GSL Code S
12h 42m
soO vs Stats
Sojin edition
GSL Code S
12h 42m
soO vs Stats
Sojin edition
gook op appreciated
little busy today... gay stuff...
literally perfect
gooknight qts~
i didnt know what to say
well say "gook" or something i dunno. just don't imply some impurity towards sojin and sojinposters :\ :/ :|
i wanted to be creative
one might find this suggestive creativity unwarranted
i liked my post desu
no one expected anything else from you
is that a compliment??
>no IU
fuck YES
it's been way too long boys
i genuinely miss this place sometimes
think everyone does to some extent, but idk if it's possible to revive and make resemble how it was 4+ years ago
everyone has moved on i doubt it's ever going to happen sadly, i miss them all though
also jesus christ it's been more than 4 years already?
hey hey hey
also the internet has grown and isn't as "wild west" like anymore, I'd kill for some place that was reminiscent of the internet circa 2011
more or less
just remove phone posting, problem solved
smartphones were a mistake
lowering the barrier of entry means more good posters can posat
surely that's worth something
the problem isn't more people posting it's that all the good posters left and now there's like 5 posts an hour
it was a comment on the internet in general
there are no good phone posters
90%+ of the posts (on 162) being just text and usually mindless drivel at that doesn't help
I don't even mean "not on topic", it's just pure nonsense
they playin a game out here
i don't know man, back when the threads were still good most of them were pure nonsense too but somehow it was enjoyable, everyone was just having fun together you know?
maybe pointless is a better but still not very adequate word
back then things had more of a point of being funny, now they don't, less thought involved, just ppl posting whatever pops in their head without creativity involved
yeah i don't really know what's happening here these days, i'm here for the first time in years, i just saw it's pretty dead now
and yet gookposts remain the best posts
no one actually playing the game anymore doesn't help i guess
162 looks like a bunch of bots posting
i try to post about sc2, but nobody replies :c