"When we mentally picture Byzantinism we see before us as if... the austere, clear plan of a spacious and capacious structure. We know, for example, that in politics it means autocracy. In religion, it means Christianity with distinct features, which distinguish it from Western churches, from heresies and schisms. In the area of ethics we know that the Byzantine ideal does not have that elevated and in many instances highly exaggerated notion of terrestrial human individual introduced into history by German feudalism. We know the inclination of the Byzantine ethical ideal to be disappointed in all that is of this world, in happiness, in the constancy of our own purity, in our capacity here, below, to attain complete moral perfection. We know that Byzantinism (as Christianity in general) rejects all hope of the universal well-being of nations; it is the strongest antithesis of the idea of well-being of nations; it is the strongest antithesis of the idea of humanity in the sense of universal worldly equality, universal worldly freedom, universal worldly perfectibility, and universal contentment." —Konstantin Leontiev, Byzantism and Slavdom (1875)
Could a similar geopolitical reality ever come to be?
>Russia >Byzantine >frogpost >politics Come on now /pol/, must you be so blatant?
Nicholas Powell
>political body that was outdated and backward from the day its origins went from peaceful republic to warmongering autocratic state >a shell of its former self >always looking to the West because it has no culture of its own except in opposition to something greater >nonstop inferiority complex >unable to achieve national solidity; class constantly pitted against class, color against color, regime against regime >soon to be destroyed by rampaging hordes from the east >people are weak, incapable of reform, too afraid to think of themselves as human
Yeah. It fits Russia exactly!
Isaac Lopez
Reminder the >Eastern >Roman >Empire officially ended in 629 when Heraclius used the title Basileus instead of Augustus.
Josiah Moore
Yeah, early ERE is the best ERE. Pic related.
Brandon King
Could've made it much more blatant. There are no merchants in this meme.
Thomas Cox
This pictures wrong. Trump likes Erdogan.
Samuel Walker
Trump also "likes" Mitt Romney
Adam Reed
t. autistic german >WE >WUZ >ROMANS
Ethan Gray
So does this make America the HRE or France?
Dylan Hernandez
Ryder Fisher
>wow we sure got nuked by russia :^) >wow we sure got kicked out of the NATO :^) >wow we sure paid for shooting down the russian plane :^) >wow ortodogs sure got "Constantinople" back :^) >wow k*rds sure did form their own country :^) >wow manlet p*tin sure didn't pussy out against based tall man sultan erdoğan :^) >wow kebab sure got removed :^) >wow we sure didn't totally get away with it like we always do :^) >wow /pol/ sure was right once again :^) lmaoing @ ur life balkan cücks, keep sucking putin's dick and posting shitty maymays while all putin can actually do is stop buying our apricots lmao stay mad
Michael Sullivan
plagues and riots aside, it was a pretty good time
Ian Williams
>Eastern Roman Empire >No Rome
It will forever not make sense
Brandon Powell
Romney was just to appease republicans. Trumps respects Erdogans authoritarian strong man style of rulership like he admired Putin and that Flip leader. Also Trump has business interests in Istanbul so they are friends. Same thing with Putin where Trumo has business interests in Russia and their banks.
Jordan Fisher
Constantinople was God's new city faggot. Constantine the Great made it official
So call it the constantinoplian empire, no need to steal glory from a city that you don't have -- which you also name yourselves after.
Nicholas Baker
Roman does not necessarily mean the geographical location Rome. A citizen of the Roman Empire may have never set foot in the city of Rome itself. There is also Roman in the sense of culture and tradition.
Wyatt Hall
Jaxson Thompson
Robert Rodriguez
Times are changing friendo
Christopher Stewart
They sure are
David King
Russia's had a rough go the last couple of years sure, but having leadership in the US that is favorable to Russia will end the current contraction.
Nathan Williams
>dirty slav atheists no
William Lopez
The current contraction is mostly due to low oil prices, not to sanctions
Elijah Wright
That's not just American intervention but also oil prices; Russia's economy isn't very diversified
Anthony King
>If it weren't for the Ottomans we could have had the Eastern Roman Empire survive up until the modern day
Imagine Byzantine taking part in WWI.
Camden Stewart
>moving the capital away from the heartland >breaking a literal 1000 year tradition Constantine was no Roman, guy can go fuck himself t b h
Juan Young
> Byzantium sides with the Central Powers which steamroll the Allies >Adolf Hitler is just a normal Austrian citizen in a victorious German Empire The Ottomans did the Holocaust
Grayson Martin
>siding against their Orthodox brothers
Ryder Perry
Slavs recreating the Byzantine empire, when they were the ones constantly invading and attacking it, is almost as ironic as Germans recreating the roman empi-- oh wait.
Hudson King
Buthurt Turks and Azeris. They wouldn't because Serbia would be a client state of the ERE with no disputes with the Habsburger Assburger
Henry Turner
>Roman does not necessarily mean the geographical location Rome
It does imply a relationship with the city, in which you have none. You're an orphan. Deal. With. It.
Thomas Price
Just let it happen. At this point we can safely say Romans are extinct, and the wops living in Rome are mere transplants.
Christian Lee
Rome will survive even the end of the world. ERE 2, when?
Ayden Peterson
No. You are incorrect on the level of grammar. Roman is a culture, and an identity, and the "Byzantines" considered themselves Roman.
Jayden King
>Roman is a culture, and an identity
No, it's a religion now. Get with the times.
Andrew Diaz
America can be the Western Roman Empire. Only this Western Roman Empire will be able to physically remove illegal immigrants much more efficiently than a bunch of limatanei border guards.