DLC + Big update launches March 28th
Broly trailer youtube.com
Bardock trailer youtube.com
Sonifox vs Goichi runback March 22
Bardock and Broly live stream demo March 23
More resources pastebin.com
DLC + Big update launches March 28th
Broly trailer youtube.com
Bardock trailer youtube.com
Sonifox vs Goichi runback March 22
Bardock and Broly live stream demo March 23
More resources pastebin.com
thread died
good shit stoners
Who let the thread die? the fuck?
I was gonna make another thread just a moment ago. I guess everybody blew their load over Bardock but the had nothing to talk about since his trailer showed jack shit besides 3 normals, an EX special, and 2 supers.
>literal dead thread
This is the urgent patch this game needs:
-Casual mode and ring matches should not affect your threat level
-Rage quitting should make you lose full points plus extra points
-Should be able to queue for ranked and casual at the same time
-Should be able to start and stop match search from training room
People are too concerned with points and ranks and stuff right now and it feels like everyone is on edge. The game will improve a lot when people are relaxing and having fun and starting matches from any section in the game.
Just like the game
I'm running vegeta blue and goku blue but need a third. I'm running black right now just cause he is a universal fill in. Wondering if there is anyone that complements the blues well.
Strange, the thread dropped off after slightly less than an hour of no posts. Wrong place wrong time.
Assuming that Freezer guy last thread hadn't seen it:
1. Skip the jump-in, go right to the mediums
2. Gold up mid-combo to get extra hits (you can potentially get a few more hits on the ground before the Smash, but the timing is extremely strict)
3. Let both hits of each medium tail swipe connect before continuing
4. SSS before 236S
5. Three Level 1s instead of one level 3
One of the best Blue players runs Cell with them
Don't have smugkus of them.
I'm right here pal.
Thanks for the input, gonna try it asap in training.
>tfw refered as "That Freezer Guy"
Such a warm feeling.
I'd rather we share predictions
I only want the defender of truth, the protector of the innocent, the one, the only, GREAT SAIYAMAN!
>Jiren AND Toppo
I doubt it. Jiren has a chance though
Where is the template
Are we gonna let this thread die and make a proper one?
>its not proper unless it has a giant wall of autistic text
Season 1 cast is already confirmed though? Why not wonder about season 2?
We have the leaks already you know. That said, Cooler, Videl AND Toppo in one pack would be based. Imagine Broly/Cooler/Toppo as a team. 16 would look like a fucking manlet by comparison.
not confirmed at all, just assumptions based on some data hidden in the game which may or may not be relevant
The pastebin has all the text from the OPs of the last several threads. I like the idea of having the paste for all the regular links and having a shorter specialized intro with recent news and a link to the last thread.
As long as we don't go full /fgg/ and only post a waifu and a pastebin with every thread we're good.
>uh sweetie it's only basically confirmed and the current revealed DLC exactly matches it????
>5 minutes into the video
>Guys, dont use the analog stick on the controller!
Welp, there goes 20 hours of muscle memory in this game.
Stop playing and bump the thread
>Don't use analog stick!
Hah, I've been using the PS3/PS4 analog stick for all sorts of fighters for a decade. I actively hate using an actual DPad for any of them.
Not going to stop any time soon unless I go through with buying this F500 Mayflash.
Any talk about there being a balance patch along with the two DLC characters?
Arcsys insider here, this is what it'll be
I am thinking on using the Dpad, I am whiffing specials from time to time and dashing is kinda hard with analog.
I thought the original scans said something along those lines
theres a "BIG UPDATE" but literally zero info on it has been revealed so far
beg them for info about it on social media, see if theyll drop some hints
DBFZ is the game that's made me use the D-Pad for some things in a 2D game for the first time. Before I only ever used it for Tekken/SC and NRS games since those just fundamentally don't work on Analog, but FighterZ has IADs and twitch blocking so I'm trying to get used to moving and block with it, using the Analog for special motions mostly.
I wouldn't mind even if they were fairly minor, as long as the biggest problems will be dealt with, mostly for the broken characters to get at least a small nerf.
As for buffs I can't think of many others than tGohan that need one. I guess Beerus could use a bit better lights and Nappa a slightly faster 5S.
They're probably gonna add Vegito, Fused Zamasu, and/or Kefla at the same time. They'll probably skip Zamasu for Kefla to add more females.
even though base goku base vegeta, and vegito, pisses me off, the addition of cooler, saiyaman 2, and kefla would make me extremely happy
They said details are in the next SJ
I have a very specific technique for IAD with an analog stick, and it works perfectly for both directions unlike how lots of players mention difficulty doing it in one direction versus the other.
Diagonal flick on the stick and immediately shift my thumb over to tap on the pad.
I can execute a left-wards IAD so fast that I can do 754 within the 4f jump startup, faster than it would allow.
when/where? show me pls
Use whatever you're good with. If you're good with the analog stick on a pad, stay with it. If you change controllers, it'll take you a while to get used to it.
Any hints for Nappa wall combos? The only thing I can do right now is to follow 5H with an S before superdashing. But that doesn't work from point blank in the corner.
I think Piccolo could use a little something, just so he isn't still universally considered the worst character, maybe he could charge his Makankōsappō like Ginyu charges his Level one, or maybe something else.
Slightly faster startup to his TP attacks could work, as long as it doesn't enable broken combos.
in this interview with Goichi he says that in the Japanese version of Broly's trailer it says Broly has a "variety of throws"
And weve also heard he has armored moves. So it looks like his gameplay may actually be very unique.
After this he says the Japanese version says Bardock has an "invincible move to charge in on your opponent"
So he may have armor too or an actually invincible move
Can someone explain me why does
LL 2M M jLM jLM 2Hrush does less damage than
2M MjLM jLM 2H rush
Also I am trying this guy combos youtube.com
But his MLL in the air does less damage than a LM LM with jump cancel. What I am missing?
>he wants characters like Turles, Janemba, Bio-Broly, Jiren, and UI Goku
I mean, I won't hate on the man, because I actually kinda like the 3rd Broly movie, but does Bio-Broly have anything that could resemble a moveset?
I want to pick up Beerus. What's a good team for him?
And no Hit, Goku Black, Goku, or Vegeta, please. I'm considering Kid Buu. Not sure who else might work.
In Extreme Butoden, Bardock's armored move is a bitchslap hit-grab that goes into a chokehold. It has a long startup, but is invincible for the duration.
That's probably been translated over to FighterZ verbatim. It is the ultimate anti-mashing move.
so people who just stick to casual/ring matches will forever be white? kind of a stupid idea user.
The two of them have a similar playstyle of in&out pressure, blockstrings that end with a huge pushback (Strong Jersey and Beerus's 5H), giving you the time and distance to set up your Tokusentai / Orbs of Destruction.
Ginyu's Strong Jersey as an assist is also really good for covering Beerus on the ground against a lot of characters who have the means to push through whatever midscreen shenanigans Beerus is preparing.
The same goes for Kid Buu's assist, the amount of time that his Arm Throw locks the opponent down is perfect to spawn a bunch of balls.
Why would you stick to casual only if you care about your rank?
scaling. those two lights at the beginning of the combo are what does it.
rank has nothing to do with threat level and is displayed next to everyone's name in the lobby. it would be retarded to just make ranked matches increase or decrease it.
plenty of people don't play ranked matches.
Starting with a Light causes extra damage proration (5L effectively reduces your damage as if you had performed two attacks), and you are doing more weak attacks early on which scales the damage further, so by the time you get to the heavier stuff, it's prorated to hell.
Start with mediums, and fewer larger hits will put out more than a dozen small hits.
theres still arena, party, and other stuff. maybe you can include ring matches i guess. but there needs to be a spot for people to stop caring about that shit. they dodge and rage quit like crazy. casual matches need to actually be casual at least.
You're missing that he does another lml into lll which does way more than lm lm.
What sort of moves allow you to link to a dragon rush mid-combo? All I ever see in online matches is someone using vegeta assist in the end to link that.
Literally never played against a Ginyu and just played a good one. How the hell do you approach this guy? The screen was just filled 24/7 with bullshit thanks to all the ginyus and his goku assists
2h needs to be sped up so its an acceptable response to an obvious upcoming overhead.
His S attacks (ginyu force) last way longer on the screen than yours. But they're also much slower to come up. Beams are especially hard for him to deal with.
Feels good knowing this was probably me.
Lmao retard
lolno, that would make command overheads 100% worthless.
Use Reflect and punish it with something long range.
overheads aren't even considered airborne, you wouldn't get the full standard 2H punish anyways.
Does disconnecting at the versus screen count towards my disconnect rate? Im sick of Black/Cell/Adult gohan teams, or any team with 16 in it.
On higher ranked players, when I use vanish and I have plus frames, they always backdash. Unless I have someone with a slide or use a super, I don't know how to punish it. Grab doesn't punish it. Is there any way without using meter? Do I just have to make a read and dash with their dash?
link to previous
You can't punish 6m after reflect. You need to interrupt with 5L into aircombo on most characters.
Superdash might work. Or a long range 5H like Nappa's.
You can punish with 236S and stuff on some characters. Doing and immediate iad to keep up pressure can work as well.
Does up back not block at all? Why is this a thing? Why have they gimped every defensive option so heavily in this game?
Pre-jump frames. You can't block during them, and there's 4 or 5 of them. It's to prevent chicken blocking yourself away from literally every mixup. Use Reflect.
God why is IADing so fucking hard for me, especially from the left.
This is the one thing that's really holding me back and I just can't seem to get better at it.
What are you playing on? You're doing 956 right?
Reflect is actually horse shit though.
Stick, 956.
It takes some time to get used to. If you practice stuff like that I'd always start very slow and clean until you're confident and then slowly raise the speed. Makes you feel a bit dumb but it's probably the best way to get used to it.
I think it's hard because I can't use my thumb to do the "pushing", what grip do you use?
I do the wineglass thing but I'm not sure if that's common for anime.
t. reflectlet
>get hit by wakeup level 3 literally everytime
I'm really not the prime example for this since I have the weirdest grip in existence, see pic related.
Still, I mainly use my thumb to push it on the left side with my index finger slightly guiding it and on the right side I pull it with thumb + middle finger.
Stop trying to meaty and just bait them then punish. They won't stop until you stop falling for it.
Doing optimal shit with Yamcha is suffering, why does he does so many hits? Even online I find very suboptimal combos.
what the fuck lol
>that OP pic
Wtf I have a vote fetish now and want to be eaten by her?
Why does auto combo track?
So I'm in the mid 400000s and im running into players that literally just run away the entire time. How do I punish players that are forcing me to dash into them every chance, they literally just sit back and wait for me to make a mistake or capitalize on something im doing from full screen.
What the fuck are my options here, If I try to instant dash in i typically get 2hd, I cant super dash, if I try to just regular dash in they with 5h or some other meme shit, If I dash in and just block, they will back dash and repeat, and if I get them to a wall they will actually play the game for a total of one combo maybe, then turn the other way
How do I trap these pieces of shit, this isnt fun to play against. Even If im winning on average against these kinds of players, its just miserable.
Toppo having a 7 meter god mode install would be sick.
If I'm playing against someone jumping around like an autist without even trying to advance, I just do the same. If you want to be a faggot, guess we'll just wait for the time to run out
And useless
Just like gold frieza. But it's fun
Sure is saibaman hour in here