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World of Warcraft General
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Threadly reminder KT females are disgusting
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>sangua is still a piece of shit
fuckin asmongold geting boosted in arenas again he has 2800 in 3v3
>get to an area with tons of mobs
>be WW monk
>run around and group them up
>pull 20+ mobs
>pop clones and do 10M dps and obliterate them instantly
>do quest and move along
feels good to be able to pull like a tank
what are some devilish things you do in wow?
>wear my 1000 Khazgoroths courage instead of amanthuls because it gives me more personal dps even though it lowers total raid output
>still playing multiplayer games without your own legion of cocksuckers
I've played each expansion since beta, Looking forward to being able to play pre-cata stuff for a nostalgia trip. Not only can the Azerothian content just not be seen anymore but the BC and WotLK content feels wrong because your character is superman compared to what they were, even the scaling patch didn't fix that.
they need to do a pass on them and make their body consistent
>strong, shaped arms
>flabby unshapely legs, no ass
>ridiculous stomach fat
I dont understand what mode this is. Sitting around doing curls all day while eating 4k calories?
If they got rid of the stomach, double chin and added some muscle tone, they'd be 10/10
Why everyone is so triggered by the idea of having playable Vulpera
I mean you can already be a Worgen Death Knight Pokémon Master
You can play as the Kung Fu Panda
You can take selfies
Why did the Zandalari rez Lei Shen?
you're basically goku
promised to make zuldazar great again
Wow, look at how so related to WoW that image is.
You feelshitters will just continue to infest and infect everything, won't you?
compare their arms though
it's like they couldn't decide whether they wanted to do a strong, stocky build like dwarf women or fat as fatass build like this schumer pic and tried to do both
what she lookin at?
La creatura de Kl'tiras
to cement their alliance with the mogu
bare backs and shoulders drive me wild
Die Abscheulichkeit...
Just a vocal minority.
You guys ARE saving names like La Creatura and La Atrocidad, right? You guys will have a guild called YO SOY BLANCO, right?
The water, I'm gonna drown myself.
>right on his fuckin stomach
I know you can level by soloing kara at like 72, can you do the same in vanilla raids/dungeons at like 63?
This is like my 8millionth alt and i wanna try something new
that soyboy body holyshit
I LITERALLY only play gnomes in alliance side
>stomach like some chick
>not on his back
are you fucking kidding me
>like gnomes
>try to play them
>camera/height thing just feels weird
can't quite put my finger on it
furry boogeyman
the horde is already infested with blood elves, the most popular race in the fucking game, fox people can't make it worse
>men are big strongfat dudes
>women are fat slobs
Geez did Jaina hit the genetic lottery or what.
Disgusting. I do feel weird after switching from my main [dwarf] to taller races, though
have you tried zooming in all the way and talking to an npc?
shit is strange
Jaina is Arthas' daughter
Dios mio...
>fart autist in LFR from sargeras starts complaining and screeching about dps being to low, it was a 3% wipe on argus to enrage, literally the 5% boost next pull would've been enough
>cant stop screaming about kicking every one under a certain dps level
this is why you NEVER EVER play with /wowg/ guilds
take that back nerd
She's anduin's daughter
I'm so glad she gets blown the fuck out for being a huge fucking traitor as soon as she gets back to KT
Too late
um no sweaty
>yfw you see Nintendo Labo
*casts unending breath on you*
>half the group sits around idly, texting, chatting on facebook, doing what ever till the pull
>a few people are trying to get him kicked because they refuse to bow to terrorist demands
>nobody does anything because this screamer wont shut the fuck up and do his job
DESU this is worse than being under geared.
is this a meme or something? can someone explain it to me? was just misspelled once and that's the running joke?
top 3 comps for warrior in 3v3 go:
Fucking hell they look like literal retards with that flat face
It's an intentional misspelling based on black twitter/tumblr garbage
he's right you know
those shitters and afkers deserve to have to requeue until they get their shit together
La abominaciónde Kul Tiras
Revamping my UI. I noticed I wasn't looking at things I should, I was looking at things that aren't relevant and a lot of information could be positioned better and displayed better.
Wrote a quick lua to anchor the tooltip to my mouse which I am really liking. Also used SUF, bartender and sexy map to make a clean minimalist UI that is conducive to PvP and Raiding but all the other game features are still available at a touch.
I need suggestions for a chat mod and a quest tracker. The best I can make the default chat window is still hideous and the default quest tracker is broken as hell.
I am also about to try weak auras to keep track of combo strikes, transfer the power and spinning crane kick counter so I can finally hide the buff bar.
Also where can I go for more help with LUAs? As it turns out most of what I want to do is specify positions and fadeouts. If I just create a large enough list in the LUA I could probably just avoid using mods that might break because of changes to features that I wouldn't be using.
Did... All void elves players... Listen to Illidan... Too much?
Prat is a pretty good chat mod, Immersion makes the quest window fit a lot cleaner with modified UIs.
Don't know about Quest Tracker though.
>male human warrior
>Also used SUF, bartender and sexy map
my NIGGA! are you me? I use kaliel's tracker, you can force it to stay a certain size you your quest log doesn't try and invade the rest of your UI and can separate quests from achievements
>wowg players
>taking legion arenas seriously
>guild titles
>n-no you
>male orc warrior
Damn ....
This is the saddest clip ive seen in a while
>Soon after Wow Classic
>3rd pic
>whiny soyboy shitter
>plays druid
loving every laugh
he has ptsd from being abused by his stepmother
So this... is the power... of the Nu-Horde...
cringey soyboys
Thanks for the suggestions, this will cover the entire UI if they end up working out. Much nicer being able to see the game instead of the 14 year old interface. Also why are the premade UI bundles so terrible?
this one is just for you then friend
holy shit, that poor mom
thats a tauren paladin you retard
Personally I like Elvui with Ipse's profile since he also does great weakaura set ups for the classes. To each their own though.
So the power.............of the nu-lliance.........powerful.........
thats you in the clip huh? you're a curse to your mother
What the fuck
this one is actually kinda funny in comparison
heh... I see you got moves, kid...
If I make a highmountain tauren at level 20 and walk them all the way up through 110, I get Heritage armor, yea? But is that added to collections that other highmountain tauren that I 100 boost can still use it? Or do I have to manually level each character that I want the armor on
>teleports behind you
>kills your whole guild
WTF blizzard?
one and done type of deal
>alliance players
once earned heritage armor can be used on any of that allied race you make from then on out
So this is the power of minigamers...
Well it wont hurt to check it out, at the least I can see some ideas for weak auras.
I may end up just writing a big simple lua though, I don't always play but it would be nice to have a consistent UI that doesn't ever break.