Anyone wanna find out about Islam?

Actually believe in it.
Am german.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Am german.
Glaub ich nicht. Ich vermute, dass Du einfach ein kleiner Huso bist.

Hochdeutsche oder Plattdeutsche?

und sie?

Was is ein Huso? :)

You need to go back, Ahmed. You are not and never will be, German.

Ein Franzosen

German born and raised mate. Found out about Islam, around 5 years ago

Being born in Germany does not make you any more a German than a rat being born in a stable makes it a horse.

Als Deutscher wüsstest Du das.

Firstly I can't understand for the life of me how being German makes me more/less prestige. Secondly I am german, I only mentioned it so that others could reply in german if needs be

t. Amerifat with 1/64th Deutsche ancestry

Finn, actually. Purest Mongol genes in Europe.

sei vernünftig

Does anyone here (german or not) want a serious discussion on Islam?

What do you mean by "serious discussion"?

In my rather pedestrian understanding of Islam, I believe the official line is that earlier Abrahamic religious figures such as Moses and Jesus were actually preaching Islam and their teachings became corrupted into what we see now.

What basis, if any, is given for that assertion? Or if it's wrong, how so?

The definition of serious is showing deep thought, not joking

Actually it does.

if at least one parent has lived in Germany for at least 8 years.

You are on the right track. Muslims believe all prophets including Jesus were sent only to call people to worship God alone (Tawheed). That's why there are no historic pictures/statues of Muhammad/Jesus

But there's a rather significant difference between preaching a worship of God alone and preaching Islam.

For instance, in my equally pedestrian understanding of Judaism, they also preach that you should worship God alone, but they come with a rather different package of orders from God, and I know that drinking alcohol, ordinarily forbidden in Islam, is mandatory on festive occasions.

Thus, if you hold that Moses is indeed a prophet who preached that stuff, you're left with at least a few awkward questions as to why God gives different marching orders to different people at different times. Website that led me to Islam

Tell me about the splitting of the moon.

Not surprised really. Reported.

The Torah (like the Gospels) were edited after the passing of Moses."They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah, and [also] the Messiah, the son of Mary. And they were not commanded except to worship one God; there is no deity except Him. Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Him" Muhammad was asked about this verse in the Quran and he said it refers to Men twisiting the commands of God and other obeying them in this.

The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft asunder” [Qur’an 54:1]

Volume 6, Book 60, Number 388:

Narrated Abdullah:

The moon was cleft asunder while we were in the company of the Prophet, and it became two parts. The Prophet said, Witness, witness (this miracle).”

This was also reported by Caravans coming from Syria, also by a King in India who became Muslim

Salafi means predecessor. Islaam pure and free from the additions of Innovators (Isis Shia Sufis and so on)


Fuck off goatfucker. You won't preach your satanic cult here.

Islam is incredibly uninteresting.

The splitting of the Moon was done by God to proof the prophethood of Muhammad. All the pics are unfounded and silly conspiracies

Because no child-raping goatfuckers allowed.

But it wasnt reported by the byzzis?
Cool story bro.

All of this is painfully taken out of context for the sake of confusion and bewilderment

>an islamic symbol


Get fucked, subhuman.

>The Torah (like the Gospels) were edited after the passing of Moses

And what's your proof for this? And how are the teachings of Mohammad different?

Europe is water, Islam is fish.

Back to kaysee you fucking nigger.

Living in Germany doesn't make you German, Abdul.
>tfw know it's bait, but can't help bite

Are you honestly going to proclaim that it isn't?

Say, "We have believed in Allah and in what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Descendants, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus and to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [submitting] to Him."

abu-Uhayhah did nothing wrong ;_;

what about all the logical inconsistencies?

what about the character of muhammed? He was a warmongering pedophile.

what about hostile ideologies? jihad, etc...

It was an Ottoman symbol, it only became specifically associated with Islam relatively recently.

Muhammad forgave literally everyone/ anything (unless commanded by God not to).

“And never (O Muhammad) pray for one of them who dies, nor stand by his grave. Lo! They disbelieve in God and His Messenger, and they died while they were evil doers.” (Quran 9:84)
This is God reprimanding Muhammad for praying for Non Muslims who tried to kill him (after they died)

Jihad- which means Struggle armed/unarmed(for the sake of helping others/justice) is part of Islam, and was performed by Moses,David and Solomon

You must understand that he could have eaten his legs and would still be seen as the pinaccle of enlightenment as his doing is backed by God who is simply the highest form of authority.
If you disagree with god that jihad is ammoral then you are in the wrong. You cant reason with salafis as their claims validate themselves independently from human reasoning which is limited in comparison to Allahs will.

So you're telling me that it is an islamic symbol, but you just said it wasn't.


How can our reasoning surpass God when He created "Human reasoning".
Islam literally means Submission - Submission to the will of God.

Eaten legs...really?






This is just silly. Also most protestors have little if anything to do with Islaam, most are inspired by emotion or an misinterpretation/misundunderstanding of islam



islam is garbage; dont kid yourself.




This is a popular form of propaganda when all other avenues have been exhausted. Saying Aisha was underage is like saying Jesus was born from Adultery.



Now the Silliness starts

I leave you again with the website that led me to Islam

Farewell Comrades







>this thread
Why can't we just have a normal, cultured discussion on islam without everyone sperging out? Why are you people so butthurt? Religious/theologic discussion belongs on this board and we have had decent threads on christianity, judaism, even kabbalah, so why can't we have one on islam?

islam is different. it's evil.



Because OP is a salafist scum who thought he'd preach here and possibly convert someone.


One buttblassted faggot spamming pics is not everybody sperging out. This thread was created as bait and it worked. Make a serious thread with a serious topic and you will get (mostly) serious replies.

You and I both know that a bunch of smelly brown people isn't a culture.

Okay, but what about the logical errors that exist in the quran.
God wouldn't make mistakes.


>being this autistic

I'd prefer you to show me that in a reasonable fashion, in a prolonged discussion where you go into a decent overview of islamic theology instead of posting memes and infographics you downloaded from /pol/. Context is extremely important - have you any idea how many times I found (sometimes intentionally) misunderstood excerpts from the New Testament used dishonestly to make a point?


I know enough about Islam to know that it is less of a passive religion and more of a supremecist political ideology that demands it's backward principles be enshrined in law. I know enough that Islam has never had any notion similar to seperation between church and state and thus is no less abominable than Communism and Nazism. I know enough to that Islamic values are directly opposed and incompatible to western values. I know enough to know that here are some nice things that Islam preaches, like Christianity, but the bad outwieghs the good. I know that Islam is unable to take oppostion to their supremicist ideology and butchers those who speak out against its principles. I know that Muslims refuse to be assimilated into their host cultures and cause massive problems. I know that muslims form sharia patrols within their colonies in places like England and Germany. I know that the greater the Muslim minority in the country, the more they will demand special privileges and rights under the law, until they can just take over the government and enforce all of their ideals. I know that if muslims were the majority they would force me to be obey them under the fear of death.

Islam needs to be opposed similarly to Nazism and Communism, with overwhelming and brutal force if necessary.



Enlighten me

That would mean a chance for people to actually learn about something from a person who obviously knows more about it. Horrifying, I know.
I still haven't seen a single successful thread on islam on this board, and there were some attempts.


Because Islam is evil. I'd rather deal with 1000 kike lawyers than 1,000,000 Ahmeds.

I think most of the people on this board know plenty about Islam and its massive faults already. They are just expressing their justified opposition to it.

Piss off, goatfucker

Why would I want to learn about a bunch of ugly shitskins and their view of the world?

Not really sure if people should learn the religion from a german salafie. I have seen some ok threads related to Islam and some good threads die off because no one wants to bump/shows interest in them. Veeky Forums is pretty shit at discussing history(because of humanities imo)
