C Tier Sombra (Pre-Nerf), Tracer, Symmetra (With Chair)
D Tier Brigitte, Mei, Moira, Pharah
James Wright
OWG I am now terrified of closets and small rooms.
You see I was playing tracer and minding my own business soloing the entire enemy team when SUDDENLY this girl jumps out of a darkened corner and slaps my ass.
>Bronze match >Pick Genji >See a bronze Mercy onetrick playing on the other team in a duostack >Proceed to kill her >Run to her spawn >Spawncamp her for the rest of the match
>She goes Symmetra >Still loses to Genji >Guy comes >Stall him with healslut >We win >Mercy insults me for not letting her play >Prefer both >Next match they're both on my team >Pick a controller, instalock Widow >Proceed to suck hard >Guy in voice chat has a French accent >It's basically a white knight
>platinum match - gibraltar defend >nobody talks >holding the payload before the first checkpoint >our McCree dies >1 minute pass >still not back from spawn >suddenly a 10 years old whiny voice >"HELP ME PLEASE! Tracer won't let me out of the spawn! >nobody moves >*sigh* >levitate back, discord and headshot the tracer two times >"you can come out now" >"T-thanks user" Oga boga etc I wish the matches weren't decided on the loading screen
I've had so many games in plat where my teammates are brand new players who have just played DPS in QP and somehow got placed in plat, and if you ever criticize their player they just come back with "we're the same rank"
Matthew Murphy
God I fucking hate the ultimates in this game. >lol imma hit the ground with my hammer and hook you unconscious even though you were out of my ultimates reach
People who switch to Pharah in QP because there’s no hitscan are the biggest faggots
Christian Roberts
>Complaining about Rein's ult, which works just fine >When Coalescence is basically useless, Dragonblade is OP and half the heroes can ability out of Graviton when another half can't
>I use rein ult >stopped by any type of elevation, doorways, etc >enemy rein ults >knocks me down even when I'm on higher platforms or around corners FUCK
Matthew Rogers
Soe is so sweet and good at her job.
>Tfw you will never commentate on esports with Soe
Leo Reed
They aren't necessary brand new either. I play with a lot of people who have zero game sense except shooting enemies in the head if possible. Overwatch is a game where your skills are not equally challenged by playing certain characters and roles. In an average fps you usually have to be equally better in everything to go up in the ranks.
Platinum is a real clusterfuck, I regularly see Tracers who 1v6 teams and ones who can't even finish any kill. One team breaks a Rein shield in seconds, the other never make it crack in the entire game.
Jaxson Mitchell
>reaper, moira, zarya, orisa and doom if you count his ult who else can get out of grav? I thought translocator/dash/blink/recall/charge don't work in it anymore?
Caleb Bailey
Soe can't do commentary.
Chase King
how long until overbuff can compare stats on brig?
>half the heroes can ability out of Graviton Three heroes can get out of graviton since the patch disabling movement abilities. Which is still bullshit, but not half of the cast.
Jackson Gutierrez
Zarya can get out of graviton?
Michael Gray
>me playing Bee in a proper comp >destroyed in seconds >enemy playing Bee with 5 dps >shield never breaks
>Try playing Genji >Brigitte can combo you >Use blade, she fucking stunlocks you I don't see how this can be healthy for the game when most players play Genji/Tracer. It's going to bring back tank meta which cost a lot of players as all DPS mains just left the game in large numbers and had koreans stop playing the game.
I don't think she can. Reaper, Moira and Orisa can get out if their abilities are not on cooldown. I don't count ults realistically because if it doesn't keep your team alive it is useless to drop it when your team gets wiped anyway. Orisa is justified maybe, but Reaper and Moira is bullshit and I'm playing a lot of Moira. I would make it if they activate it before the graviton sucks them in they can get away but if they are caught then nope.
Landon White
right now 99% of all matches are dive, they have been trying to counter that for a while now
Fuck Genji and fuck Tracer
Nathaniel Thomas
>tfw metal rank Genji/Tracer tears will get Brigitte's abilities nerfed to uselessness
Zachary King
And in return we get tank meta which is stall stall stall stall stall stall...
Jose Williams
>When people already have over 10 hours on brigitte
Jack Evans
>people think brigitte is going to be good in rank
>moira has a less-than-garbage matchup vs tracer genji >GUISE TANK META IS BACK >nope still dive >brig has a less-than-garbage matchup vs tracer genji >GUISE TANK META IS BACK >... do you understand where your logic fails like why would a team run tanks when they can run brig PLUS dive and have her peel for zen while providing her own tracer/genji with perpetual armor
>be me >spamming tracer in QM trying to git gud >friends log on and invite me to stack >hop on TS >mention i've been spamming tracer >they tell me to go ahead and pick her since we're just messing around >i do poorly >they bully me
Bentley Rogers
can i get banned for shouting deus vult after team killing with brigitte it's technically racist, right
Landon Baker
>devs say tank meta will come back thanks to intensive testing on their part >explain that they also have to buff anti tanks because of this >meanwhile some retard bronzie says it's all false Let me laugh at your face AHHAHAHAHAHH
Oliver Miller
>playt against new hero multiple times >all they do is just hold shield and back up into corners >literally zone them from her team while my team wins the 5v5 >tries to 1v1 me as any dps >gets shit stomped because im not going near her with a stunlock Wow guys new champ is OP and needs nerfs PLS
Juan Gomez
They btfo sinatraa
Liam Moore
There is little reason to believe the meta will shift away from dive since Brig just drops into that comp as well.
Chase Bailey
shes perfect for quad tank though
Aiden Sullivan
>picking symmetra on koth is somehow not bannable
Leo Baker
>come to country-with-a-future umm just dont sweaty
Lucas Richardson
do you know how good shield gen is on koth especially in your shitty sr
Joseph Morgan
brigitte is anti dive.
shield slam + bop does like 80% of a tracer/genji's health and will force them to retreat in most scenarios
unfortunately her E can be used to instantly "prime" a dive hero with an additional 50 armor making them effectively unkillable (i've had like six different genjis today survive a point blank flash + FTH with 25 or so life) so in the long run i think she does more to enable diving than to counter it.
if they change the way her E works, even if they just make it so it doesn't grant armor for overhealing, it would go a long way to fixing things.
Lucas Stewart
>Not picking her as the wildcard pick
no one ever expects a sym
Nathaniel Rivera
Not at all since it just gets immediately blown up by anyone not retarded.
Logan Williams
It will be interesting to see what the Mei and Reaper buffs bring to the table.
today i got a triple kill POTG when the enemy funneled one by one into a room to try and kill me. and i used all my skills, i didn't just punch them into a wall.
Rein's annoys me so much >based on the graphics, you're out of range of the ultimate >still get stunned
Kevin Edwards
how can she see her ult gauge with that chin in the way
Caleb Rogers
yeah because she provides the necessary speed boost just like lucio and her heal throughput very clearly compliments their large healthpools while her supportive abilities supplement tanks mediocre damage and allow them to confirm kills where they normally wouldnt be able to on their own
whats that jeff you say none of these things are actually the case? you say shes built from the ground up to compliment fragile, low health characters like zen and tracer, to prevent them from dying instantly to spam bullshit and play full aggro without consequence and that her armor ability ends up invalidating tanks more than helping them because they lose more from the inability to confirm kills on squishy targets than they gain from an extra 25% more hp gee jeff that doesnt sound like "tank meta" to me whats that tracer has 300hp so shes a tank now? oh ok now i get it thanks jeff, you have without a doubt fixed the meta, what would we do without you
Jaxson Myers
Most people don't sit like that warcraft guy from South Park.