
>whaled on hero fest banner
>no genny
>whaled on legendary banner
>3 brave lyns
>2 bridal cordys
Reminder that Catria is only for gentle lovemaking.
When are you coming to FEH, Orochi?
I need you in my barracks
Ride the bike!
Getting stuck in an outfit you consider an embarrassment will do that to you.
>Reminder that Catria is only for loveless use as an anal cocksleeve
It's like she's looking at living garbage, I love it.
Her damaged art isn't as erotic as I hoped it would be.
>$250 on the PA banner
>$300 on b8%
We can't have nice things.
Honk can replace Est any day
I've pulled red for 4 months now trying to get one last copy of pic related to finally +10 her and the game has adamantly refused to give her to me. I'm tired of rolling on red. I want to roll colorless already.
I think you meant anal tonguesleeve.
But it's fine we all make these mistakes.
I am disgusted.
but I want her to be rough
Reminder to stop thinking with your dick.
this was it. Thanks user
>Kagero feeties turn me on more than her boobies
sooo wo dao axe and dagger are now forever locked as spring meme weapons?
no regular version ever?
>only 5 Titania
>2 are +Hp/-Atk
>3 are +Def/-Atk
I finally got a non -Spd or -Atk Nino on my 10th one, which means I could actually use her now.
>Over 500 orbs for Celica throughout her multiple banners
>No Celica
>Get F.Celica in under 50 orbs
I also spent orbs on potential DC fodder before knowing the seasonals and now I'm stuck with 11 orbs and no DC.
At least that last one is clearly my own fault.
you don't blush at living garbage, idiot
It's a strange feeling.
>current project is a common 3/4* of a specific colour
>need to constantly roll that colour to gather merges
>but don't actually need anything else out of that summon pool and already have too many other 5*s of that colour
>meanwhile other colours have actual things I want and can use
>but spending orbs on those colours means not progressive current project.
I'm only 3 merges away and then I'll finally be free to roll what I want again.
But my dick thinks faster and smarter than my brain ever will.
Sever: Cutest Mercenary!
You're not alone
Same here my dude, and that's not even the worst part.
Catria is the best looking woman in this banner, if you disagree you are a tastelet
Wtf I didn't know Fates was an eroge
>Catria looks absolutely gorgeous in Echoes, but don't really care for her looks elsewhere
It's a problem, a real problem.
Yeah they’ll probably be stuck to seasonals.
Should be obvious. Wo Dao is an insanely powerfuil effect. It's normally swordlocked because swords need it. Red is the colour that's easiest to counter, and the colour that relies most on being able to win against WTA in order to function. Wo Dao is mainly an anti-WTA gimmick.
That's also why lances won't even get a seasonal wo dao weapon.
>200 orbs
>just want 1 Zelgius
>gets 2 Celica that I don't even use
Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time
Well, I guess I'll try him out. Is deflect melee very useful, though? I have more than enough coins to spare for it, I'm just not sure if it's effective enough to use over close def considering I don't have brazen atk/def.
After I finally get Lilina, Rebecca is my next +10 project. I need 2 more copies. Apart from Klein and Sothe, colorless is even worse than red when it comes to fodder. This is going to suck.
>because reds need it
The only reason they’d need it is due to the sheer number of launch reds with sub 28 attack.
Post results
God I'm so unlucky lately, and not just in this game either
how are they gonna justify the multiple alphonse and sharena thing?
Red needs it mainly because blue is too effective at countering red.
Post your ninja bits orbs
Alfonse should offer me his boypussy in this trying time. I'm sure I would find comfort in it.
Two, please.
I'm going to assume the lesson here is to never roll for IV's.
I want to _____ Kagero
Haha looks like I'm getting fuck all on the banner.
>reds get fucking everything for free
>they need wo dao
>there's barely any axes in the game, especially prfs
>fuck axes they don't need more variants, just make it available as a limited joke weapon instead
I just need a single Nephenee so I can replace my -atk/+res one and give Wrath to someone. I rolled every banner she was on, even the Hero fest and got nothing in return.
I think it's cute how his ears are all soft. Almost makes me want to roll for him.
That was easy.
How so?
My raging boner will be very unhappy if I don't get one of the girl bunnies.
steal a carrot from
Almost every green unit in the game is good. Green's problem is a lack of heroes to actually populate their pool, not a lack of powerful weapons.
Gachas are scary
My uncle works for IS, this is the new Summer Banner for this year:
>Thong Bikinis: Gunnthra/Laegjarn
>Schoolar Swimsuit: Fjorm/Laevatein
I hope you like it
>Every wiki/memepress non-prf axe unit build is going to call for the fucking spoon now
rub nylon feet
Well good thing I'm not seriously rolling on this banner
I don't like tempting fate.
Yeah, I'm not getting that lucky again. Early Catria with probably usable IVs would be nice though, even if debuffing shenanigans make it ultimately unnecessary.
>4 girls instead of 2 girls 2 men
Ike in speedo will happen and there is nothing you can do to change that.
hah no way
I'm not going to waste my luck on some simulators
Its a fortune teller user
If you get good luck in the sim you will have bad luck in the actual gacha
If you get bad luck in the sim you will have good luck in the actual gacha
It all makes sense
Kill me now
>>Schoolar Swimsuit
The problem is that green has a fucking horrible non-5* pool. Even rolling colorless gets you more worthwhile 3* and 4* units than green.
I'm glad this isn't real
I'm going to fap to Catria
That's just a consequence of having fuck all for fodder.
Jesus fucking cursed image.
Haha yes
Bad sign.
Who cares, only Titania and Anna will reasonably want the spoon anyways. Everyone else would rather use something else.
Literally blue Gunthra. Will be good regardless of stats.
Literally infantry Guntra.
-Axe Dao will definitely be really good on a LOT of axe units
-We finally have defense smoke
-His stats will need to be good for him to be relevant, otherwise just pure fodder.
Obligatory unique unit type will be good no matter what.
I wish the eggs were inheritable. Overall, it's a pretty good banner. Still fucking annoyed beyond belief they made askr sibling alts before they even fix their fucking base forms. What are your guy's opinions?
delete this one
wonder if Boris is going to draw Catria getting horse'd again
This wasn't even the right Catria....
Nothing seems to drop from green. What was the last drop? Boey? Titania? I don't even remember.
i really want kagero but i'm scared of delving into 3% colorless hell guys
hold me
He's going to at least do Kagero.
>Literally blue Gunthra. Will be good regardless of stats.
If she's literally gunthra won't she be terrible?
Kiss Katarina
>Kagero just tickled pink
Thats cute