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/sthg/ #1264 - WEAK Edition
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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, shows and comics.
/sthg/ #1264 - WEAK Edition
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Reminder that #1 of Sonic IDW is being sold at Wondercon this weekend.
canon ship
Do you use anything Sonic for your background, sthg?
Just made this my phone's background.
>early thread making
Post weak Jackal boy!
I don't have any pictures of that loser.
This was funnier in my head when I started.
Ah well, have a comic.
>why's it drawn so badly
Ya know the score by now.
Feet Fetish babs blown out of the water.
shipping is cancer
I do, but it's been porn too many times.
Top Kek. Although Shadow is artificial,
but I won't get into that autism.
I don't, but I really feel like using some good Sonic backgrounds.
Females need to be stopped.
>Omega HURTING Shadow
Every time a new Sonic game gets announced, people genuinely get excited and think it will be a good game for once. The game releases and their expectations are crushed, which is the Sonic cycle we all know. Here's the baffling part: why does it surprise people that a Sonic game sucks when that has always been the case?
Sonic is the best example of a product of its era, meaning that the only appeal it had couldn't survive past the 90's. Yeah, the character still is popular (I recognize he has an iconic design), but the concepts and mechanics of this franchise are obsolete nowadays. Every Sonic game I've played before the recent garbage ones is just bad. Sonic has always been trial and error game design, which is the worst. Going fast and falling into pits, hitting spikes, bouncing around like a pinball ball, losing your rings, that is not any fun.
A lot of people say that Sonic 3 and Knuckles and the recent Generations are great games, so I played them, and they are still the same shit it has always been. It doesn't surprise me why the developers of this poor franchise keep adding new elements to the games to see if they can inject some life into it, but is just a lost cause.
People say that in order to have a good Sonic game, the developers have to go back to the basics of the "good" games. Ask yourself this, even if they do that, nowadays, would they be able to produce anything above an average game?
As a character, I think Sonic is pretty nice (except the Boom atrocity), but the mainline Sonic games have always been bad in my opinion.
Do you think that, nostalgia aside, Sonic was ever good?
>Going fast and falling into pits, hitting spikes, bouncing around like a pinball ball, losing your rings
Git gud.
You can't stop me.
Nostalgia can be toxic now bear in mind I did not say that it is toxic but that it can be toxic this assumption that because we have pleasant memories of something that it was alway good all the time a desire to get that back ignores all the good that's come since then as well as all the bad stuff that was there too and it poisons you making you more susceptible to deception to your own greed who's to say that your own past is more important than someone else's future and because you want something that may not have been real at all the farther the goalposts gets because you can't really reclaim it so it just gets worse and worse and you get greedier and more desperate for it because what you really want is never going to come until in the very end you become the thing you hate it in the first place you become more concerned with chasing some imaginary feeling that you forget where you are and then you can create real attainable goals right now to this mindset the past is more important than the future.
>yfw the master system Sonics were the canon games
Then there'd only be six Chaos Emeralds.
There are, the 7th one is just a normal gem they thought looked cool.
Will you see it for Sonic?
He even does a homing attack in the final battle.
I'm sure this is very good news to someone and very bad news to someone else.
An image taken before disaster.
We won't even know when he dies, it's kind of sad.
I'm not gonna die fag.
what did they mean by this?
I dunno user, if you don't quit now you're gonna end up like Maria.
Trolling at its finest.
I'm glad boom amy is dead.
How the fuck does Sonic work? I mean, what is this?
>decide to finally look into the Sonic franchise
>think its a jump n run
>you can just run straight from start to finish
>but this way you run past many elements of the stages
>slow down and play it like a conventional jnr to "complete" and explore the stages more thoroughly
>handling becomes insufferable, and you lack speed to climb/jump most other elements of the stages
>if you run, you miss a lot of the stage
>if you don't run, you miss a lot of the stage
What the fuck?! How do you sonic??? I'm not even kidding here. Ho?
7 playthroughs
If Chichi and Sakura, two of the most annoying bitches in anime can get their man, what's stopping Amy?
Im gonna get plowed by Shadow?
Sounds pretty rad.
I love how you're willing to accept Shadow being gay.
>waggy tail
Peak kino. Bless Yoto.
Anyone who tries to be that edgy is trying way too hard to hide something
What Sonic game are you playing?
Me too, but that's not the point. I meant you're gonna end up dead ya little shit.
He's only gay for Sonic or Omega
>Implying dudebro the pizzahut wouldn't be a gay sub
Mina Milestone Maybe?
Ur not canon
I like to think that Omega would like to show he a better robot than Shadow is a hedgehog. Not kill, but a decent fight.
Well, I shoulda worded the comic out better, but Omega's not referring to Shadow when he says organic, he just means some organic creature (Like Eggman) accused Shadow of being the best.
I need to work on comic writing more.
Amy mediocre and Rouge is complete shit. As a non-furry non-pedophile, Cream is my favorite of the Sonic girls. I just can't stand Creamfags, but they're not as bad as Amyfags I guess.
I truly believe Shadow would win a fight against Omega if the aim was to kill/destroy. I...can't be the only one r-right?
Boostfags literally ruin everything and they continue giving Sega money and allow Sonic Forces to "perform strongly" alongside Mania.
Nope, Omega was made for the sole purpose to kill Linkin Park Sonic. A 6 foot tall mechanized killing machine would wipe the floor with him.
Just like I said the last time I saw this posted, I'll be sure to buy the next modern game day one just to piss you off.
I might even buy two copies.
>relying on a legacy from the 90's to uphold Sonic this much
>Omega was made for the sole purpose to kill Linkin Park Sonic
Also, you seem to forget that Eggman made Omega. If Eggman can't succeed in making a robot to out-do Sonic in every way, what makes you think he could make a robot to out-do Shadow in every way?
Why did Ray become playable in Mania instead of her? Who really cares about Ray, outside of his association with Mighty?
He did it in 06. Yes, 06 was erased from time, but it still happened in an alternate timeline. Omega can still do it.
>6 foot tall
Yeah right, Omega is a manlet.
He' a package deal with Mighty now. If Mighty's playable, Ray' gotta get in.
The fact that Omega betrayed Eggman and wants to destroy him and prove he's the Ultimate Eggman Robot, thus joining Sonic's side as a result (sort of), means that thematically, Omega has to truly be the Ultimate Eggman Robot, far superior to all the others, thus highlighting Eggman's mistake of sealing him away instead of ACTUALLY USING HIM TO DEFEAT SONIC, YOU IDIOT!!! C'mon Egghead, what's the matter with you?
Omega isn't stupid. He'll kill Shadow while he's brooding onto of a rooftop or having PTSD of Maria. You know, when he's "weak"
>no pantsu
Omega is the Ultimate Lifeform.
I haven't laughed this much at a comic in a long time. You're a funny guy, BCA.
>Knuckles Chaotix
Muhria is pure, she does not take drugs.
Unless Shadow's pingas counts as one.
Sweet Amyfag tears.
In '06's (non-canon and erased) timeline, Omega never KILLED Shadow. Edgy hog was put into stasis. Don't you think that maybe emotions were involved for Shadow? The only friend he could have that wouldn't eventually grow old and die like the others? My guess is that Shadow wouldn't have put up much of a fight at all against his best friend.
But that's the thing, Omega couldn't beat Sonic OR Shadow. He'd be a very tough opponent, yeah, but they'd probably win in the end.
What happens if Shadow just Chaos Blasts while he's in rest mode?
Because Mighty is going to be piss-easy to program in since they pretty much just need to copy his moveset from Chaotix, if they even bother doing that. This makes me think Ray will also be low-effort as well, being mostly a clone of Knuckles with a minor variation like how Mighty is just Sonic with wall kicks. On the other hand, Amy would need to be designed and programmed from the ground up. Expect her if there's a full-blown Mania 2, not an expansion pack.
Do it. Buy two. I did. And so did some other user, apparently.
You do know tricking Shadow into thinking he's still his friend is a thing, right?
That's not a fair fight, then, is it?
I ship them platonically as best bros.
Shadow is for Omega only anyways.
We didn't get to see that happen, safe to assume he probably didn't do it by force.
>"Hmph. I have grown weary of fighting this world. All my friends are dead, except you, Omega."
>"Beep boop Shadow. Perhaps it is time to leave this world. Beep boop. I am 06 Omega. This is how I was written. Beep boop."
>"I love you."
>"Processing. I love you too."
Listen to this guy.
Yeah you are lmao, that or get busted and gang raped in prison by your big papas
So is Boom cancelled or not?
God damnit user...I'm going to cry, you're so good at story telling.
Yeah, but that was before people paired the two up.
>Eggman robot
>playing fair
Post ships. I need to stock up on shipping art.
Wow, I knew the fanbase was bad but this is a brand new low.
Also supporters of SA3 think the success of these games will kill off the idea of that game coming into existence completely?
...Why? What indication did Sega ever give that they would do that? I mean, yeah they're focusing on Modern and Classic Sonic gameplay again but at this point its what'll hopefully rescue the franchise and help it recover from its rather bleak state. Then once these games come out, Sega will listen very carefully to their fans on what to improve on and can begin to build Sonic back up from there. And if there's one thing I know about this franchise its that nearly every game is different and while Sega probably won't take as big risks as they used to anymore, they will continue to experiment with small ideas in each game without changing the core gameplay to see what fans think. That doesn't stop SA3 from being made, but at the same time it could take a LONG time before Sega decides to give the Adventure gameplay another shot since they need to make sure they meet the expectations of the fans wanting it. This can also serve as a reason why it won't happen because of the crowd it needs to please. If they screw up such an anticipated sequel that's been awaited by fans for over 15 years now...It's scary to think what might happen to the series then.
He's totally gonna chimp out and be a pussy after he takes it. Worried about the side effects that will be happening and eventually get caught. His friends will be a bunch of bitch boys and abandon him and he'll be done for. I'm guessing he's like what, 15? Poor guy doesn't know what's coming.
>Alien hedgehog
>playing fair
Glad ya liked it user!
Sally Nicole
Fleetway Amy and Tekno
More Buddy x Sonic pls.
I NEED it!
best ship