Well spent resources edition previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22
>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png (Due to a large influx of applications, the clan is full for the time being.)
>offline on warframe.market >get the copy paste message >do the trade >check the sell page >there's people online in game who are selling the same thing for less This is the second time this happened. Explain yourselves.
>he doesn't know the difference between no ass and Veeky Forums ass I bet you call every fat bitch "thicc" too.
Asher Parker
>another song butchered by the pentatonic scale Bravo.
Gabriel Miller
>that metronome have fun not getting buffs
Kevin Hughes
>Bird prime literally has no ass >Getting BTFO >Even Mag Deluxe and Mesa have better ass Doesn't matter how much you try, it wont change the fact that your bird is trash.
Carson Cruz
they are new to the site, it has things in a retarded order at first, and they just sent the message to the first person that shows in the list
Did the buff to bow charge speed make the Daikyu worth using?
I need a bow to use, and I really just don't like Dread's look as much, and Lenz is fun, but sometimes I just want a normal bow that doesn't shoot explosive AoE death.
>missions that take the same amount of time regardless of how good you are at the game
Luke Rogers
There is too much shit to grind for I can't choose what to grind for first. I assume relics with the prime stuff since that's limited time?
Thomas Anderson
Do you have reputation gains? Because I remember being new there and getting confused by a sort that didn't put lowest prices first. If you weren't offline, I'd also suggest that online ones were actually offline in game or made a fake listing in hopes of having goyim sellers put lower prices on actual goods.
Logan Wood
All the relics are prime stuff dumbass
Camden Ward
>actual discussion >April 2018 with no new content since December these faggots are keeping everything until 10con, it's awful.
You did, ninja. Saying "relics with the prime stuff" implies that there are relics without the "prime stuff". You done fucked up. Take your L like a man.
Gavin Gonzalez
Zero reputation. How does the default sort even work?
That's called polarizing and crafting respectively though
Caleb Brown
ATTICA OR DREAD which is better late game and which is better all around
Andrew Adams
Attica is a meme wep. Dread all the way.
Easton Nelson
Isaac King
What's Daikyu's problem, then? I thought that's why everyone used Dread over it, because you could fire Dread way faster and out-DPS Daikyu.
There's only arrow skins available for Dread, unless I wanted to buy the Oberon pack, which has the only all bow skin, as far as I'm aware, and it looks okay at best.
Evan Ross
ZARR! ZARRRRRRRRRR!! Blow yourself up! Get a rad proc, blow your friends up too!
>tfw bought unrolled tiber riven for 500p >its selling for 1.5kp now whos the jew here? im the jew here
John Kelly
What should I be doing with the Synoid Gammacor, mods wise? Crit/status? Only one?
Julian Anderson
Don't be impolite, he didn't call you a retard.
Logan Mitchell
a retard for what, you are the one that didn't understood what i was refering to.
Landon Stewart
I have a Zenith. Is there any point in putting a potato on Tibeorn Prime?
Noah Turner
it's still a status bow that doesn't even have primary slash damage
Andrew Sanchez
I don't care what you were referring to, what I see is that he corrected you in an obvious but non-hostile way and you called him a faggot.
Eli Walker
Redpill me on War.
Landon Allen
>decide to level stuff farming for Zephyr >Vulkar, Cestra and Broken Scepter Oh boy, this was a bad decision.
Henry Williams
Mastery fodder shit weapon
Samuel Reed
It's absolutely based. BiS.
Evan Martin
>Stalker bows to War >In contact with Hunhow >Possesses psychic abilities >Controls 10o with an iron but fair fist >Direct descendant of Broken War
Jeremiah Jackson
Nicholas Martin
War never changes
Brandon Parker
when are the tenno and grineer and corpus going to team up against a massive sentient controlling a legion of a new strain of infested and other sentients
Connor Roberts
Why the fuck can't I find a single Nistlepod in free roam jesus h christ
I just need 2
James Rodriguez
Why does DE even bother with sub-100 armor values?
You gotta hit the hills towards the back.
Kevin Thompson
try higher ground, i mostly find them around small ponds on high ground
James Jones
Cucked by Galatine Prime. Truly a Broken Bull. Worth it only for mastery fodder, so take your time (10+ years) for the pieces to drop.
Landon Howard
Oh wow so you play Fallout too? That's a really great game. Check out the latest game on steam, Fallout 4, it's awesome. Don't forget the DLCs, they really add a lot more into the base game that you'd be missing out on otherwise.
Currently have Titania and Octavia being built and farming for Zephyr is getting extremely dull after 8 hours doing so without even one piece dropping. What are some mods I could try farming for in preparation and to have something else to do?
Already have Flow, Streamline, Constitution and Continuity for the more common rares to use.
Levi Turner
I'll tell you in a month when I even care to farm it. It depends on how fast the Tiberon switches modes. Zenith needs like a full second to activate semi-auto mode, but TiberonP can't match its damage. TiberonP's auto and burst beats Zenith's full auto, but needs to reload more. Personally, I'd say Zenith is better, but both have their strengths and weaknesses. TiberonP with a riven seems like it would be a monster, though.
Brandon Parker
>todd posting fuck off, reddit
Josiah Bailey
I returned like 3 weeks ago and got the bp today. Thats why im asking. Thanks still, luckily i find melee boring anyway.
Jace Green
Green dots are Nistlepods. (Blue zones are mining areas, yellow - comfy fishing areas)
>first open area: grineer on earth >second open area: corpus on venus >third open area: infested (on mars?) >fourth open area: (sentients?) on ??? >fifth open area: ??? >sixth open area: DE is out of business by now
Nathan Diaz
i was talking about the (broken) war pieces i'm surprised
Jaxon Turner
>open water submersible on Uranus
pls no
Samuel Adams
>>third open area: infested (on mars?) only one i'm looking forward to desu
Levi Reed
>implying they won't jew their way through to the point of expanding to a second solar system
Henry Moore
i just hope we get some kind of cool tropical zone on mars before they hit us with a map that’s half or more archwang
Evan Harris
posted in the old thread by mistake.
what weapon type and stance should I use with excalibur? Swords, katanas, or two swords?
also what one specifically?
Carson Nelson
I want a place with large scale battlefield warfare between Corpus and Grineer.
Grayson Miller
Will suck cock for plat.
Cameron Wilson
>fourth open area: Sentiens on Uranus Do you to a disproportionate lack of underwater Archwing gameplay and overwhelming user response this has been settled on. >sixth open area: DE is out of business by now We expect you to beg for Itzal Prime with 1.3 flight speed by now. And we have it planned ;)
Adam Walker
That would be neat.
James Reyes
i kind of hope they do, honestly. a solar system ravaged by sentients and other aliens they’ve enslaved would be really cool
Cameron Butler
Sword, Mire
Brody Harris
>imblying they aren't just going to rip Subnautica directly into the game
Christian Wright
Does anyone in the history of universe enjoy """"archwing""""
Josiah Perez
Yeah, I've always loved it when games make you feel like there are things going out without you. The AI would have to be improved significantly (and enemy weapon stats rebalanced) though, as trying to get the fucks to kill each other successfully in the Simulacrum/Crossfires/etc is a challenge.
Hudson Cooper
The controls are too slippery. I enjoy it occasionally regardless to take the bite out of the grind with variety.
Justin Cruz
>Operator-only solar system
Jaxon Watson
i would if it was faster paced. sitting around defending objectives is lame in regular warframe. it's lamer in archwing
Jose Flores
>Yeah, I've always loved it when games make you feel like there are things going out without you this so much. I'd honestly even be satisfied with the large scale warframe going on as a background noise. DE is too incompetant to improve the AI and shit.
Bentley Parker
The Grineer persuit was super fun That's the only time I enjoyed archwing
Jordan Gomez
Freespace archwing is good fun. Mecha anime-like melee, shift+space for fast, etc. But there are missions that make you sit like a duck like corpus mobile defense, they suck. Underwater arsewing is a garbage that just drags on. PoE arsewing is a fragile garbage that lacks a gun, makes your pet disappear and gets shotdown by a single missile through any defensive abilities. So, "a little bit".
Sebastian Edwards
If it had more maps, enemies and vastly improved handling, sure. It's fun blinking around in Itzal or nuking shit with Elytron, there's just nowhere interesting or synergistic to really use them.
Carson Wright
>warframe warfare* fuck
Julian Moore
Nah and this can be said about a lot of things but they really should have put more effort into making scenarios that play to (what little) strengths arsewings have instead of just duplicating their corridor/babysit 'gameplay.'