Final Fantasy General DCCCLXXVII - /ffg/

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And yet, here we are.

Next celebrity collab when?

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>implying anyone else is willing to make themselves a target

Drake banner when?

>and kick him from discord
Wait, llfag is welcomed on the discord? and here I thought that containment zone couldn't get any worse. No wonder we can't get rid of him.

>retards equipping HP, DEF and the passives that give extra casts on their OO support
literally fucking why, put that fucking Mako Might on your Cloud, he'll fuck off after a few turns anyways


>tfw too banned to pull for charming kitty ariana
pregnant ariana collab when

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>using supports

i bring /ffg/'s supports so they can get some gil but i never actually summon them in fights

this actually
most times I forget about the support system entirely even if it would have helped in the fight

Actually he got bullied so hard from the discord when I__________ told him he could rejoin since he got aileen he refused to
less work for me so that's nice, if only you guys actually bullied him better maybe he wouldnt shit up the thread

/ffg/ banner when?

>not summoning 35cp tidus friends to make farming shiva faster

>still farming Shiva

>Still farming Shiva


Why would you even want someone so annoying there in the first place. Made the right choice bullying him away.

>if only you guys poured piping hot gasoline on the fire maybe it would extinguish

are tidus weapons going to be in the general pool after his event is over? Will I have a chance to pull them as offbanners?

I use supports (just /ffg/ ones) for the final wave of a daily dungeon to replace the low level shitter in my party to make the auto smoother, otherwise the low level character might get a cactuar rammed up their ass. They're useful in harder content too like Shiva EX.

You're in the club pulling for Fina when this slut shows up and slaps your rainbow on the ass, what do?

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yes but you will have a lower chance to get them so buy some gems and pull now kupo

Yes, the only weapons that don't get permanently added to the pool are the primal/esper ones like Cloud's Crimson Edge and Rem's Popsicle Dagger.

Yams kept posting the invite link

give her lots of hugs and a bowl of tuna

So tell him to stop. Can't even keep your own retards under control

I say "Thank you" because I already have Ayaka, and then I fuck Birdo in zher boipucci.

>Yams kept posting the invite link
based texan retard
we need to nuke texas

Nice. I'm getting close to another pull. It's gonna be my 6th. It's pretty cool that I've gotten about 15k gems so far just from clearing hardmodes and I've only completely cleared ch3

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>So tell him to stop.
This is legit the funniest post I've read all day.

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How do I know when the fucking bone dragon will do crushing fangs so I can HP attack beforehand since my BRV is fucked up anyways?

he is under the protection of L and E so we cant

Pat her on her head and hope Fina will show up sooner rather than later.

>literally beat a fight with one turn
>only 26k score
something seems off

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Good luck! I think someone calculated we get about 22k gems and 100 something tickets per month, that seems pretty generous by the standards of other gacha games I've played.
He always does it after Group Firaga. And if it's like the raid version he'll do it after a normal brave attack if he hasn't been broken.

You guys are pretty nice. Jake would be proud

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I thought he would do his HP attack after a brave attack if he's not broken?
Thanks hopefully I can clear Shiva EX

>literally wants to fuck the cat

I plan to get back to 100k by the time ace hits. Hawman set me back a ton but ramza might set me back much further

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90% on banner rates


i try to save up my tickets but i always get the urge to pull every once in a while they are literally the only thing keeping me from using my gems at this point

Apparently, tickets get a raise in rates in the future so rationing might not be the worst time you can do

Whoops meant to reply
This shit is too hard, my team is Eiko, Setzer and Cloud and I run out of steam after using my summon

Protip: bring a brotherhood friend and watch it literally fucking melt.

Do you have Crimson Edge for Cloud? For the run where I met all the objectives, I used CE Cloud for dispel (those atk and def buffs are really strong), Tifa for breaking bones (plus favoritism) and Hope to cut physical/magical damage in half plus a bit of brave battery-ing. Brought a friend Yuffie to Snatch his brave when it got big and smack him back. Do you hsve a native source of dispel? Setzer is really nice for this boss, shame he gets so few uses of freeze.

>TFW you don't get what you want after several rolls.

Bascally I wanted either tifa's or cecil's 5-star weapons, but i keep getting nothing but rem knives.

I swear the desire sensor is real.

Is there something that Jake doesn't want to fuck? He even had his way with Nichol and turned him into his butt buddy

Is it just me, or is it impossible to FRZ him after he buffs?
It never seems to proc when he's after half health, for some reason.

using this guy sunday because he looks as angery as i was when i didn't roll brotherhood

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>Is there something that Jake doesn't want to fuck?

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Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

>join Eiko raid with random using my 49/50 Eiko
>Yda leader disbands the moment I join
>This happens multiple times but only when there is a Yda leader
I'm confused. Are Yda players just not smart?

Oh, it is very real. Tifa and Cecil have much better banners later on, so don't worry too much about it. This weekly banner is something to spend some tickets on, not to go balls deep with multiple 5k pulls.

I'll give that a try, I just beat the LV50 Seymour fight and I struggled so much to clear it

All I have for him is the NT Buster, my relics are very lackluster, I have:
King, Setzer, Cloud (NT), Eiko, Edge and... Sazh....

Yeah my plan is to freeze after crushing fangs, I dunno if there's a better spot to freeze brave
No real sources of dispel other than relicless characters

>dumped literally 1100 stamina farming dark orbs
>only got 40~ MDO

Do you mean BEFORE crushing fangs?

Depends, are you bringing a LV11 Chocobo?

I like to think I'm not terribly stupid, dunno about smart though.
Hmm, maybe try a friend Vanille? Or even a guest so she can fire off three dispels and gtfo. But definitely try one of the super strong Tidusbros we have here first, the man is a beast.

>LV11 Chocobo
fuck off with this shitty meme

Depends on the team. On a higher damage team will bring Chocobo and on a lower damage/slower team will bring Shiva. But always have Shiva out first. She is level 14.

>she is level 14
go fix that before it's too late

Jake is the Harkness of Lapis, just without the gay. Although...

Been doing that whenever I have the stamina. Need so many of the tiny upgrade materials.

Yeah before, so after group firaga I guess?

Maybe I'll look for a Cloud with Crimson Edge, I'd rather not bring Vanille since I really need to squeeze all that damage

>shitty meme

t. chocoboless retard

Yeah, after firaga. And if you bring a CE Cloud, make sure to remember it only dispels if it's a crit off an ability, so Cross Slash when the boss is broken.

mines lvl 11 and its shit get over it already

You need certain permissions to drop the discord link

Also plz no bully it's hard enough to find parties

wait, didn't you explode?

>Kunshira can also do the walking on two feet thing
If you closely you can spot the exact moment that Jake's dick exploded.

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>tfw can't farm chocobo to higher level because I'm withholding the story for later so I won't spend all the gems

>he's not dead

stop being stupid

>not even an explosion at close proximity and an entire SWAT team of bullets could kill him

>I'm withholding the story for later so I won't spend all the gems

Oh well, I'll try again later

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I like how Seymour is a single level higher than his elite manikin bodyguards.

Not bad, I found the 180 turns mission the easiest so you got all the tricky stuff out of the way.

>two 4* tickets from the XV raid
>two 4* tickets from this raid
I thought they were supposed to be rare? Or am I a luckshitter?

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Anyone got meme magic to spare?

Yes, I happen to have some right here. Go pull, young lad!

Good luck !

I wasted a lot of turns near the end where we were in a loop of firaga, crushing fangs, me trying ot lower his brave so I wouldn't die, lunge, receive heavy but not fatal damage, break him, HP attack, and then loop back to firaga
Maybe I'll just save the Freeze for whenever he buffs himself up

You can take what I've got but I'd like to know what exactly you wanna use it for, this stuff has varying effects of different games

Rem is great though.

>wanted one more 15 cp to mlb
>get three
Thanks guys, two powerstones to help feed my 35 cp and I'm done with this banner for good
6 pulls and not a single tidus 4* armor though

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Gee Bill, why do you get two tickets?

Well done lad

I though that having tickets from raid chests was a myth, never had one before and I'm always into the

Jolly good show ole chap !

Sending more meme magic just in case

thanks yams youre always there for me

why won't he just go away?

don't bully my ole chap

Anytime brah

But no need to name drop I'll always give the meme powa if you need it and I'm online

>some people think meme magic isn't real

yams is an unsent