/2hug/ - Touhou General - #133

I don't know edition
Previous thread >What is this game?
Touhou is a bullet hell series made by ZUN where cute girls have tea and snacks with other cute girls.

>I have questions!
pastebin.com/PMpRnhmb (Includes FAQ, netplay guide, 1cc charts and more)

>Where can I get the games?
moriyashrine.org/ (For separate game downloading)
nyaa.si/view/979648 (All in one pack)

>Touhou 16 and 15.5 on steam! Please support the official release.

>Introduction and tips for new players~

>Download and apply Vpatch for reduced lag, MoF MarisaB glitch fix, extremely high FPS fix and Windowed screen adjustment (Search ‘vpatch tutorial’ on youtube if you have problems installing it)

>Fangames pastebin (Contains a fixed version of FMW2 without the game-breaking bug)

>/2hug/ Highscore Spreadsheet! (If you want to submit a score, use the term 'score' somewhere in your post)

Touhou is a videogame and we are not hurting anybody

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Other urls found in this thread:


Delete this cancer

Attached: hmph.png (554x525, 295K)

I will have my revenge, youkai shrine maiden.

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>actually thought of this very idea today
It's still shitposting, but what in the actual fuck.

Stay in /v/ and never come back

Why man?

Attached: You know that squiggle line kinda looks like a.png (322x330, 159K)

Gonna give you anons a little easter egg, the symbols on Miko's headphones areくそ, which is jap for "kuso" which means shit.
I was thinking of doing Yukari sucking up a moonbitch, but not many people have read SSiB so I thought I would get more (you)s with Byakuren and Miko.

High quality bump.

Attached: Bumpo.png (300x300, 72K)

What are we gonna do guys, human girls just can't possibly compete with all the cute Youkai out there.

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We take out the Youkai trash

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Fuck off.

Yeah, hymen girls are for eating, Youkai are for loving.

Most humans just aren't cute enough. They can't compete.

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Silver arrows will do

Attached: AQT.jpg (1902x1520, 340K)

>human girls just can't possibly compete with all the cute Youkai out there.

Why is that a problem? More competition is always better. If they can't compete in a changing market, then it's their fate to remain childless and alone.

Wow I didn't know Miko was into this sorta thing.

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I can't believe the Crown Prince is a FAG!

Senpais. Teach me how to shitpost!

Attached: Hi.png (364x360, 138K)

A fag that likes young boys too.

>Transexual degenerate.
>Into kinky/gay shit.

Are you really that surprised?

(You)s are nice but should not be the end all measurement of how good a shitpost is. You should be aiming for total thread derailment with a single shitpost.

Attached: boymoans.png (845x300, 406K)

Miko is not a degenerate.

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>first day of spring
>my city experienced a torrential downpour, hail, and a tornado warning the whole day
Fuck you too lily.

I'm getting there. I just need one good run where I have a decent amount of lives when I've reached her, just like with Ran.

Attached: Almost a lewd spellcard name.png (640x480, 627K)

Attached: degenerateprince.png (275x470, 195K)

Now I'm viewing that spellcard in a very different light.

Would you let your Youkai nibble you if she was hungry?

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Attached: DELETE THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS.jpg (573x800, 62K)

Miko is a cute boy.

You're going to get fucked in the ass by her final spell and you are going to love it.

Miko is a cute cumdump.

Will ZUN make Lord Tenma into another girl?

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Goodnight 2hug, God bless. I can't wait to beat Yukari tomorrow

Perhaps Yukari is a bit more friendlier than we thought.

No user, for tomorrow it is I who shall do the ass fucking and SHE'S going to be the one who likes it.

You know, in a metaphorical sense.

Attached: Sakuya sprite.png (163x223, 36K)

>Eternal Meek
>Lasts 14 seconds

>Septette for dead princess
>There isn't actually a septette in it

>Impossible Spellcard
>Spellcards aren't impossible

Find a flaw

Attached: Th155Joon.png (828x718, 573K)

Nobody likes her

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Nobody likes rich, bratty kids
The Shion fad is over, you'll sooner or later see her get some love (that she doesn't deserve).

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ok so
sanae - jew
kanako - jehovas witness
rumia - christ
byakuren - buddha
shion - communism
junko - cutie pie

>Telling Wakasagi that I'm gonna give her a money shot
>Actually shoot cum right to her face

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What was the deleted post about?

The Moriya slut gods. The goddesses of cum and sex.

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Literally nobody likes Kanako

Kanako is my 2hu

Rude, how can you not like a Christmas Cake?

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Is that what a /v/ leak looks like?
I don't think I like it.

Attached: dont click this or she will die.gif (112x160, 47K)

And people complain about /jp/

Don't hurt the Tenko

Attached: DW47UArVQAEElbI.jpg (1050x1400, 243K)

Can I sex the Tenko then?

Can't sex the eldest daughter

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It isn't a septette to begin with, either.

She's dead and it's all your fault.

Shit I thought it said princess.

It's not a sepette, Remilia isn't dead, and she's not a princess either.
She just picked a cool sounding name for the song like a dumb brat would

She's right here dude

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She's been gone for a long time, this is just your brain playing tricks on you.
It's time to let go, user

Sad if true

Attached: sad angel who did nothing wrong.png (729x585, 352K)

Oh no...

Took you long enough to find that video. How about you upload an actually good shitpost next, huh?

nah, it's both of 'em.
welcome to march.

Attached: ...wat.jpg (470x1110, 98K)

post comfy

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>Took you long enough to find that video.
It's not like I wanted to.
>How about you upload an actually good shitpost next, huh?
I don't want to ruin /2hug/ more, it's already really bad.

Attached: those eyes though.jpg (910x988, 168K)

Would you let your touhou eat you if she was hungry?

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It’s spriiing motherfucker~!!!

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My 2hu is a weak Youkai that doesn't eat humans.

Is your 2hu a cat?

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Why would she be a fucking cat?

all the 2hu from that artist is super comfy. thanks for sharing.
pic unrelated.

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I miss taking naps
I don't think I've had a nap in years and it makes me tired just thinking about it.

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Comfy enough, so related enough
It's funny, I hate taking naps. I feel tired and terrible after taking them, and they usually make my eyes and head hurt.

Whenever I take naps, it's usually when I have things to do and can't just stay asleep for hours. But when I want to or have the time to do so I usually can't get droozy enough to sleep

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Why not? Cats are cute!

or you just fall asleep completely and don't wake up for several hours


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I enjoy those naps because I get enough rest but if I get waken up earlier then I feel the same as

I thinking being a night worker for the past year has just made me miss sleeping during the day by choice

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Are dogos cute too?

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Has Spring come for you as well?

This guard dogo maintains the status quo.

A dog is fine too

Mantaining the status quo of love and friendship!

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It rained all day today. It'll keep raining tomorrow.

Personal color's doujins are comfy. It's truly a good read before going to bed.

Good night /2hug/

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It's snow here... Weird.

Why is Marisa so short?

Is your touhou a secondary?

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Can I get a link?

Mushroom based diet

it's "meeting you in a dream" by personal color. You can find it on sadpanda or it's lite version.

It was fucking hot and humid, I hate living in a coast city sometimes.

/2hug/ are you asleep?

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