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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Fire Emblem Twitter Artist List
Best girl!
Kagero is my wife.
Spring Saizo when? We need the other titty ninja.
I want to ______ Kagero
Severa is beautiful & brings happiness to all! She’s such a wonderful gift to the world!
+SPD -DEF Eirika on free roll
no more luck for ninjabbitties
>Fire Emblem Awakening is for babies
>Fire Emblem 7 is the best game in the series
Why do people unironically think FE7 wasnt made for literal children?
bunmilla + ninjabbit
Tsuns are for anal presses
Usagi Sharon!
I thought Catria is a literal who?
Why is she getting fanart.
cause they never played PoR or RD
She's fuckin' cute, bud.
hump sharena endlessly
The only literal who is Bord
forcefully inseminate
New toy syndrome. Regular Catria has just as much art as anyone else who isn't in the Reddit 20
Did you finish it user?
What is the Ultra Instinct of FE?
I want an earjob from Bunny Best Friend
I'm not good enough at team comp for infernal
most japs have an NTR fetish so they can relate to her
>Was pumped for Eirika banner since I can't seem to roll her otherwise
>remember Leo is on the banner too
This one was so easy I didn't even build a team for it. Kind of a letdown, really. At least it's nice to see they're trying to make clever use of staff abilities now.
A cute couple!
Shadow dragon was the game that turned me off of Axe users.
I wanna date Sharena
Easiest BhB ever
>overhyped beyond belief
>blows its pathetic load and fails to accomplish fucking anything when it's finally shown off
I will protect Catria from all of the bullies, marth doesn't know what he's missing
Lissa trapped the entire enemy team behind her when she attacked Sakura, it was ridiculously easy to pick them off one by one after that.
Marth isn't missing anything, he married the best girl.
>character is undeniably really good and serves as an easy unga bunga option for Arena, CC, SA, and GHB clears
>don’t use them because you absolutely hate them as characters and wish they never existed
Is this thought process valid, autism, or a little of both?
Why are those two cute little imoutos crying at each other?
LIke, BLyn, any dancer, don't even need a 4th unit
> Lilina
> Eliwood
> Marthina
> Fred
Overlooked them.
> For what purpose
Couldn't decide who else to use for wind garden.
Valid, the point of a game is to enjoy beating it. If you don't enjoy the win, what's the point?
uh oh
do you think catria uses her egg as a buttplug just curious haha
They're being forced to fight for my amusement.
why is this man dressed like that?
I forgot Saber existed in this game.
Oh here we fucking go.
What are the predictions for the next legendary banner? Is anyone keeping a check list of probable units given the pattern of the previous rotations?
do you think dragons give live birth or they just shit out eggs
How shit was your free draw?
He hasn't had a banner featuring him since Celica's Army and he's the most bloated color pool. I'm not surprised.
I'm hoping he gets featured on the cooldown banner. I want to +10 him so badly.
Embarrassing post
Thanks! And even with DEF bane he takes almost zero damage from bow users or daggers, all I have to do is keep him away from melee, obviously.
But I'll roll for a version with a less shitty IV on the new banner, too.
4 star Fir
I need sanaki to trample my cock until I cum loads then the holy guards beat me for cumming in front of the empress so quickly and in large amounts
I made this image :^}
So, what do you do when you run out of Hinatas? I desperately need a few more
3* Matthew.
>eirika banner
Fug, RIP orbs
Is hinoka the cutest Fates character?
I got a +atk -def soren. Should i use that over my +spd - hp one? Both are 4 star
If you're into men
And even then, he can't compare to the best there
He said "don't ask" in the trailer. Poor man...
124 orbs. Should I snipe Morgan?
depends on your subjective taste
Got Chrom AKA Aether fodder so it was okay.
3* Adult Tiki. Hey at least it's almost fodder for Bonfire
Depends on what form they're in.
When I finally run out, I'll just wait for more. There's a good chance he'll return on the next 4-5* banner too.
Very good. Another merge for my Eliwood.
that would be Beruka
Are you only fighting 40 attack bow users or something.
I ship Fjorm with myself.
She's mine
3* Belka. The roll was cancer too. 4 green orbs, 1 colorless. Why couldn't have I got that shit on Kektor's banner.
That's a busty SevSev.
Roy hatched from an egg
Sorry sweety but your ass is mine.
4* Tharja
Maybe I'll give her tome to that young boy from Chrom's banner that she has no relation to.
No? I use Leo to take down CyLyn in arena, and pretty much every other bow except Innes. Quick Riposte makes it so he never gets killed. I imagine the S-support helps as well, but anyway, I haven't had any trouble with green or colorless since I gave Leo a Raventome.
I'm afraid to say everyone who completes chapter 1 of book 2 gets their chance with her
+def -hp Myrrh. i'm sorry
5* Soren for a merge, not bad
-hp +res 4* Seliph
Considering keeping him for future builds
>Nifl sisters BHB with rollable Fjorm and Gunnthrá
Good idea or great idea?
They run out? I think I get him and Hana more than anybody else.
Is there any purpose to keeping 4* Hana's around? Should I just merge them into Super-Hana?
Who will have pussybreaker?