/tesog/ - The Elder Scrolls Online General

Dungeons & Draugr Edition

>Elder Thread
>Official news

>Latest ESO Live

>Latest patch notes:

>Builds and Guides
New Player Guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1WsLK2mOCvIePLUxW_X7CPa7uT072x3FJEzY7yyN1hXA/edit
Alcast/Deltia Guides: pastebin.com/Y9vRAcwm

>The More You Know
- If you're looking for RP, the most famous place is Riften -- but player housing has diminished this.
- You move slightly faster with your weapons sheathed. :^)
- Stablemasters still sell horses. The Crown Store isn't the ONLY source for non-level-reward mounts.

>Online lore, map and general info

>UI addons for PC

>Assorted links

>Making gold

>/tesog/ Guilds
[PC NA] mail (not whisper) @Foskl for invite
[PC EU] mail (not whisper) @Hatebr33d3r for invite
[PS4 NA] message PSN: kibukj for invite
[PS4 EU] message PSN: RumpRustler for invite
[XB1 NA] message GT: Arick556x45 for invite
Alternatively, write your @username, platform and location in the thread

>Platform poll:


>Is the game worth playing?
Yes. And please bump the thread if it needs it and you can.

Attached: Dare you enter this one's magical realm.jpg (1920x1080, 526K)

Other urls found in this thread:

dlgamer.com/us/search?keywords=the elder scrolls online

>Do I need to subscribe?
Subbing is totally optional, with its largest benefits being access to all DLC (but NOT "chapters," of which Morrowind is currently the only one), 1500 crowns (cash shop currency) upon sub start/renewal, and the Craft Bag, which is shared between all your characters on a megaserver and holds all crafting materials, potentially freeing up a lot of space.

>Sales and deals
dlgamer.com/us/search?keywords=the elder scrolls online (official reseller)
There's been talk of stolen credit cards being used to buy keys, but a lot of people still get it through one of the following and have no problems:
net/catalogsearch/result/index/?q=elder+scrolls+online (consensus suggests this is the least trustworthy)
Of course there's always the main site and Steam.

>Enabling multithreading (this can cause minor audio and visual stuttering)
>\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\UserSettings.txt -- change the following values:
SET MaxCoresToUse "however many cores you have"
SET RequestedNumJobThreads "-1"
SET RequestedNumWorkerThreads "-1"

>Which faction should I choose?
Daggerfall Covenant: Most generic-fantasy faction. Humans and Orcs. Forests, haunted crags, and desert. Literally everyone who plays loves the leader.
Aldmeri Dominion: Elves and cats. Forests, forests, grassland, and savannah. Leader just wants everyone to get along. Under her rule.
Ebonheart Pact: Variety. Drunken vikings, Dark Elves, and lizards. Snow, volcanoes, and swampland. Leader has fuck all to do with most of the story. Probably too busy drinking.

>How do I access the main quest after starting with Morrowind?
Once you finish the intro, you can teleport (or take a boat) to the mainland. Check your world map. When you're approached by a woman in robes, do what she says.

>What is animation canceling? Is it worth learning?

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>when they cut your hand off for thieving so you replace them both with metal

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>mechanical acuity proc turns you purple and transparent
So tired of this. Stop with the turning transparent shit in particular.

Guar bump

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what do you think next chapter's story will be about?


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Why is M'aiq not in Vvardenfell?

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he's afraid to be enslaved

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Deported for criminal amounts of lying.

How do I git gud at Templar or have I fucked up already

I'd like the Sorc's lightning form a lot more if it didn't turn me transparent.

And I HATE dragonblood rendering you into basically a floating fucking heart.

I'm a goddamn fragging machine

How the fuck do you top frag and still lose I don't get it

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>How the fuck do you top frag and still lose I don't get it

let me guess, magsorc?
if so spamming endless fury is nothing impressive

So who's got the best execute anyway?


Explain why

nah stamwarden
I was pftoing though :( all those points are me

in open world for magicka executes:
endless fury > impale > radiant oppression > bear

You lost because nobody on your team got anywhere near as much as the top scorers on the other teams.

Impale/Killer's Blade is really good that's what.
In general 2h probably has the best execute but that's not class based.

MK said that anyone who denies Ayrenn is KINMUNE better be ready to eat crown.

>Summerset Chapter
>Every important Altmer NPC is annoying as shit
>Entire chapter of Aryenn potentially
They better add a lot of other good stuff cause this chapter already seems like trash.

hopefully lots of elven fuccbois

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Elven fuccbois suck though.

Gimmie Khajiit fuccbois.With hips.

Ayrenn pls

No, Ayrenn can go away too.

Gimmie a Dagi Khajiit fuccboi with hips as big as his Argonian mistress.

Please stop.

You lost because your team had the most lore friendly names.

I'm actually concerned if they introduce a new class.

Is this one of those games I should level as DPS then switch to Tank/Heals at endgame or nah?

What melee DPS is most fun?

two handers

yeah pretty much

New Weapons would be such a welcome change that would help so many issues in the game.
New Class would literally be the worst thing they can do.

I'd vote for new weapons over a new class too.

Some kinda magicka weapon that's not a staff would be good.


However if you want to respec into tank or healer later it's pretty much the worst possible choice.
And you don't really need to respec, low level dungeons are easy as fuck and every low level person is shit at their role so no one will mind but it's better if you level up a little and get some taunt skills and a backbar before doing dungeons.

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Thank fuck for outfits

Attached: outfit.png (1410x926, 2.18M)

>Bound Weapons introduced as a weapon type, not a spell.
>While unsheathed you just have a glow on your hands
>The weapons are summoned per-attack, blocking makes a magic barrier like a Skyrim ward but not shit
>Magicka to block instead of Stamina

Templars are worse tanks than Stamblades but Magblades do make better NB tanks.

>Some kinda magicka weapon that's not a staff would be good.
Would make me roll magicka, but I don't think it's going to be really good for me since (considering bound weapons) at melee range shit's going to be hard to keep up (health/shield) since light armor's defense is crap.

New mechanics like back attack would be damn nice. Would make a dodge/roll build viable.

Left is more original, therefore better.
Now you look like everyone on the right.

Hollowjack masks kinda make me want to make a king in yellow character.

Attached: KingInYellow.jpg (385x415, 41K)

>zenimax making the animations not shit
lad just give up it's lost right there

>looking at PvE builds as a newb
>I know, nothing matters until veteran

>Stam DPS
>Mag DPS
>Staff, Staff, Staff, Staff

This seems kinda boring m8s.

Can they not make the other weapon classes work?

they don't want to change anything lmao
2h dps never ever

You can still do 30k with 2H DPS you know.

Just play however you want, there's precious little unlocked from doing the hardest content, ugly skins mostly.

you're missing the point

Alcast does it unironically, all the time.

Only tryhards care and shit only matters at the hardest content, but you can clear every quest with a "roleplaying build" with just LMB/RMB.

You can use dual wield, 2h and snb on mag classes in pvp and on some stam builds you can even use the resto staff.

And yes, I know you're talking about pve, was just putting out this information so that other people know.

When's this dumb jester holiday already

The Jester's Festival Hat Pack will be returning for a limited time on all platforms during the Jester's Festival, from March 29 to April 2 at 10am EDT. Watch for more Jester's Festival event details at the end of March!

N E C R O M A N C E R taimu gg guyz
better re-roll and do everything again good g0y
only $49.99

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CE better contain a cool fucking statue, sadly it's too late to buy Molag Bal one and the one in Morrowind CE was a literally who with mediocre design.

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Thanks user. I'll be looking for the ones with the coattails as part of the legs for my battle-mage.

The one on the left is an obnoxious mismatched mess. The one on the right looks nice if a tad bland color wise. I love the use of the Breton cowl type shoulder piece, and how the flare and detail of the boots mirrors the shape a bit. Great silhouette.

I hope so. They need to expand on the story, she just comes off as pathetic, and she shouldn't be. Having her officially be this sinister being putting on an act would make the Altmer a lot more interesting.

What do you guys think of this outfit? I really wanted to give him more of an adventurer/outlaw type look for now, and eventually want to incorporate some MT pieces as I do the main Marrowind questline. He's a Naryu fanboy.

He's a magNB who's crafting skills are alchemy and provisioning. I'll eventually get him the lake house and put an alchemy shop on the first floor of the main structure and a MT corner club upstairs.

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If it's Necromancer I quit.

don't worry user we already have a pet class

as if that'd stop them.

>having the shitty pet ai on not 2 but 3 classes
yeah nah

If Necromancer were merely introduced as a world skill and not a class, and isn't just all summons, it wouldn't be bad. I agree it would be terrible as a new class. I'm hoping the spell-crafting theory turns out to be correct.

We don't need another world skill tree unless it somehow makes hybrids valuable.
We need something to shake the existing meta, more weapons, more options with sets.

Introducing 100 new mats.
Better pay your sub!

honestly if the new weapon archetypes you speak of aren't included in base game it's worth jack shit
>pay 49.99 to use rune+1h/bound weapons goyim only included in the summerset isle dlc

>When instead of doing something with that meteorite like destroying it, you build something inside it.

Imagine how much you would freak out the first time you cast dragonblood.

/tesog/, What's this argonian's stripper name?

I mean they should've done that with Warden but Morrowind by itself wasn't a whole lot.
The fact that Orsinium is still the best DLC we've had to date is kind of sad.

Oy vey, it's not a dlc, it's a chapter!


I really fucking hope Summerset will actually feel like a fucking chapter instead of a glorified dlc.
Morrowind could have just been a fucking Halls of Fabrication only DLC and it would be essentially the same.

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>tfw we will never get another MA/DSA
>tfw we will never get something with as much quest content as Orsinium/Craglorn again
>tfw Morrowind having a class and battlegrounds tied with it let them skate away with a shitload less actual content for the pricetag
Feels really bad man.

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>all those points are me
You placed 4 out of 12.

It's simple
We remove impen as a trait


Its simple, we remove 88k shields.

sounds pretty cool

*crit rushes you*

>fury becomes a swansong set
>pvp becomes who can drop the other faster rather than who can out survive who
>transmutation becomes essential to group support and survival
>clustering up in towers and shit is a death sentence

meant to reply to

How many hours until the announcement?

like twelve

Fuck, early in the morning for me.

stamsorc with stormfist set

I'm kinda enjoying reverse slice.
>aoe execute that starts at 50%
Yes please and thank you.

what now, kiddo?

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just use the thieve's guild set like everyone else

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how long are servers usually down?

Usually until someone asks that question.


Servers are up.


Did they make the world bosses solo-able already? I want to complete each zone before moving to the next but I'm stuck in Reaper's March because I just can't find a group to kill them with. I used to 'spam' the zone chat for an hour and not a single person would respond.

Most are solo-able, with enough skill. Can't think of one that's explicitly impossible.

I remember being able to solo a few as well, but now I die in like 3 hits no matter which boss. I'm a magicka templar and usually just spam the spear skill that heals, I forgot its name, and that's usually sufficient for most content.