/civ4xg/ - Stellaris, Endless, Civilization, and 4X

>Dev Diary #108: 2.0 Post-Release Support (part 1)
>2.0 tech tree
>Pastebin(mostly outdated):

>Official and Unofficial Wiki
>Community Hub
>Planets Stats
>Ships Stats
>Horatio splicing guide
>ES2 politics guide.
>ES2 prequel


>Browser Civ Game, plays like civ2 (shut down)
>Civ IV XML fix
>Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE):
>Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot:
>Civ 5 Mods
>Civ 5 More Mods
>Civ 5 Drafter
>District Cheat Sheet:

>Essential improvements:

>MoO 2


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Other urls found in this thread:


I want to marry Wiz!

stellaris sucks

>making a new thread three posts early

>no /rtsg/ /cbg/ in OP
>no last thread link
>making the thread early
At least keep the OP intact, nigger.

How many years until surviving mars has good replayability?

Do habitat government buildings give adjacency bonuses?

You can't post about city builders here.

>declare war on this cuck
>take 3 of his planets
>mob up the rest of his shit
>12k marauder fleet incoming
>they actually intercept my enemies fleet trying to liberate their planet that i conquered
>they now proceed to bomb his planet to shit while im occupying it

Absolutely cucked are marauders literally /ourguys/ ?

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it appears it doesn't
t.placed every possible building next to it

At this rate galciv3 will have internal politics sooner than stellaris. Truely the best timeline.

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Who was in the wrong here?

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Hey, thanks for checking for me!

Any idea what the best "JoaT" defense station design would be?

ion cannon

This wasn't a very good idea.

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Playing stellaris?


the goddamn robot taking his garbage

t. garbageman

is this where we go to talk about HOI4? Any news on an update to darkest hour?


Should i call truce?
I mean he is offering 17 dust.

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maybe if it was 18 but 17 is too low

Hey /civ4xg/, the Veeky Forums League X friendlies will be happening on April 6-8 and April 13-15, and we've been invited to take part

>I don't know what you're on about
That's okay: Every 6 months the generals of Veeky Forums get together and play in a heavily modified virtual soccer tournament, which gets streamed for all of us to watch and meme on

>Where can I find out more?
Right here: implyingrigged.info/wiki//civ4xg/
implyingrigged.info/wiki/Veeky Forums_League_X_Friendlies

If you guys are interested in taking part, we can organise up to two friendlies against other generals on the board, and I'll leave the choices of generals up to you. I'll also be doing a roster poll after the friendlies for the VGL Proper which will be in June, so suggestions for any new players you want to see on the team are also appreciated

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/ksg/ obviously

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No idea for the friendlies, but here's some player suggestions:

>Balanced for Multiplayer
>Arbitrary Game Design
>Garbage Stealing Robot
>Respectfully Disagree

I wish I had the time to help for this

>laughed so hard at the player name "somehow I'm the bad guy" my roomate woke up

What's your guys favorite species?

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this one

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Did they fix the thing where defense station +weapons range buffs didn't work at all?

Yeah its not like paradox is known for years of continuous updates or anything.

stellaris is an early access game after all


*rapes your women*

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Do we still keep the corpse of /cbg/ in our basement, or has it been exhumed?

Yes good goy, Purchase our early access title for full price then continue to buy hundreds of dollars of DLC for the privilege of being able to play the complete game.


>not even the tentacle monster
You are prioritizing your weird insect fetish over memes, so you deserve to be ridiculed.

Paradox is known for feature bloating their products to fuck, which I guess falls under the header of "continuous updates." But if you expect a damn good thing to come of it you need to take Wiz's cock out of your mouth and take a deep breath.

Alright lads, I'm back; out of a quick show of interest, who would like me to continue this current simulation, and/or who would like me to start a new one, preferably on a slightly smaller galaxy, possible with that better AI mod?

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Can I wage a war once without them going apeshit?

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>yet another episode of the enemies fleet being untargetable

Seriously? go fuck yourself paradox.

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>Waging war
YOU are the bad guy

So I'm making an empire whose purpose is to spread themselves through Migration treaties and outbreed their good pops with my shitty ones.
So far I got:
Extremely Adaptive
Rapid Breeders
For negatives I'm thinking Decadent for -10 happiness to anyone who'd accept a migration treaty and deviants to make pops of different ethics. Wasteful is nice but I doubt the AI ever increases living standards.
Open to more suggestions.

meh, just start another

I dont deny that but I dont care who theyre doing NAPs with.

well, as scummy and degenerate as garbage-men are, that fucking robot is STILL a thief, so he's in the wrong

>mfw 2 empires keep making and breaking migration treaties that do not in any way affect my Hive-Mind empire but I get a notification every time a migration treaty is made or broken

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I'm new to this general and to 4x in general. So, I've been playing civ4 and I'm not very good at it and I would like to improve. I always play on large maps with 18 civs, and I can win almost every time on noble, but only about a third of the time on prince. Do you guys have any special tips for me?

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Use the WorldBuilder tool, it's fun

Can I destroy a habitat?
Not just abandon it, I want to tear it down and build a science nexus in its place.

In before Merni is fired by Wiz for bad AI.

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Unlike planets, which are several million times more massive and denser than Habitats, no Megastructure can be destroyed.


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They cost a lot of minerals to build so the developers probably didn't want to give players the option of cancelling out their own investment.
Can you use a Colossus on ringworld segments?

>took you till 180
So I wont play lifeseeded then, seems to be dogshit.

Which is the best war doctrine?

It's not lifeseeded, I decided to do a 1 system run on insane for some stupid fucking reason.
ended up doing a 2 system run when I realized I couldn't build my ringworld on my home turf
also rushed unity with almost no research which was fucking stupid

And I thought I hate my life, but thats a whole new level.

Robots and droids have a penalty to Unity production -- but will they ever produce less than 1? Is there any downside to putting Robots on a Stronghold or Fortress?

Wanna know the worst part?
I just let my neighbor swallow me and sucked his dick. I lived completely safe inside him all this time while he just barely tolerated me (with -40 border friction from 2 planets and -30 from fanatic xenophobe).
Now I'm finally ready to expand to my third system, but I can't buy anything from him. He won't sell me one 2energy system for 55000 minerals.
So I'm gonna have to somehow backstab him.

Mod the shit out of this iteration of Civ
The kitchen sink mods on civfanatics are excellent, and most of them are even stable!
You're doing fine, especially considering you're new.
The spoilered site has tomes and tomes of how to get better at Civ4, but it gets to REALLY autistic level very fast. .

>two systems

>Computational Overclocking.


Also, bumping this: . I get the feeling I could have ascended decades ago if I'd had that cumulative Unity.

wait till he loses a war and then cuck him.

That's not gonna happen.
Everybody likes him.

>He won't sell me one 2energy system for 55000 minerals.
The AI will never sell systems because the AI is gay

Pray for a crisis i guess?

I'd rather not mod it, apart from BUG. I think the game is fine as it is, and I'd rather get good at it so I can play with others in multiplayer. I've already checked civfanatics, and I did find some useful info, but I can't seem to be able to put that info into a coherent strategy. I tend to find that everything goes too fast, especially if I get attacked when I'm not quite ready yet. I repel an assault, fight a few battles, besiege a city, then I realize I went from antiquity to late medieval without making any big progress. The only way I seem to be able to win is if I immediately rush other civs before they have the time to prepare anything, and then snowball from there.

Best weapons for fighting Contingency?

necrophilia is a crime

Get your basic economic needs taken care of, then work on keeping your pops happy. Be sure to have a clear idea of the technologies you want to research and the layout of your terrain. Don't expand into areas that lack valuable resources and serve no strategic purpose early in the game. Focus on research, the difference between one generation of military technology and the last can change the outcome of a war.

I'm gonna be the crisis. Just you wait.

someone salty that op put stellaris first

I appreciate your effort, but those are some super basic tips. I'm not THAT bad. I need advanced strategies and tips. Even autistic ones if it's needed.

>Implying the whole game isn't just about knowing the basic mechanics well
I get where you're coming from but it just takes practice.

>join alliance
>ally request i attack a system on the other side of the galaxy
>get pissy when i don't get there in less than 10 turn

fuckin xenos

Wait, there's games besides Civ and old Alpha Centauri?? Which one do I play next!?

T. SMAX and CiV player


Mistakes were and continue to be made.

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Shit looks dire.

I'd say they won.

Nomadic is a must-have.

Later gene mod them to have fertile trait.

>prethoryn scourge is the most fun crisis
>it's also the rarest
fucking stellaris

I haven't seen the unbidden in my last 10 games. And not since 2.0. Contingency and Scourge all the time. Mostly the contingency.

I just need five more years to get the Defender of the Galaxy Ascension perk. Until then I will let the Contingency burn the eastern half of the galaxy and focus on the Southwest. I'll focus on increasing my fleet capacity and creating a fleet that handily take on one of their 120K fleets with minimal losses. If I can do that then I can clear out a good portion of the Southwest and then take on their 200K fleet and destroy one of their Machine worlds. If I can do that then there goes 25% of their fleet production capacity.

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What the FUCK happened?
Still-stagnant non-awakened FE just up and started somehow instantly conquering half the galaxy
The entire nation gets instantly absorbed

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Why don't the end game crises have a chance to come back after you beat them?

Especially the Scourge. There were multiple different Tyranid hive fleets after all.

Are habitats good for anything?

Same thing happened to me, I declared war and the big showdown between our fairly even fleets was one system jump away. The raiding fleet that came into the system just before our fleets met mopped them up entirely. And they just kept going past the system with my fleet as if nothing had fucking happened.

They weren't even on the way to raid either of our empires. That was the best bit, I like to think they were bored and did it for kicks.

yeah, destroying your unity


Everyone except is a filthy race traitor.

Energy ?

The Prethoryn Scourge are the last of their kind who have come to the galaxy to replenish their numbers. In reality they had to escape their own galaxy because of an even greater threat that erradicated all life in their galaxy (which they call The Hunters) and is already in pursuit of them. As soon as they consume the galaxy and their get their numbers back up they all plan to leave the galaxy and keep running from The Hunters who are still following them.

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>Vanguard Prethoryn make up the current Prethoryn crisis
>following this, a main fleet will arrive about 50 years after the vanguard arive; if you've managed to defeat the vanguard, the main fleet will be forced to fight for another beach head, but will otherwise just massively reinforce existing prethoryn systems
>in addition to larger fleets, the main fleet also comes with titan and colossus sized organisms, and planets they've infested will become barren again and spawn more of their colossus sized hive ships or whatever
>basically, they're the follow up to the vanguard softening up the galaxy and are now trying to ready all the biomass to leave again
>50 years after the main fleet arrives, the sternguard fleet arrives. If there's any prethoryn presence still in the galaxy, they'll just reinforce and help try to get as much resources as they can. If you've defeated the prethoryn thus far, the sternguard will either remain in the galaxy for a solemn last stand, or will immediately flee
>25 years after the sternguard arrive, if the prethoryn have a certain proportion of the galaxy conquered or if they have a certain fleet size, they will leave the galaxy. If not, they will continue their attacks, but in a far more agressive and frantic manner
>50 years after the sternguard arrive, the hunters show up. The prethoryn attempt to flee en masse. They don't make it.

What would the hunters be?

$10 says the Hunters are something related to the Shroud