Previous: >[E Pluribus Unum Pickup 2 Summon] 2018-03-22 04:00 - 04-05 03:59 UTC New Servant: Queen Medb 5*
>[E Pluribus Unum Pickup Summon] 2018-03-15 07:00 - 03-29 03:59 UTC New servants: Nightingale 5*, Helena 4*, Rama 4*, Geronimo 3*, Billy 3* New craft essences: Ideal Holy King 5*, Record Holder 4*, Beast of Billows 3*
>[E Pluribus Unum Release] Fifth Singularity: North American Myth War E Pluribus Unum Release date: 2018-03-15 7:00 UTC New interludes for Orion, Fionn, and Fergus
>[News] Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones
For the people waiting to roll in Summer for the delicious summer servants, if you start saving on APRIL 1rst, you're gonna get all this:
>EVENTS Da Vinci - 7 SQ Fate/Accel Zero Order - 9 quartz / 6 tickets Rashmoumon - 6 quartz / 11 tickets Go West - 7 quartz Onigashima - 14 quartz / 11 tickets 1rst Anniversary - 10 tickets Da Vinci - Trial Quest - 1 ticket Summer Part 1 - 17 quartz / 4 tickets Summer Part 2 - 5 quartz / 5 tickets >Quartz from EVENTS: 60 >Tickets from EVENTS: 48
>CAMELOT Camelot Main Quests: 34 quartz Camelot Free Quests: 14 quartz >Quartz from CAMELOT: 48
LOGINs April (30 days), May (31 days), June (30 days), July (31 days), August (31 days) 153 Days, 21 weeks Login - 84 quartz / 21 tickets Master Missions - 42 quartz Montly Shop - 25 tickets 50 day bonus: 40 quartz (day 1 fags will get 20 more) >Quartz LOGIN and shit: 166 >Tickets LOGIN and shit: 46
TOTAL QUARTZ: 274 quartz TOTAL TICKETS: 94 tickets This does not take in account the quartz that the pinnoy might give us per release of every event and camelot which may be 3 for each, a total of 30 and likely more Seriously, stop burning tickets on impulse