Worst waifu/ shitfu editon
League of legends general /lolg/
>all this irelia posting
>it will soon turn into irelia hate because people are fed up with the spam
>she will become hated by lolg
keep going
I am going to be the best Irelia in the world!
>ywn be stepped on by Irelia
Why live?
The difference is irelia is actually cute as opposed to other ugly champs such lulu
Oh no! How will our hero Lux escape this time?!
Why don't people play 3s?
because like dominion, it is a shit, forgotten game mode that the champs aren't balanced around
>Vast improvement. Her best splash now.
Formerly best splash, now 3rd rate. Still good but a downgrade due to the ugly fuzzy linning on her coat. Points for actually adding an airplane though.
Definitely not frostbutt. Underwhelming/10, meme btfo.
Actually looks cute now, hands down the greatest improvement in terms of source material vs end result. What was a her shittest splash is now sharing top place with nightblade.
Hands down the worst, it was so defaced by pointless change that it's now barelly recognizable. 0/10
>Give black science man a try
I mean, considering I was against Anivia and got camped the ENTIRE game, I think I didn't do too badly.
Is this the standard build for him?
doesnt matter, anything popular=shit on Veeky Forums
It should be illegal for KIed to be this cute.
patch faster league i wanna try that new bruiser rune on my hubby
For the good of this general I will refrain from expressing my love for my new waifu for a month. 7 decides which girl I autistically post about as a proxy until then
Presenting three easy steps to getting out of a sticky situation.
Step 1: burn the ropes.
Step 2: burn the place down with her captor in it.
Step 3: *pff* there's no step 3. There's no step 3! *chuckling intensifies*
You died 9 times on a nigga with a dash, a shield, and a reset button.
this is not official, kys
aviator best splash
you are the only constant
I came and feed her eggs.
She has to eat them.
I don't think you realize the extents to which the enemy team tried to kill me. 9/10 Nocturne ults were on yours truly.
Where can I find a cute league playing gf to cuddle with and watch lck?
Why is Sona so superior?
>king of shit taste trying to claim his garbage opinion is official
Superior to whom? A steaming pile of shit? Even that is debatable.
Start a smurf account, that's how i found mine.
Yes, it IS official. Sorry you don't like it, but it is.
Also aviator had the potential to be the all time best but the fuzzy linning ruined it. /lolg/ has spoken.
Best girl
>tfw Eve will never steal me from my gf
Kaisa on new patch is best girl!
What if she steals your gf?
none can resist her charms
Rate your waifus splash arts from most to least fappable
Star Guardian > Base > Elf > Firecracker > Mafia > Slayer
>Masturbating to your waifu
user what kind of degenerate do you take me for?
Why is this general filled with lolicons and people that pretend to hate lolicons while hiding their lolicon fetishes?
when does patch release in euw?
They delayed it because Riot doesn't know how to code for shit
I could only pick one character, so I went with Kha'zix. I hope you like it!
Uh... That character isn't even close to begin a loli, user. Do you think every flat chested girl is a loli? By that logic Jinx and evem fucking Xayah are lolis too.
Why do I feel like they just flat out forget about certain champs like Twisted Fate
He gets no skins, no patch changes, no mentions, no lore, nothing, not even an emote.
For one of the most defining and popular champs I'd expect a lot more.
I tried Kayn for the first time today in aram I can see why my Kayns always die so much. He so weak before he can change.
>ADC Kai'Sas have been dropping Guinsoo's Shitblade in favor of Essence Reaver builds
>Jungle Kai'Sas going Warrior > Yoummu's instead of Bloodrazor > Guinsoo's because surprise surprise you need AD to deal damage in the mid game as a ranged carry
I haven't the faintest fucking idea why people thought otherwise.
If you think I wouldn't impregnate this you are severely mistaken
Fuck you Hiro I didn't post that shit image
He's just average right now. I feel the same way about Ahri, but for some reason they need to buff her
Is Quinn the only kissless virgin in League?
If you're gonna do that might as well just pick any other fucking crit adc with actual range
Unless you're talking about female characters only I can think of a lot that are kissless virgins
If you're going to rush Guinsoo's then you'd might as well pick Varus or Kog'Maw who have actual range as well. Ultimately Kai'Sa is just bad. ER is just less bad.
I haven't seen Kaisa win a game yet. If they're the enemy they lose, if they're on my team they lose.
TF is actually busted as fuck at the moment and his pick rate has been increasing through the roof, but that's probably gonna change after the minion changes.
The point being is that he gets like zero love from riot, even his current power is just indirect shit, like he's just "there"
Even ahri has an emote and got some story with the vastaya shit
because her W has ap scalling and need ap to evolve
dunno why people thought it was a good idea since the cd is long as fuck
>Even ahri has an emote and got some story with the vastaya shit
You say that like she was not the most popular champion at some point.
how many times do we have to go over this
As long as she protects my dick with her pussy
Yeah and TF has been extremely popular constantly while also being game defining and is one of the original champs.
That's the point
She's an ugly bitch
like a yordle expect more dead
have you seen her ingame?
she looks fucking hideous
the hair isnt even properly animated
>Yeah and TF has been extremely popular constantly
[citation needed]
TF is one of the best designed characters in the game from a gameplay perspective ,the reason he is so popular is because of his iconic kit and how it allows him to influence the game unlike any other champions. Edgelord kids and casual players aren't able to comprehend the incredible nuance and complexity of his kit so he just seems like a boring dude who throws cards to them. Because of this he isn't that exciting from a character perspective so he doesn't get much in the way of lore/skins
You get ap because of the insane damage boosts you get off your passive and the fifth plasma pop.
The problem is that if you go ap your best bet is nashor but if you go ap you're not gonna get an early icathian rain which is pretty much the only spike you can get.
If you get damage your autos are not that good and your attack speed is shit until you e and even then your range is laughable.
When other adcs can start fighting and dealing insane damage kai sa needs like 3 items, she's actually a balanced adc but that shit doesn't flies with the current busted garbage
She just needs so much shit
>ywn pop Eve's cherry
>bitchy females/edgelord young men
these sell well and make money
>unique characters with interesting personalities/kits/stories
that will only appeal to a couple of people
I want my adc to cum inside me
Literally highest pick rate mid at the moment and was utter cancer on release up until like 4 years ago
The one time he wasn't that relevant was when zed was everywhere.
did the americans go to sleep yet?
The nigga has like 10 skins and no one cares about lore, what the fuck do you want
But jhins pretty popular
>10 skins
like 8 of these are literal recolors
>champion that is a literal succubus is a virgin
Facts about Akali!
Dumb as a rock!
Completely disposable!
The problem with Essence Reaver on any adc is that you eventually have to go back and build IE, usually as a third item. But if you build IE third on Kaisa then you're basically never evolving her E until super lategame. The best I've been able to do is ER->Hurricane->Bork 3rd but even that feels really average.
She's underrated. Q lets her CS and control waves extremely easily and it does a shitload of damage if you can isolate one or two champs with it. The shame is that her E is such a shit skill. Range buffs going through I think make her OP but nobody will probably pick up on it until she crops up at like MSI or in LCK playoffs.
>Whaaaaaaaaaaat? You mean girls can't get pregnant their first time? Wow user, you're really smart!
Okay, so? They still look pretty good on average and TF is not a champ with a lot of room for change in terms of particle effects like most mages either.
I don't know if I've ever been this smitten with a fictional character.
Ticks literally every box, how the fuck do they do it
Her E isn't even a good ability to start with so not evolving it isn't really a daunting prospect. It needs to suck less as a base ability. People overhype the fuck out of her stealth even though it does jack shit for her because getting Stealth early means you won't do any fucking damage anyway and your survivability doesn't even increase by much to compensate. Seriously Supercharger is probably the worst fucking steroid in the game right now.
its impossible to say this without sounding like a dicksucker:
jhin just has mass appeal
edgy enough for the edgelords, funny/weird enough for other people, lanky/tall attractive for women looking for husbandos (yes, theres a lot of art for him) and with a very fun kit to play, yet without being obnoxious to play against.
consider him an exception, i dont think even riot knew he'd be this popular.
Notice how the adcs after him were very generic and boring
These buffs will make her pick/ban tier.
Nashors tooth is already an insanely broken item on her but never built and with the ap boosts + range she's gonna be a nightmare.
She's already a big lane powerhouse but giving her more range on attack AND on icathian rain is just flat out dumb.
>Literally highest pick rate mid at the moment
>ranked 9 on champion.gg with a pick rate of 3.31%
>ranked 8 on lolalytics.com with a pick rate of 6.5%
Is AP Irelia back?
Imagine her sitting on your face
>tfw you play jhin for the voice lines
>yet without being obnoxious to play against.
Being able to swing a fight or even initiate without ever putting yourself at risk is pretty fucking annoying.
How do we stop irelia from completely destroying Mordekaiser now?
new bara champ when?????
He's probably looking at op.gg, Koreans have a permanent hard on for Twisted Fate.
jhins ult is super risky, it literally roots you there forever.
Or it would be risky if we actually had assassins.
Look here buddy, real talk time now. I've been compiling the official lolgen rank for skins since the poppy rework. That's longer than you've been browsing lolg probably. Fuck, it's probably longer than you've been playing League to begin with. I've earned this position by the test of time because people here learned to trust my read on the general's stance on the subject.
So please stop trying to cast doubt on the list, ok? It's geting seriously annoying at this point. Just ignore it if you don't learn that you're the minority here instead of creating trouble for the rest of us.
Because NA has a permanent hard on for le flashy plays overloaded champs like yas or riven or kat
Yeah assassins suck right now but hopefully that will change soon. Jhin is annoying as hell though, especially in lane. He's not particularly fun to play and he's only fun to fight insofar as you being able to kill and watch him whimper like a faggot before succumbing to his injuries.
I don't understand why it doesn't give lingering movespeed instead of just an AS buff. 100% agree it's an ass steroid, only Ashe Q is close to equally horrible.
Ban her? Does Morde have a lot of hard matchups against melee tops?
its a meme at this point but you can dodge everything he does
compared to all the mechanics we have in the game I find jhin to be very much on the less obnoxious side.
and theres always the fact that he sacrifices dps for his utility so he is unlikely to be as overbearing as champions like twitch or vayne who can be unstoppable when fed
>swing a fight
literally every champion in the game can do that, its too vague of a term
In that case, his point doesn't mean anything as Korea isn't all of the world.
Well, being able to initiate fights or pick of targets is one of Jhins biggest strength. The trade-off is that he can't output nearly as much damage in a teamfight as AS Crit ADCs
She is
Youre in a very small minority with opinion.