>Where does Veeky Forums play? Post or find a room ID. Squads are not searchable without one. 3DS use passcode 7243. World, Preference: Small Monsters - Message: Zenny Farming - Private: No Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering 4U, Target: Fishing
>find Deviljho for the first time in Coral Highlands >Odogaron is in >fucking dumbass hellhound goes up to Deviljho and gets ragdolled >he repeats this two more times during the fight
Odogaron you fucking dumbass
Xavier Rivera
>jho hunting horn has attack up L >the bwongs are literally just Deviljho roars >mfw stop capcom my benis can only get so erect
Highest raw by far and white sharpness, but I don't have augs yet. -% affinity kinda sucks.
Joshua Russell
Why are pin attacks so lame in World? Hell most of the time they don't even attack you at all once you're pinned.
Mason Moore
First for sensibly making a build with pieces/weapons that you enjoy by building to their strengths while making a reasonably serviceable balance of other general skills all while maintaining intelligent performance and decision-making out in your hunts!
I've never played HH but it seems by the reactions seen in /mhg/ since the release that they're the happiest with Jho's contribution to new weapons.
Gabriel Green
>consider myself ok at monhun >can beat most monsters in a reasonable amount of time >Always take 10 minutes+ hunting Deviljho I don't get it, I have always struggled against him
Jason Lee
Good graphics.
Daniel Jackson
Load times are definitely better on the Pro now. Pretty cool
Josiah Ward
Why does Jho hit like a HR Great Jagras? I got hit by his breath and it literally did 20% damage. In older games that shit was almost a death sentence.
Ayden Collins
What about LS
Eli Hill
Enjoy getting kicked on sight from my hunts.
Aaron Gomez
Jho has always been a damage sponge. Haven't fought him in World yet, but the health downscaling in solo hunting is pretty strong in World, so you could probably improve that time.
David Morris
Is the Neset set good until I can make a mixed set?
Kayden Ramirez
>accidently GS slide attack kill a giant vigor wasp i havent captured yet while landing the final hit on joe
That giant vigorwasp always spawns there in jho investigations my dude don't worry about it.
Sebastian Perry
So say a new player just picks up Monster Hunter World right now. How long would it take for them to meet Deviljho?
Liam Bennett
How is the HBG shit? Are its reload/recoil really bad on Clust/Sticky/Wyvern? Because if not it's better than the Diablos for wyvernshots and better than zorah for cluster, and can do both at the same time
Jonathan Morales
>guns in elder shit tier fucking how. the lbg is one of the best for spread 3 and the hbg has the same clust setup as zorah
Jaxon Cooper
Xbox One /mhg/ squad is open and recruiting! Will post this thrice a thread! Session ID: NhYxPmb6pLN Join for tempered hunts, the /mhg/ squad, arena quests, arm wrestling and more!! >inb4 "lol no one joins" Probably right. Just trying to fill the /mhg/ squad to start having squad sessions open
Dylan Lee
It has a really interesting design too. Here's praying Capcom takes enough time to do more of that in G Rank, because what the fuck were they doing in this game before
David Howard
Dragonbone Bow still seems better
Nolan Thomas
It is a death sentence on Tempered Jho but why would you farm tempered anything but ED
Xavier Ward
So, how's CB now? How much did they nerf the impact phial scaling? How much did they buff the elemental phials?
So? It still hits for less than a Great Jagras in the exact same armor setup? There are plenty of other high rank monsters that still do decent damage even if you're in a 400 defense clownsuit?
What exactly are you trying to say?
Jason Davis
>tfw afraid to join this late because i might be the last one on and i can't handle the pressure of keeping it alive
Elijah Murphy
epic trololo m8
Blake Jones
You have to fap before bed, we get it.
Andrew Fisher
Do you join the regular /mhg/ sessions here? Because you should.
Is 20-25min on HR jho too long (XX)? Solo of course.
Jonathan Torres
That was one user falseflagging like crazy. Many other anons chimed in letting everyone know that scalps are also a cap reward.
Daniel Price
Where exactly is the troll you dumb retard? If Jho hits for less damage than a fucking Jagras in the same exact armor setup then you can't say "I-it only does no damage because you're in endgame armor!" because if i took it off it would still only hit for as much as a fucking Great Jagras.
Ian King
>everything still dies in under 10 minutes wew user
Sebastian Bell
Asher Sullivan
A bit, yes. Try to turn that into 10-15 minutes at the most.
Adam Campbell
>completely missing the point because you're a retard
Jeremiah Adams
Well they still haven't buffed bowgun element shots, Swax element phial... element in general I think CCP is still worse than this though.
Ryan Peterson
I was wailing on him the whole time (mostly the legs because his face is tiny). What else can I do to speed this up?
Camden Taylor
Think about the children user
Leo Cruz
Lucas Nelson
How does Jho GS compare to other GS? Please tell me I can finally put down the Jagras GS.
Elijah Mitchell
What armor do you have, and what weapon/style are you using?
Julian Morris
Eh Meh It's k
Lucas Murphy
Buffing in increments is preferable over most devs taking a fucking hatchet to the concept of game balance on a weekly basis I wish they'd make going for monster weaknesses a bit more rewarding over stacking straight raw but that'll take a lot more than a balance patch.
Connor Moore
But where are the rooms?
Robert Harris
You've got the contest GS as well
Carter Smith
Benjamin Scott
Only twice. I'll probably join more at some point, those two sessions were pretty comfy
When the hell does Jho spawn? Doing shitty 7 stars and Azure Rathalos is pissing me off when he wants to join every fight
Isaac Bailey
Not that guy but you sound a bit retarded yourself. Why exactly are the GS charges "useless"? Because they don't the same damage as True Charge? Wyvern Fire and Elemental Phials are also perfectly fine, piss off.
Josiah Cook
Fuck why can't I land a sleep TCS the spacing is so hard to get for me. Either I miss by a millimeter or hit with the first slash.
When Jho hit me with defense down it put this visual effect on my armor that matched my skin tone so it looked like my huntress' bare ass cheeks were hanging out of them.
Ethan Morales
My entire life was to lead into this perfect webm.
So where is Deviljho's Orange extract? Is it his tiny arms? Please tell me it's not his tiny fucking arms.
Christopher Wilson
Can I join if I'm a newbie?
Juan Hill
screens now
Tyler Sanchez
Okay, but, like... You're completely wrong?
Joshua Rogers
Run up to the point you want to hit Hold R and do a 180 Roll forwards from there Hold R and do a 180 Swing (no charge) -> Strong Swing (no charge) -> True Charge, you should reach with the tip of your sword
Jayden Gomez
How are the new Deviljho weapons?
Lincoln Rivera
It's not. Use the wiki armor search in the pastebin.
David Ward
Contest GS?
Connor Garcia
The belly/back I guess.
Lucas Foster
Xavier Rodriguez
It's not great. There's visible baggage to the pants, unlike the commision ones.
Dreams crushed
Cooper Hill
Does it save the jewels I have in cookies or will I have to manually input them every time?
Isaiah Martin
>Pre World Deviljho >Stand under him >He stomps your ass
>World Deviljho >Stand under him >He does a dragon breath in front of him
I don't understand Did they just copypaste him and not actually tweak him and leave bugs in? He is not threatening at all and does suboptimal shit all the time. His movement is also limited as shit
Sure. We're running tempered quests, but if you meed someone to fuck some low rank shit up for you, I'll join ya
Ian Parker
Boosto GS, not out yet but it will be by far the strongest GS if they don't nerf it by the time it releases
Chase Jones
You sure he wasn't backed up against a wall when he dragonbreathed? Usually he backpedals a bit during the windup.
Elijah Rivera
Dodge into R2 into Circle. DP is not something you should try and spam nonstop. It's for when the monster is downed. Craft a Fitness Charm and make sure you equip it on any bow build.
Jonathan Peterson
the stomp hitbox is also tiny
Wyatt Myers
Considering dropping my 145 hour character because I don't like the name. Should I do it? I need my huntress what my friends knew me by for clarity but they dropped the game weeks ago.