Let's talk about massively multiplayer online role playing games. Mamu for short to try and avoid the autistbot. What games are you
>looking forward to
>wish you had played
Other urls found in this thread:
mmos are dead
Welcome back /mmog/ /ammog/ /wafkug/
Please play Closers/Soulworker!
wtf shhhhh
I miss Spellborn so much you guys
Remember when DFO was here
Oh and /dfog/ before they left and the threads died.
where is bot kun?
I think it's safe as long as you don't have the old mmo general title but we'll see. Anyone play L2? I was always interested cause of the dark elf design
Anyone still play mabi?
who wants to play DFO?
Is dfo like 2D pso?
OH FUCK I REMEMBER THAT GAME! I had no clue what I was doing but jesus I had a blast walking around.
Does it hurt your heart user?
post your gear
No. It's not set in space.
The best I have is 6pc gracia. I'm gearing. Also fuck you, you're that faggot from the other thread you fucking elitist.
Who's the best DPS in soulworker? Is it the chick with the scythe?
>6pc gracia
It was way ahead of its time, I can tell you that. TERA's action combat doesn't have shit on Spellborn's skilldeck
I meant in terms of gameplay/progression
Well this proves that the bot can't detect this thread, please don't die
No. PSO2 you just run EQ and nothing else to level up and grind for rares.
DFO, you level up and then wall after wall is placed in front of you until you grind your heart out.
Nobody here played lineage 2?
Anyone tried Crowfall?
play .Hack
i wish there was an mmo like the world r1
seriously why hasn't one been made yet
the devs tried and failed to make an online game, and i guess nobody that makes mmos wants to make something like the world because wow was too successful so we just got wow clones
post your mmo characters belly button
which should i play
Fuck I remember spellborn. Setting was unique. Shame about its undignified death, though.
and no it's not perfect, but it's better than virtually everything there
ugly pop in grass and tree turn me off
the only good thing about bdo is the way it looks
I'm taking a break from bdo which is why it's not on the list bub
>/mmog/ /ammog/
What's wrong with either of these two for the OP
Probably going to sink my $50 and try it. It's in Pre-Alpha right now, so I don't think it's even a working build, just stress-testing mechanics as they add them
>ded thread
At least it's not the bot?
>thread on /v/ hits bump limit
>This thread is fucking dead
I guess no one wants to talk about MMO's outside of /v/
Veeky Forums, and especially /mmog/, tends to have a bad reputation there. At least as far as the memes
let's talk about boobs
Attracts the gw2 bot I think
I really would love to see it turn out well it's just so hard to buy into an MMO in a alpha/beta and not burn yourself out on the rough product before the real thing even starts.
Me too, so many of the concepts sound awesome. I might buy it in the hope that my whalebux help it not be doa
Hopefully there's enough interest for a /v/ guild
why the fuck did they turn lineage into a fucking mobile game
go ask hem
Unfortunately mobile is becoming the future for MMO's
>Have to play on my phone just to go back the good ol days of mabinogi
Really undecided about buying project Gorgon, I missed the fucking sale, but grinding stupid skills is really addicting.
When did Project Gorgon go pay-to-play? For some reason I remember it being free
I thought it was fun and had a few good ideas
Like a 8 days ago I think, they launched it on steam for $40usd, but for a week it was on sale for $30. You can still play the with the previous launcher for free for about a week or 2 more I'm not sure, but once they disable it you have to play it from steam.
Can I keep my account? All that grinding for Druid and Battle Chemist...
Anyone play bns?
Give me a rundown on the GW2 bot
Yeah pretty sure you just login with our old acc, no idea if it gets tied to steam or something.
This is just the "EA" launch I think, further down the road they may do a "real launch" that will wipe economy progress like favor/quests/equipment, not skill progress. But I doubt they'd be willing to lose the people angry about losing their valuables and favor, maybe they'll just make a separate server if the community cries enough, and it's not going to happen any time soon anyways.
Just go to their general my dude
It's dead there, just like here. Oh well
Loading up BDO first time in months
Maybe we could grind sometime if you get into it. I don't even log in to do anything atm
i'm only level 44 m8
oh hey thread is still alive
>gw2 retard guild drama or some shit
>guy gets kicked or something
>has an autistic shitfit
>creates a bot that spams the thread with random posts from any board on Veeky Forums
>gw2g is kill
>meanwhile /mmog/ doin its thing
>gw2 faggots invade /mmog/
>bot follows them
>any thread with /mmog/ in the title is kill
and that's why i had to do /mamug/
And the bot is still a thing? A big, continuous shitfit?
yep, the bot was still running even last night when someone made a /gw2g/ attempt as you can see here
Does /mmog/ in the OP text trigger it or just the title?
both i believe
anyone lookin forward to pantheon? There was a recent stream and the graphics are lookin a lot better lately
Fuck leveling is slow in soulworker
im looking forward to pounding your asshole
bro that's pretty gay
/mmog/ or the letters "mmo" together?
i mean i can try making a thread called /mmos/ and see if that works when this thread dies in an hour
Nah, I just want "mmo" somewhere in the OP text so that it shows up if you search "mmo" in the catalog. Otherwise it'll die in an hour every time
When this thread dies in an hour can we have a more structured OP? Latest news on the upcoming mmo's or something? Maybe better for discussion than just the OP from the /v/ thread
sure, but i'm too stupid to come up with something so if you wanna make and post what you think should be a good op here then i'll (or someone else) use that
Something like
/mamug/ - Massively Multiplayer Online
Previous This is a general for discussion of upcoming mmo's or mmo's without their own general.
>Latest News
>/mamug/ mmo catalog
>Thread Question
What're you
>looking forward to
>wishin you had played
not perfect but it's something
The news and pastebin are just a placeholder, anyone who wants to contribute, go ahead
Mabinogi is on mobile now?
if it's korean it's on mobile now, that's the trend so yes
>Camelot Unchained looks really good
>subscription model
Well that one's down the shitter. Any upcoming mmo's I can be excited about that aren't gonna require a sub?
I didn't know I could get cancer from watching a video, but now I do
Complete opposite for me, if an mmo doesn't have a sub i want nothing to do with it. MMOs without subs are utter dogshit 99% of the time, especially because the sub helps gate out shitters and poorfags
I get that, but I don't want to shell out massive amounts of bux for any game. Play for a year and you've spent $300, which is more than the whales we make fun of.
>MMORPG: Will there be separate PVE and PVP servers, or is it all PVP all the time?
>Bless Online Team: There will not be separate PVE or PVP servers, but we understand that many players do not wish to partake in PVP until it’s on their own terms. To help with this, there will be a consumable item that players can buy in-game to make them non-PVP enabled. This will work all the way to the level cap, last for a time, and has no cooldown. At the level cap, the item will still be obtainable, but via the Cash Shop. A large part of the later game content is PVP oriented (like our sieges), so we’re hoping players will try to engage in the conflict between the two factions then. Still, if they wish to avoid PVP, they’ll be able to buy the consumable in the cash shop, and you will also be able to earn cash shop currency via in-game activities as well.
I don't know how to feel about this, I understand why it exists, and it may not break the game, but why couldn't they just give you 3 per day for free or something like that, I think this will make pvp very uncomfortable. Ganking some dude, he just chugs an anti pvp potion... dude ganking you constantly, you call blackup, and he just gulps a potion so no one can hurt him.. why even have that shit at all.
>cash shop consumable to unflag for pvp
TOP GOY. Even if you can earn cash shop currency via in-game activities it's still retarded
>Pay to not PvP
I thought bless was gonna save MMO's
Isn't it just another generic korean mmo?
I think it's still going to be the new WaR if they deliver a client with better optimization, there hasn't been any pvp oriented mmo that doesn't rely on spending thousands of dollars to get a +15 weapon and armor shit like that with enchant stones from the cash shop, if Bless manages to avoid that kind of retarded cash shop progression and handle more than 50 players on screen without getting fucked it's gonna be decent.
I'm remaining hopeful until I see the founder packs, if the add some stupid $150 pack with blatant pay2win shit I'm just gonna forget about it, but not gonna discard it until then.
Anyone here tried Teon All Fair Hardcore RPG? It's extremely similar to old school Diablo with elements from it and Lineage 1.
are you the shill from /v/?
Man if it wasn't a mobile game I'd try it, but it looks worse than most browser games to be honest, I don't want to download an emulator to play it.
No but I found about about the game from that same shill, and I was wondering if anyone even play it or its all a bot simulator.
So close I wanna raid already
yeah i dont think so bro
it's $180, which is still expensive. For some reason I was thinking the sub was $25, that's how I got the 300 number