>intentionally promoting dragon as a business incentive >backpedalling on the queen nerf despite its necessity just to avoid giving out vials >ripping half the expansion out to sell again later nice game shadowbabies
>excited for expac >boot up the game for the first time in over a month >Saha-Isra dragon >Saha-Isra dragon >Daria >Saha-Isra Dragon >Log off Balanced meta btw. No nerfs necessary btw.
go back to gay butt fucking general with youre shitty secondary biat you and medu/orchidshitters that do not belong here
Caleb Mitchell
Carter Powell
>gave out dread queen as a gift >the server didn't accept it since it was not nerfed to 5/5 as intended >server crashed Fucking Trojan Horse of an octopus
Joshua Lee
>he finally learned how to quote good job autism-kun i'm happy for you
Localization a fuck. So many sword cards had great Japanse phrases that just turn into half-hearted grunts in english.
Leo Johnson
Imagine being Tanaka-san. It's lunch break over there and you were playing GP when they suddenly pulled the plug and that match counted as a loss by default
Nolan Edwards
good post
Gabriel Butler
>No nerfs for months >No proper unlimited banlist >Censorship >Stolen artwork >Tourney mode instead of fixing the game to keep it active >Take away cards from the new expansion until next month >Destroy servers with a free card
With enchanted blade daria you can deal enough damage without actually pulling daria. sometimes. It's not "meme" by any means, daria with oz and chain lightning is much worse brick city, can't say about g chimera but it should brick more often too and good luck to survive until 9 turn. The fact that some guy played it on Rage doesn't make it secret tier 0 deck.
I'm still mad that I have to try again even thou I would of done lethal to win my forth win and not have to bother with fucking neutral forest and rune for the sixth time in a row fuck this game
>get that 2nd dreadqueen out of my box >already climbed 1000mp thanks kmr, i'll be sure to take it into the final round and brick
John Myers
Agni\s list. Some user claimed that evelisia is better than matilda with 2 more dragon hordes instead of 1 purehearted and 1 basilisk rider. I am not sure which one works better but this list works for sure.
The rotation version is pretty cheap, unlimited you'd definitely need Fortes. I'm not sure on calling it "hyper aggro" though, in many cases you'd have to make valuable trades to keep a board for Hippo. Some don't even use breath at all and others take out matilda for other things. A third Aina is mandatory but I'm an idiot.
I don't think shadow has the right to complain about dragon. I mean you already have decent chance to beat him, one or two highrolls doesn't change it.
Parker Wood
How many, 3? I could see that working thanks to the evolve cheapening, though that risks the brick. I know one of them used Ouroboros at one point.
Jacob Flores
>spoonfeeding retards only to shitpost about dragon later i also saw him use ouro but that doesnt mean theres a definitive list