Which one of these historical figures, is your most favorite out of the 3? Explain your choice below.
Hard mode: You can only pick one and you can't pick none of them.
Which one of these historical figures, is your most favorite out of the 3? Explain your choice below.
Hard mode: You can only pick one and you can't pick none of them.
>not Roosevelt
Only one of these men fired Douglas MacArthur.
Explanation: He didn't get off on killing his own people
Stalin would've killed him and Hitler also would've killed him but it would be made to look like a suicide
I didn't say that as a bad thing.
He had the balls to do something Roosevelt should have done in 1941.
MacArthur was a great general honestly, he was just a complete cunt and assumed he had authority in areas that he didn't
The only one of these aforementioned leaders with anything resembling a moral compass. Also, nearly got FDR thrown out of office for corruption (he was put on the ticket for VP to shut him up).
t. no genocidal massacres associated with him
only one of these saved the world from Hitler
Hitler did kill Hitler, so I guess he's got that going for him
Stalin was a gangster who managed to terrrorise his governement into a bunch of battered wives, Hitler tried to build himself into a quasi-religious figures and became a meth addict, what did Truman do?
rebuild europe
>Nazi Armband and salute
I shit on your image
Drop the bomb without a sissy ass college education to tell him otherwise
He was President right after the GOAT president and he was a bit of a dweeb.
>sissy ass college education
t. ignorance is bliss
Hitler and Stalin were actual evil geniuses.
Truman was a moronic stooge patsy.
Hard mode: FAIL
They all suck.
Because he had good intentions.
>Hitler's own people
>implying there was even an extermination order
The mad man actually wanted to invade china, I wonder what would have gone down if he did
Hitler 1918-1939. A lot of his speeches are inspiring as fuck (mainly the ones that pertain to peoples role in society) his rapid ascension and pulling Germany out of the interwar period depression. I FUCKIN LOVE INTERWAR PERIOD HITLER
>Jewish Germans aren't Germans
Why is /pol/ so stupid? You'd have a better argument saying the Russians and Ukrainians weren't Stalin's people, he at least was Georgian
>I don't know anything about anything
astounding argument you sure convinced me.