Why don't you wait for 750+ replies/page 10 before making a new thread?
Owen Bennett
(And That's A Great Fucking Thing!)
Jackson Evans
What fucking purpose would an autoturret be on attack other than a less effective claymore?
Hudson Peterson
Don't respond to me ever again.
Connor Gray
Hell yeah i cropped that pic
Ryan Morales
Ian Rivera
devil hs don't think its up on boorus or anything, he posted it on his t*mblr today.
Juan Morales
Remove Lion from the premises
Grayson Anderson
j u s t u s t
Carson Adams
Reminder that last thread has proven that the actual state of frost and elafags are retarded children who think instagram memes on casual frag vids is the height of comecy
I think with Bartlett they really just needed to add more cover outside to stop the rampant spawn killing. The map itself wasn't that bad. (1000x better than Plane still.)
IQ is my most played operator but i hardly ever use her anymore in ranked except during the placement matches since it doesnt really matter what you bring at low MMR. if you want 3 speed you bring ash if you want to kill gadgets you bring twitch if you want nades you bring buck
3 speed and nades just arent enough to justify mediocre guns and a meme gadget. thats unless its consulate/skyscraper and they have a good valk but how often does this happen. i like the idea behind the gadget but it just doesnt translate well into gameplay since you cant just pull it out and scan every time you advance 20 meters when inside the building.
>bomb >comeback from 0-2 >have defuser, everyone on team is dead >mfw plant defuser, get the last kill in a shootout jesus christ my heart is beating so fast right now this shit can get so intense i love it
How long until the Pizza Pasta Force join the fight?
Tyler Bennett
Like 14 days or however many the Outbreak timer says is left.
Lincoln Russell
Doc mains are literally super humans
Hunter Bell
Plane is the worst map in the game, succeeded only by Favela when playing with higher ranked people. It's terrible on both attack and defense, and has no place in the game.
IQ is my most played operator as well. It's weird because I don't remember playing her that much and I'm generally bad with her.
>launch game >start match >based korean mans gadget STILL doesnt counter Lion ETA on when they'll patch this in? Or are they actually this fucking retarded?
>be Bandit on Plane >electrify deployable shields in entrances then Frost slaps a trap behind >not a single shieldshitter could get past and the only regular op who did got shocked and frost trapped >... >they kept taking IQ instead of Thatcher for the next two attacks too
YOU COULD'VE PREVENTED THIS I'd sorta get "people ever playing IQ" if someone is learning cams or if she was fappable but right now the devotion people have is puzzling.
twitch will always be a infinitely better anti gadget pick in ranked compared to thatcher unless its a garage site. and even then you are best off bringing both. twitch just has so much going for her with the gun being the best in the game and the fact she can fuck mira so hard.
David Johnson
That's from egg's video isn't it
William Reed
I still forget to take IQ even against really sneaky valks
I use her in situations where the enemy is spamming Valk, or if I know the enemies will be picking certain sites like armory on Border. (Although Buck and Thatcher could be just as useful in that situation.)
It's better than a lot of the gun skins, at least!
Isaac Sullivan
>casual >plane >deployable shield >frost operator pick isnt the issue here
Anthony Perez
>Yacht >Theme Park >Tower >Border Return to Menu, Confirm? Yes
Yes I'm a shitter, what of it ? It doesn't change that the matchmaking is ansolute dogshit. My team was made of silvers and me who's unranked. It's the same shit as casual
Oliver Allen
There's no such thing as good matchmaking for shitters.
Daniel Barnes
>"Yes I'm a shitter" >"why am i getting shit on" big think
Elijah Rogers
Get ranked. You fucking idiot
Jaxson Powell
It's my birthday, r6g, and it's pretty much guaranteed that I won't get any gift, like always. I say fuck it, imma buy some nice shit myself. SO here is my question - should I get something nice for my Rainbow ops or maybe invest in another game? I was thinking about Far Cry 5, cause I find the series mildly entertaining. Divsion is on sale now, and I has my eye on it for some time now too. Help me anonz
I'd get something nice for my favorite ops, I want to get Far Cry 5 since I actually like the series and like the new setting, but I'm gonna wait on it, at least for a few review/gameplay vids to come out before I get it.
Jace Brown
i wouldn't post here if i had friends i can't wait, i have to fill the hole now
Andrew Lee
i mean if you play siege regularly and dont just hop games then yeah buy something you want in siege. personally im not interested in FC 3.2 and division fixed its shit too late and its rather dead now, also pvp was and will always be abysmal in that game. happy birthday user.
This has been ubi's position on releasing strong characters since release user
they gotta sell those season passes
Jaxson Hughes
>casual >my team is mostly always unranked like me or silvers >other team has plats and golds Matchmaking was never good, I'm not the only one who ever complained about it.
>specify I'm doing ranked and that so far I'm unranked >get ranked u idiot Did your mom drop you on the head as a baby ?
Gabriel Foster
Happy bday, user! Wish you all the best! As for what to buy, buy another game, cosmetics are a waste of money
when you do your 10 placements and it ranks you the matchmaking gets much better. by being unranked the system has no idea where to match you so you usually start out against golds
Luis Hall
New to game
Which guns are good on ash
Christian Rogers
prevents? no but you essentially gimp yourself and your team by bringing an inferior operator, in terms of firepower no other operator can rival twitch and her drone also has a higher impact than the emp/scanner since it can not only destroy gadgets while you are on the other side of the map but also take out mira windows. ranked meta also revolves around the guns alot, its why twitch and ash are so popular while zofia/thatcher arent despite being top picks in PL.
obviously this isnt overwatch and you can play any operator that isnt chanka at any level, but theres still optimal and less optimal picks, it doesnt guarantee a loss if you pick sub optimal operators like in mobashit but you will have to work harder to win if you do.
I think we're both arguing about the same person not at each-other here because I think we can both agree that IQ is a pretty shitty pick no matter the situation.
>he got ass hurt over a random post on an anonymous image board on the interwebz and answers with a laughing reaction picture because he wants to make it look like he's chill with it If you were that starved for (You)s, you could just have said it