We rank the Allies on how much they contributed to the defeat of the Axis powers in WWII.
1. United Kingdom
2. British Commonwealth
4. China
5. France
6. USA
We rank the Allies on how much they contributed to the defeat of the Axis powers in WWII.
1. United Kingdom
2. British Commonwealth
4. China
5. France
6. USA
Other urls found in this thread:
1. U.S.S.R./U.S.A.
*Power Gap*
2. The Rest
*Power Gap*
3. cockroach "hoide on me oisland doo-pe-doo" br*'ain
but Nazi's wasting so much resources and morale on failing to even slightly subdue Britain could be seen as the major factor to their loss
>Who the hell cares
If you disagre you are just a faggot and you know it.
Revised list:
1. U.S.S.R./U.S.A.
*Power Gap*
2. Adolf Hitler himself
*Power Gap*
3. The Rest
*Power Gap*
4. cockroach "hoide on me oisland doo-pe-doo" br*'ain (and its colonial slaves)
2. British empire
3. USA
4. China
5. Yugoslavia and Poland
6. France
7. Greece
8. Australia
Maybe those, also Italy was the greatest ally really
2) USA
3) UK
4) China
5) Resistance fighters
That basically sums it up. The USSR/USA partnership of us supplying them with equipment and them drowning the enemy in corpses probably could've won the war alone, as long as the USA handled Japan. We couldn't have taken western Europe without the UK though, while they're men and equipment were okay, it was their convenient location that really allowed the western front to develop. They also helped us out in Africa a good amount. Meanwhile China kept the Japanese distracted and wasting resources on their army.
1. USA
Power Gap
3. China
Power Gap
4. UK
power gap
everyone else
Found the bongistani
What did the USA in WWII actually do.
PROTIP: No selling arms, and no Nukes.
Fertilizing British women while British men were away
>selling arms
Once we entered, we were just giving the shit away
It's not even like it was just arms, pretty much all manner of supplies and materials
Without that, China and Russia's massive armies turn into useless cannon fodder
Also invasions of Italy and France and the whole Pacific war
I said no arms. Arms are nothing without the MEN to wield them. Selling,or giving away, does not equate to the number 1 contributor of the war, as you all believe.
You cannot answer my question, as it's nothing?
>Once we entered, we were just giving the shit away
no you werent, you were lening the money to buy the stuff but it was never free
Liberate western Europe
Those posters man.
>this thread
fuck off
1. USA
2. France
3. Russia
4. Australia
5. China
6. UK
>Well y'see we deserted our allies and hid on an Island until Americans showed up, then proceeded to contribute less than the Canadians aside from shipping American goods to Americans and Russians to make their fight a bit easier
USSR had 80% of all it's equipment given to it by the US.
Didn't know the small kingdom of Myslef had such a big impact on the war.