/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

Just like make a small world!

> Play Demo Day 19

> Game Jam (Small World)

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
Weekly Recap: recap.agdg.io
AGDG Steam Games: homph.com/steam
Fanart and stuff: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6j4pcv3V-vfb3hKSlhRRzlLbFE
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/74btH1aJ
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/mU021G8w

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How to Webm

Attached: 1497047341506.png (1900x1316, 236K)

Other urls found in this thread:


oh no its a new thread and I dont have any progress

dont worry. No one has. This thread will be just for the shitposting

>This thread will be just for the shitposting
I shall prove you wrong.

so it's just a normal agdg thread then

Finally you get it

Attached: i_already_won2.jpg (720x540, 117K)

you just don't get it
you just don't get it
you just don't get it

Is there a tutorial series or a video or whatever really about a simple village generation? What i actually need is a way to generate roads and plots, i can deal with the rest myself, just need a starting point.

Attached: 08277453.jpg (325x236, 22K)

throw a bunch of rice on a sheet of paper
if there's more than three grains of rice, bam, you've got yourself a house
now connect the dots

Is java good for game development?

How do you port a game to consoles made with java?

Attached: brain_damage.jpg (953x960, 87K)

Rewrite it in C++ like they did for minecraft

look up roguelikes map generations for ideas.


Jesus nigger. You dont know how villages were built?


Submit your in progress Puzzle game by April 23rd for possible free money from Jonathan Blow.

Have you accepted the one true lord and saviour of dev efficiency into your life, agdg?

Attached: ploverlogo.png (439x408, 23K)

Zzzz *snort*

Attached: 9e3aeedc4b6810a35206266dc249ddd6[1].jpg (480x360, 19K)

yeah, I'm on my way to book a meeting with him when I'll be at Tokyo Game Show next summer

Attached: shoppe items.png (1076x358, 32K)

false god

Attached: crusaders_alright.png (499x624, 268K)

He's gonna shut it down after he receives thousands of troll submissions. For someone as autistic as jblow, you'd think he would have thought this through a bit more.

missed recap again, Kurwa!

Attached: UW_TechDemo1.3_2.webm (600x333, 2.48M)

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Deadrinds
Dev: LoneBuckshot
Tools: Unity
Web: lonebuckshot.com
+ Shop system is done
+ Finishing the artefact (equipment) system
+ Implementing the artefact bonuses for combat
+ Half of the story arcs done

Attached: Shop.png (1280x720, 1.25M)

he gives us 36h polaczku

Bring him a cat, he likes those
He'll appreciate them

>hear nice sound on a music
>remember that /mu/ is shit so I can't ask them which instrument that is
>want to do sky-boxes because they do amazing things to a game's immersion
>game is isometric arpg
>want to make an action based combat
>game relies heavily on builds and stats, also has multiple unit selection so using a top down shooter control scheme is impossible

Attached: 1515596783468.jpg (390x318, 9K)

Made some small progress, hopefully more substantial stuff will come next.
Spikes that pop up at fixed time intervals and a switch to activate something (in this case, to disable some other spikes) for a limited time.
Other goals I set for this week are:
>objects you can pick up and drop
>push/pull blocks (like the one you see in the video)
>doors that lock themselves when you enter a room
>defeat all enemies to unlock the door (or to reveal something or whatever)
Let's see how much of this I can get done.
Anso, I'm kind of thinking of dropping the spherical planet idea for my Small World Jam game and just going with a plain city builder on a plain map.

Attached: k&w.webm (610x480, 1.44M)

cheers m8s, that's great

Lucky you, I was there in 2014 thanks to my school. I got to stand 2m away from Kojima and meet the devs of Toki Tori, and proceeded to only talk about the PotatoFoolsDay ARG.

I might go back there in 2020 if I have enough funds by the end of my studies.

I cannot wait to avoid spikes, pick up objects, push and pull blocks and defeat enemies to unlock doors while playing as a witch and a knight in your game

Your usual shop system where you buy and sell stuff, I'm thinking of adding the usual general store in village/town, but also specialized stores and even hidden ones with very powerful items/artefacts.

Speaking of which, having just consumable weapons and items on it's own is interesting, but I've decided to also include an Artefact system, which is similar to your standard equipment (sword, shield, helmet, armor) system in JRPGs. However it doesn't just add flat stat boosts, it can also augment your attacks by turning your normal physical attack into an elemental subtype like Fire, Ice, Unholy etc., induce various debuff/buff states and even applies tick damage and healing.

This way, the simple attack move gets improved, so you can equip the right artefacts based on terrain and the creatures that lurk there.

Attached: Shop.webm (960x540, 1.83M)

Hail recap user!
----[ Recap ]----
Game: UW
Dev: DuqueHayashi
Tools: Unity
Web: twitter.com/DuqueHayashi
+ Got a tech demo out
+ New demo update with bug fixes coming up
+ 2 Character basic equipment art done
+ Food & Hunger mechanic

Attached: DXwOvfzUQAAP6fo.jpg (738x479, 35K)

>Killing best girl
Have you no soul?

Your game is cute, keep up the good work!

looks very nice. You made them in Blender?

I need to be more encouraging with other devs. I give advice whenever I can, but I feel that I always come off condescending. 10 years of Veeky Forums took their toll on me I guess.

I like how your UI art is gradually improving.

thanks. it's photoshop, according to my art slave.

>Killing best girl
Tough love or sick fetish?

your nigger has some sick skill desu

You are cute, keep up the good work!

Just don't worry about it man. /agdg/ is a great place to get feedback, even if people sometimes shitpost, most of the advice here is genuine and people tell it how it is. This sort of environment keeps us from becoming soy-devs.

Glad to hear that. I'll pass the word. I'm sure he'll be flattered.

I always hear the term and I have an approximative understanding of what it means but what makes a soydev, concretely?)

Thanks, although I think that the background wooden board could be a bit darker. Do you think it distracts from the content? In the last 2 weeks I've spend mostly doing UI work so I might have gotten tunnel vision, but I feel like the wood is too bright.

If you have to ask its too late

Offending a nodev

nothing, it's a /pol/ meme

Idea guys, what are some gameplay mechanics that are cozy or comfy and mostly realistic

----[ Recap ]----
Game: HACK the F.B.I.
Dev: vestigial
Tools: Unity
Web: @vestigialdev
+ Replaying Deus Ex for lore inspiration
+ GDC is happening and Unity put out their ECS beta
- how many more GDCs will go by before the game is ready to participate?

Attached: recap.png (272x153, 52K)

Picture related, one of the signs.

Attached: soyteachers.jpg (1047x629, 75K)

>switch activates via context sensitive button
>not activating via attacking it

An easily offended, modern, most likely gen-z liberal.
Or a dev that's just thin-skinned
or both.

Really? I'm always amazed how fast /pol/ memes spread throughout the internet. Feels like every new popular meme is from /pol/ these days.

I wouldn't put too much time on details unless someone mentions it. It looks good to me.
Also you could use outlines to have certain elements more visible and stand out(you kinda do already with frames).

tiling on the grass is a bit noticable. consider doubling the size of the texture maybe.

They're actively forcing them to push their political agenda
What's not surprising about that


Does that mean every /pol/ poster in the last thread is a soydev

camp fires

Its as if that article wasn't written by jblow

pick a genre and stick with it

Don't watch the webm version, it has 2-3 typos as well. I'll proof read all strings before I finish the game of course, but I'm just lazy with text.

Had nothing to give the player on permadeath-alt mode completion, made name length a reward.

Attached: 5612123.gif (540x300, 25K)

It boggles my mind that people want to put politics into video games. I mean, most people play video games to relax and forget all the real world politics bullshit to begin with. Then again, you might be making a political thriller game or something like that, but it feels like most of it is just a vehicle to spread propaganda.

I doubt he would just blindly sign off on something like that. But who knows.

If you win permadeath mode then you should get big head mode or moon physics

----[ Recap ]----
Game: [Can't think of a name yet]
Dev: Yeldham
Tools: Godot, Inkscape
+ Completely finished the painting system (drawing, detecting when there's not enough ink, alerting when painting above unpaintable entities).

Attached: Peek 2018-03-20 14-41.gif (828x487, 377K)

>it's a renamed a variable in Unity and now have to reconfigure all of my prefabs episode

Oh fug, I can actually do big heads in the portraits and make them wobble on hits. Perfect. Thanks, user.

>float newName;

Now this is game dev

Unity really doesn't have a replace/All?

>If a game doesn't support my politics it's propaganda
Soydev or nodev?

>post progress
>no replies. go to bed
>wake up in the morning, thread pruned
>people ask for tumblrs to follow while you sleep and you missed the opportunity

Do I have to keep that attribute forever or only for the first rebuild?

Then post it now

>not post progress in the morning so you can wait all day for replies

Can you show me where he implied that?

cool project, but could you remove the agdg logo from your steam trailer? We don't need more people here.


i skimmed a couple videos that one youtube guy did, and yours was the only one that seemed unique and held my attention for half an hour instead of a few minutes. the feel of the game is amazing, but i did agree with the guy that the 3x3 grid and the gameplay ramp-up may be too slow

Save project after scripts finish compiling and you can delete the attribute.

no i don't want to toot my own horn
but i work in the morning ...

How do you suppose Unity would know if a variable in a script was an old variable without some sort of markup denoting as such?

>thread pruned
archived you fag. You can still link

fucking idiot
if you SPAM your website then yea it's annoying but if people are genuinely interested then you're doing them a disservice by acting all high and mighty

Nice. Thanks user!

whats the difference?

>if a variable in a script
Which is a .whatever file in your project folder?
Unity doesn't have basic regex functions for search/replace?

I feel like you don't know how Unity works.

----[ Recap ]----
Game: TTM
Dev: Phantomcorps
Tools: Unity,Krita,Aseprite,SFXR
Web: Phantomcorps.itch.io
+ Battle between players system started
+ Mutation cards started
+ Map art finished
+ Cards Information ongoing

Attached: start screen - 1600x900 .jpg (1600x900, 106K)

gee user, what ever gave you that feeling?
So you're telling me unity users really have to manually rename everything, anytime they refactor/change a variable name?

Does this game have any gameplay you can show yet or is it just a splash screen for now

God tier Blender addons for videogames:


Stop shilling paid assets, thanks.

Appreciate the kindness. 3x3 is the thing that keeps my scope under control. To combat the difficulty curve, I'll probably introduce the perma-death mode earlier. Other than that, the demo is around 50% of the game for better or worse.


Attached: hairtool.png (1000x407, 223K)

>guy spends countless hours writing a blender addon which can be extremely useful
>continue spending hours refining it, fixing bugs, adding features and updating it for new blender versions
>"give it to us for free you fucking asshole! we the people deserve it!"
Sorry commie, they're legitimately useful tools.

I want to make a spiritual successor to vampire the masquerade

No, the changed variable name is updated in the editor but any linked references serialized to the old one are lost for obvious reasons.

Thanks for looking at it
but no

The Unity Way of doing it is to put a special Attribute in the code using your IDE.

But its a pain to remember to use. I think better than serializing data right on your prefab, its better to give your prefab a reference to a ScriptableObject that holds the data you want to populate it with. If you have a WeakEnemy and a FastEnemy, you would have to have two nearly identical prefabs. Or just one prefab that you assign the WeakEnemy scriptable object to when its spawned.