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One was a micfag and the other was a kid micfag, I don't use mics but I was able to coordinate with them better than any other team I've played with. It's weird.
Gonna really enjoy using the red umbrella with rust lord
>some dude with a rifle starts shooting me at close quarters
>hit back with the smg
>he runs to a building
>decides to build my way to the top and wait for him to get out
>taking to much time so I climb down
>he appears with a rocket launcher and shoots
>not even 1 meter away from him
>I die but he's still alive
I'm tired of this game desu
If my squad dies right at the start and leaves but I still win
Do they get the win too or do they need to stay for the full game or have to be alive?
They need to stay and spec
You know, this game would actually be great if there was a punishment for building midfight and jump shotgunning wasn't viable.
Good, those idiots went to Tilted and died immediately.
Shotguns now half your jump height
This plus you cant build if you take damage
When the fuck is Raptor coming back to the store?
> Land in a house
> shotgun shells
> medkit
> bandages
> grey pistol
> grey pump shotty
> guy runs in
> hit 7 damage
> spams you with their purple scar
Great mechanics. Just great.
>Short cooldown on building after taking damage from enemy player
I just fixed the game
>ITT: faggots who can't into building battles
Seriously it's the most fun way to 1v1 someone and you guys chose to bitch and complain about it.
I just hate getting a drop on a guy and then having to then face a 20 foot tall tower
>Get Level 100 collection in PvE to unlock him
>I dont get him for free for PvP, Epicjews expects me to shell out 20 more shekels for it
I'm already burned out in this game
So destroy the support walls then
If they wanna keep the building they should at least let my bullets penetrate and do some damage. I know that the best way to win is to cheese, but going up against someone with 999 wood while they chip away at your ammo til you have to reload really isn't fun. And then they just Q and shoot you while you reload.
He should be back soon but I dont know why you want that shit the twitch one looks better and easier/kinda cheaper to get
I am embarrassed to say but I have died to many times to fuckers just spamming walls everywhere.
The wall spam is just so fucking unfun. You know those little caves under certain ledges where there is sometimes chests? Had some fucker just spam fucking walls. 3 of us with fucking scars and the fucker could not be hit.
You know that YOU can also make a 20ft tower? It's actually a bit of a skill check when you're about to building battle. If you're smart you can build to position yourself better and get a few shotgun blasts. Good players will smother your path with their own building.
Get someone to spam a wall where you are trying to break it. That square will now be yours to manipulate and turn into an open arch they cant block
>shoot someone
>they can't defend themselves and just die
>game becomes pubg 1.5 because building is useless
Unless the guy has 999/999/999 mats, the onus is on all three of you being incapable of killing one guy quickly. Fuck, if you're in teams one person should keep a minigun for the sole purpose of destroying bases.
They legitimately need to do something about Shotguns, bunny hopping, or building because the meta of this shit is all shotguns and building to force close quarters to use shotguns.
So uh what the fuck is the PVE portion of this game even? I spent like $40 on cosmetics just for Battle Royale and I dont even know what the fuck safe the world is
Do missions, progress in story, get llamas to get hero, weapon and survivor cards.
As someone that loves shotguns, they need to reduce the range to like 2-1.5 tiles. At the moment you can OHK people from like 2.5 tiles and do good damage people 3-4 tiles away. It's fucking dumb
Shotguns in this game remind of Battlefield heroes so much. I know they nerfed double pump but double shotguns Tact+pump is still viable to a degree.
If you get caught out in this game though you should be punished for it, not
If they want to encourage defensive play, they should encourage the actual Fort aspect of the game, not the spamming buildings aspect
>mfw they eventually add the shredder
>Sniper Rifle: Cluster. Hybrid shotgun-sniper that fires tight groupings of pellets that deal heavy damage. Has a large magazine size, and fair accuracy at long range.
Use grenades. Build a taller fort than them. Press them if they take the time to heal because you should have the health advantage.
Thats right user. Literally a shotgun sniper rifles. You think the current meta is even in its final form?
Oh okay
>have 300 resources
>they have 350
>I have to build my fort taller than there's
>meanwhile they get to spam the ceiling because explosions don't go through walls and I have to keep wasting the ammo for my kill I should have got for catching them out of place
>instead get punished because I don't have a Legendary AR
>yfw they bring this as a legendary shotty
Doesn't apply to long range battles. Grenades can't hit long range. The worst punishment with the wall building is being good at sniping. Getting hit with a sniper should be at least 20s cooldown on building.
ain't an automatic getting added?
"fixing" that will make the skill ceiling lower. They already have new shooting mechanics coming to even out guns, which will fix your problem while creating an even higher skill ceiling.
>meanwhile they get to spam the ceiling because explosions don't go through walls and I have to keep wasting the ammo for my kill I should have got for catching them out of place
>not going for the base with grenades
The fact that you can spam them without direct LoS means they're some of the best anti-base weapons in the game.
>instead get punished because I don't have a Legendary AR
Unless you've got a white, green AR and up is good enough 99/100 times.
Oh okay, let me shoot their base
>they're on flat ground so I can't destroy their base
And I don't know what you're talking about, destroying a base is pathetic in this game even during the building process with a green+.
>Gonna see if I can get this guy with an AR at mid range.
> Hope I get a hit.
the special events are better than the regular modes
Steel doesnt do shit when you get caught up in the open user
>And I don't know what you're talking about,
Just kill the guy ff worse comes to worse. If you had the drop on them, did about 66-99 damage from 2-3 hits you'e at a huge advantage. Them spam building doesn't change that you have more health and if you're better, they're still dead anyway
Steel is shit for panic building. Steel is arguably the worst material to use unless you set up and camp a huge fort. Wood is the problem.
How much do you want to bet that buying skins actually positively affects the quality of the loot dropped from chests. I almost fucking guarantee it.
Autism in action
>Have some bought skins and picks
>Get whites and greens from chests most of the time
what the heck epic, where r my cheats i paid for?
Yea, but people want this game to apparently be some high APM nonsense and call it "skillful" when in reality it's just a tedious mechanic that encourages cheesy and sloppy play because you can whip out your pocket castle to compensate for bad positioning.
They should just get rid of building all together desu. It's a cheese tactic used by noobs who replace awareness with LOL WALL SPAM.
>Go to look up ways to demand a refund for pve
>See a news article
>Ninja is making 500k a month from streaming.
Hope this manchild knows how to file his taxes and saves this for when his internet fame bubble bursts in the next 1-2 years.
and yes, I am decently jealous of the man
I do not get it either he barely has a wacky personality
Post your fortnitetracker stats lads, let's see how we stack up
Gut will get fined to oblivion marketing shit to kids under COPPA or something. That or he will say nigger on stream and that will be that.
The celebs that have a backup plan/safety net that they are working on while doing streaming as a job I can respect desu
what a fucking loser, I have a higher winrate in the only mode that matters
>I do not get it either he barely has a wacky personality
Because he's actually really fucking good. I've never been impressed by any streamer in any game until seeing him play Fortnite.
Also when you consider how trash most people are, "I can't hit someone with an auto rifle because bloom, even though others can map people with the same weapons consistently" and "I've played 400 solo matches and only won once" it makes him look even better. Same goes for Myth or whatever his name is. The guy that is stupid good at build wars.
Streamers in general buy into their viewers inner little brother, so big they can pretend they're as good as big brother ninja and live vicariously through him since they're mostly garbage. It's crazy how popular he is, but given Fortnite's popularity, it shouldn't be surprising.
Ya'll some salty bitches.
"Hurr durr I hate building it's ruining my gun-play"
If you don't like the building Pubg exists. It's literally everything you want. No building, with much better gun mechanics. It's got more serious graphic with more realistic fighting.
Fortnite is amazing because you have building. In pubg you'll be running around then some guy inside a house, or crouched in a bush will drop you with a single burst. It's got a great draw to people who like that kind of thing. It's defiantly more rainbow 6 siege in gun play instances. Nothing wrong with Pubg, but the big reason I love Fortnite BR is because almost never have I died because some other player neigh invisible drops me instantly from a bush.
In Fortnite you have enough health/shields to prevent all but a well places sniper from instadroping you. (If you get 1 shot by a shotgun you should have heard them)
You have the option to stop and build and prevent incoming fire. Does this break the game? I don't think so. Yes you can take cover literally at any moment. The drawbacks are the following.
1. The attacker can keep firing, buildings have low health as they are being built. You can brute force through a wall easily.
2. The attacker can build as well when you start. This allows them to play defensive, or aggressive. Meanwhile you are down health for getting caught out. You still have disadvantage for getting caught out.
3. Materials are finite. Farming mats can be rewarding by keeping you alive.
Building is a game mechanic that has it's own learning curve. A better builder can outplay someone with better gun mechanics by getting height advantage and thus giving cover and better head shot chance. However, building is FAR from uncounterable.
One little thing I like as well is that other players stand out from the environment very well. The style/graphics allow for easy spotting of you opponents.
Shotguns are a bit op though, they do need a bit of a tune up with shorter range.
t. buildnoob
>hurr me am retard run out in open and spam walls because me am dumbass
you're a fag and your shit's all retarded
small brain: tactical shotgun is the best close range weapon
medium brain: pump shotgun is the best close range weapon
big brain: tactical smg is the best close range weapon
Fuck off, retard.
Transcendent brain: Hunting rifle is the best close range weapon
Does PVE have a grenade launcher like the M79?
Id prefer something like it single shot but blows up on impact
Tactical SMG can't 1 shot someone like the pump can
That said, as long as they don't 1 shot you, you'll definitely shred them with the SMG before they can fire again.
B O G G brain: c4 is the best close range weapon
This guy is entirely correct
If you get the drop on someone, you should get the kill. Buildspamming is for brainlets
You don't stay on the pump after shooting unless you've got cover
You got me.
No I'm just not a shitter like apparently the rest of nighttime /fng/
Building is the one single aspect of this game that gives it depth and a skillcap higher than a molehill and you retards want to remove it
No one wants it removed, they want turbosperg building removed. Turbosperg building has no downsides if you have mats and just wastes your time and the guy who kills you's time
Yes, you just want to turn it into a shallow puddle of a mechanic so you can thoughtlessly point and click at the enemy
>waah shooting too easy!
What the fuck are you on about again? Spamming the exact same spot of wall that gets shot over and over again is brainlet shit, that should be curbed while not affecting real forts
>Building is the one single aspect of this game that gives it depth and a skillcap higher than a molehill
Shooting is too easy when you remove building out of the equation due to nerfing it in a substantial way, due to the actual shooting mechanics being pisseasy for the most part
And no, people don't just want same spot spamming removed, there's plenty of aisine suggestions for stuff like a cooldown on building after getting shot from absolute shitters
Without building you have a bottom of the barrel hitscan peashooter
Building adds much more verticality, tons of positional stuff, it increases the time to kill leading to more interesting engagements
How do I paraglide properly? People always make it to locations before me. I know about not diving over mountains and try for water instead
You have people like that know fuckall about the game talk about making big changes to the mechanics
>someone spamming metal
>an obstacle
>getting shot while you reload because you didn't bother putting up a wall
no no no.
you want the GREEN pump shotty.
Besides, sometimes the good shit is on the ground floor. Not the chest in the roof.
>top 12, 5 times
Seriously why are you trying to start shit in the one fortnite discussion area that isn't so god damn retarded that we want the entirety of building removed? Why are you wasting our time with your idiot shit?
How can you think spam building the exact same spot shoudln't be punishable?
If you have to land in a hotzone like greasy/salty/retail, and someone is going for the same house or whatever is there a good way to gauge if you should go roof or floor?
I've been lucky that I never had a team that dropped tilted, I'd legit abandon them to die
Does anyone know how to fix this mouse sensitivity issue? Whenever I'm ingame my sensitivity drops super low and changing the number doesn't do anything. When I die a mouse appears on my screen which is unusual so I think my game might be half tabbed while playing. Anyone know a fix?
>Seriously why are you trying to start shit in the one fortnite discussion area that isn't so god damn retarded
You have one guy who spends 15 minutes writing out an elaborate post explaining why building is worthwhile and why you should be slow to suggest any changes to it that slow it down, and as a response he gets five retards shitting out two word post and spamming ebin meme wojacks
That's fucking /v/ tier
>How can you think spam building the exact same spot shoudln't be punishable?
Because it's not an actual issue
Spamming a spot goes through materials quickly. Buildings start with low life, especially the higher tiers. The guy spamming them is a sitting duck, and your teammates can move up to him. You can shoot multiple sides of the cubicle at the same time and then break them simultaneously. You can walk against the wall you're breaking and go through when it breaks the next time. You can time explosives and your shots to vaporize the guy, since he can't move.
Spamming walls also has legitimate uses. Defending your knocked guy, building up a tower under fire, generally keeping your forts alive for a moment until you move elsewhere. There's also the simple aspect of it feeling pretty fucking awful if you can't build at a spot for an arbitrary reason, a lot of this games draw is being smooth in these aspects
Removing same spot building would appease a few shitters who can't deal with a guy just fucking standing there spamming mouse 1, and would shit up the game for everyone else
t. wallspammer
>writing essays on a site where TL;DR is still a constant
That's your fault. No one wants to exchange essays over why the bloom on ARs is terrible or the good ol "go play pube-gee if you don't want building"
>muh wallspammin muhfucka
Really? You're talking about teams when a good chunk of this shit also happens in solo where most of your arguments do not apply. Also in teams especially blitz people have enough materials to go forever which means more teammates would be buildspamming and shooting at you, it's still brainlet shit
"Turbosperg building has no downsides.."
So you're telling me there is a downside? aka using up your mats?
Learn to counter build, learn to rush, learn to build properly. A good builder will easily overtake a spergbuilder.
"It waste's my time" Get gud or play pubg. It's what you want. It's literally everything you want. Fuck off of fortnite.
if pubg came to ps4 would everyone drop fortnite?
does ps4 make the game free?
>actually types out poorly-spelled versions of my post instead of direct quoting
Ebin. If you don't have good mats by the time you need to start building forts then you're playing the game wrong. Stop being so autistic whenever someone mentions even a slight possibility of an idea for nerfs to building
If fortnite came to xbone would everyone drop pube-gee?
no but i imagine people would drop it
Just won my first solo
I`m happy desu
you just answered your own question