Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Play Weiss
Demon boys.
>The four games that offer online play also feature a recreation of the classic arcade experience as opponents can challenge you in real time as you play through arcade mode! Once the match with another player ends, you’ll be sent straight back to Arcade Mode. You can adjust the frequency of these online challenges or turn them off completely. Online play also features rollback technology that provides low-latency matches with the ability to adjust your own input latency via the in-game menu.
Rollback netcode with input latency for SF 30th
capcom ALWAYS wins
based broski should investigate why I can't break out of throws when I FUCKING TECHED EM
>tfw no kolin gf
When is the BEST GIRL coming to SFV?
Rollback is better than delay you morons
>tfw no millia gf
>tfw I'm not Kolin
you could just check the replay and see if you timed it correctly or if it was an input error
laura is already the low iq sniff function
>low IQ
>emulators get better netcode than jive
capcom you piece of shit
I teched the fucking throw... I know I fucking did....
>rank up to Super Silver
>go on 7 match losing streak
bros... ;_;
Rude but true.
>high IQ
The only thing lower is setplay.
>scrubs already hating on menat
i love it
will kekken ever be anything but a sleep aid?
>oki character
you know its true
I usually take a long break to evaluate myself if I lose 4 games in a row, even if it's against opponents much higher ranked then myself
>11f dashes you into a command grab that leads into a 50/50 mixup quasi ToD
friendly reminder to my fellow jivebros, this year's RAGE tournament begins in 9 hours i think
Read up, 16ers.
If every character had normals like Kolin's, i.e serviceable but with downsides, the game would be decent
>tfw can't do karin's #6 with triple ex moves
Thanks for posting this, user.
All the Japanese killers are there.
>tfw Otani dropped Ryu for Akuma
still cheering for my boy
I got stuck at #5 when they gave you FM for them.
most characters do have mostly serviceable normals with downsides with only a few outliers like Rashid
>also money
Based /fgg/ luffy exposing infiltration for using broken shit that'll get nerfed and make him irrelevant post evo like the past 2 seasons.
>wtf I love Makoto now
isn't oppa something that only girls say
i'm doing as many as i can to get used to the ps4 dpad, it still feels stiff to me
now that AE is more neutral focused, will a european player EVER be relevant again?
>broski retweeted this
i love menat, guys. or at least want to fuck her.
why's there so little sfm of her?
>first and only game he's ever "relevant" at
yeah no shit
TFW StormKubo won't let MenaRD win ever again
people have literally no idea why they hate SFV anymore
only valid big complaint is the shitty netcode
Rashid, Birdie, Akuma, Laura, Abigail, Urien, Chun, Cammy, Karin, Gief, Balrog, Bison, Guile, all have numerous retarded buttons and I'm probably forgetting some
They nerfed his normals this season and added hurtboxes to cr.hp you must be talking about season 2 (then you're right).
post cfn
Is JWong an honorary nigga?
There isn't much SFM of SF girls in general. Also Blender is the new wave. Unfortunately we will never get anything quality like OW
i hate it because my fellow vappabros hate it
broski plays the most neutral based character in the game
>character has a good button
That's not sfm that's blender or another 3d software.
Laura doesn't have anymore retarded buttons after her got gutted. Fuck off you got damn Vappa.
yeah, it's a shame.
so this is the reading comprehension of fgg.. !!
>DP = Styling
wat? The clip is obviously me near-missing on purpose for comedic effect, but no you can't rely on b.HP.
For a start it's not going to be available in many cases because of the slack input leniency, if you just stepped forward and crouched as the other guy jumped then you're going to get a red fireball and you're going to be fucked as a result.
b.HP also isn't a good option against far jumps because it mainly hits upwards. It's a great tool when you can use it because of the damage and oki followup, but if that's your only AA you're going to be free to Gief and Abi.
that's twitch chat/eventscrubs/reddit's mentality also they don't understand that characters have different strengths for the most part, look at all the residentsleepers in chat when menat was on screen
he's an nyc native and mvc was the most hood scene for ages so yes
thank you ogawa
>Laura's cr.HK is minus fucking twelve on block
Christ I feel so stupid.
Can you fucking read? I know that's Blender I just stated that Blender is the new wave.
It truly is a shame friend. I thought it was a meme that /fgg/ was retarded. I see it's the truth.
you can't say Kolin has bad buttons, they all serve a purpose
but what does that make the buttons you can throw out whenever wherever like a retard? retarded
>eso no le quita nada al Abigaíl
What a madman btw, playing a mirror against probably the best Abigail out there.
99% of the sweeps are like this
This 30f fierce has less range than Bison's c.MP.
Why wouldn't you like this picture?
all sweeps are super unsafe
ogawa is the only based goober
I hate Yipes' new haircut
what haircut do you prefer on black men?
>chris tatarian is very good friend with eventscrubs's main "journalist"; velociraptor
>velociraptor keeps making chris tatarian tier articles on eventscrubs so all the scrubs start parroting chris tatarian by proxy on top of his twitter audience full of shoto retards ready to make excuses
>fgc is now full of whiny bitches and it might kill tournaments in the long run
How do we stop this?
>play guile
>matched against a karin
>she mashes st hk in neutral
>on block she mashes st lk after it
>flashkick it every time
>she starts mashing max range sweep instead
>flashkick it every time
>she stats mashing flippy overhead
>cr hp cc df hk flashkick every time
I'm going to confess
I samefag on /fgg/ all the time. I post something controversial, then I reply to myself with the opposing opinion.
I works almost everytime and other people then replies to me too, so I see no reason to stop doing it.
based autistic user playing 4d chess
thanks for the update on your mental condition shitposter-kun
>I see no reason to stop doing it
I see no reason to do it in the first place.
Infiltration would win a ft10 using Juri against that fraud frog. I hate them both btw.
Chris T's bitching made me stop playing Ken and then killed my will to keep slamming my face into this shithouse of a game.
some capcucks wake up every day to play a game with broken rashit and broken wenat
where do i find more of this
menat vt1 could be 3 bars desu
in exchange they could make it a little easier for her to get v meter from the skill and shit
>that guy who cries about broken characters in tournaments despite being low rank and it literally not affecting him at all
>Go to rule34 paheal
>Type in blender
>Select first option
based yomi
>someone mentioned my character in a bad way
>better call him a vappa streamboar crybaby! it's the mentality these days!
>kunoichi bulshit
It only looks good in Taimanins
I hate the NEVER NERF BUFFS ONLY philosophy that amateur game designers think is somehow healthier for a game.
What possible buffs could you give a character like Alex or Vega to put them on the same level as Abigail and Rashid that doesn't involve making them equally nightmarish to play against? Why should it be okay for Menat to be a straight upgrade to Dhalsim? How would buffing Dhalsim to have, say, non-hittable limbs be fair to anyone who already struggles in the Dhalsim matchup? What buffs could you give to characters that would retain Abigail's status as the most disgusting and unfair tournament character in the entire franchise but still somehow put everyone on his level?
Nerfs are more important because they're easy and precise and their impact is immediately measurable and doesn't require months of guesswork and trial and error to try and make shit work. The only people who talk about buffs are dipshits who never play bad characters and want to retain their overpowered nonsense rather than let other people enjoy playing the game.
It's very easy to stand around and talk about making other characters better when your endgame is to retain your auto-footsies or touch of death combos.
So the entire vappa and /fgg/?
>someone made a guide for the character with lots of pretty colors
>that means the character is high IQ
>resetting during ibuki trials lets you see her pantsu
thank you sniff friend
who /mika mafia/ here?