/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Previous: >[E Pluribus Unum Pickup 2 Summon]
2018-03-22 04:00 - 04-05 03:59 UTC
New Servant: Queen Medb 5*

>[E Pluribus Unum Pickup Summon]
2018-03-15 07:00 - 03-29 03:59 UTC
New servants: Nightingale 5*, Helena 4*, Rama 4*, Geronimo 3*, Billy 3*
New craft essences: Ideal Holy King 5*, Record Holder 4*, Beast of Billows 3*

>[E Pluribus Unum Release]
Fifth Singularity: North American Myth War E Pluribus Unum
Release date: 2018-03-15 7:00 UTC
New interludes for Orion, Fionn, and Fergus

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA/edit#gid=525320539

Rate ups in JP FGO: drive.google.com/file/d/131VQ4DGGnb4A_iG6J-4BLJ2ePeFDUX3D/view
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975
Friendlist: pastebin.com/Am2aVbVW

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Other urls found in this thread:



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I want to kiss Cuzilla!

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Have you worshipped your emperor yet anons ?

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Stand back Mamakeks, Real NIHON berserker coming through

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Thats my wife! Just look at her cute feet! I love Wu!

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Posting best girl.

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Reminder that she killed her own children.

Who /oni/ here?

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For the people waiting to roll in Summer for the delicious summer servants, if you start saving on APRIL 1rst, you're gonna get all this:

Da Vinci - 7 SQ
Fate/Accel Zero Order - 9 quartz / 6 tickets
Rashmoumon - 6 quartz / 11 tickets
Go West - 7 quartz
Onigashima - 14 quartz / 11 tickets
1rst Anniversary - 10 tickets
Da Vinci - Trial Quest - 1 ticket
Summer Part 1 - 17 quartz / 4 tickets
Summer Part 2 - 5 quartz / 5 tickets
>Quartz from EVENTS: 60
>Tickets from EVENTS: 48

Camelot Main Quests: 34 quartz
Camelot Free Quests: 14 quartz
>Quartz from CAMELOT: 48

April (30 days), May (31 days), June (30 days), July (31 days), August (31 days)
153 Days, 21 weeks
Login - 84 quartz / 21 tickets
Master Missions - 42 quartz
Montly Shop - 25 tickets
50 day bonus: 40 quartz (day 1 fags will get 20 more)
>Quartz LOGIN and shit: 166
>Tickets LOGIN and shit: 46

TOTAL QUARTZ: 274 quartz
TOTAL TICKETS: 94 tickets
This does not take in account the quartz that the pinnoy might give us per release of every event and camelot which may be 3 for each, a total of 30 and likely more
Seriously, stop burning tickets on impulse

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My Queen!

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Did Medb ever fuck Cuzilla? Can you piss Medb off by fucking Cuzilla?

TWO piss Queens?!

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They were dirty traitors. Wu did nothing wrong.

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>Ephemeral Dream
Literally a sleeping beauty

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thank you based queen poster

She probably forced him too with the grail power, cuzilla hates her but is bound by duty to obey her

Using crystals isn't f2p, because they are still an alternate form of currency that can be used to obtain "paid" gacha goods. The only real f2p people are people who use single draw tickets. Sorry F2pbtw babs


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I'm def gonna get Martha but I'm rolling for Raikou before that so my sq will be way less

Attached: Screenshot_20180322-000136.jpg (1920x1080, 388K)

True f2p only uses welfare and story drops.

lucklets SEETHING

TWO swords nigga, TWO!

>saber slices gil in half in F/SN
>saber stabs jets to death like a bitch in zero
SeibahCHADS always win.

Attached: UMMMMM.gif (500x281, 958K)

Why is Merlin so cute?

>Seriously, stop burning tickets on impulse

I tend to only use them when the urge to roll is to strong so I use them so I don't give in and 10 roll.

I'm honestly happy that it seems Jannu Well done is delayed since it means that the shop tickets will have restocked by the time she arrives.

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Mr. Merlin, my wife keked me.

true f2p only use servants summoned from the FP gacha and welfares

nice kingdom you got there

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It's a shame that aniplex/DW went cheap and didn't voice the game. All these scenes could have been so much better.

>eats you and shits out an Alter version of you

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It's not Mister Merlin, nobody says that, it's just Merlin.

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Fucking reddit pedos

Can someone tell me what Maeve's morning breath smells like?

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Fuck off wormslut. Back to /a/.

That's not the reason at all. The game would be bloated as fuck if it was voiced all over.

You do know that Lancelot didn't win only because Kariya basically broke/died and Berserkers stop moving the nanonsecond that happens right?


>another reddit anti-lolifag mad they we don't adhere to his reddit rules

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You know kuchikamizake?
Like that, but with cum.

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just imagine this but 10 years later, bursting my load just thinking about it

worst 5*

>shitposting in /alter/ after he got btfo'd in the last Jiren vs Goku discussion
based giltard

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If we're getting the true jp experience why are they delaying Jalter?


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I want to fuck this NEET.

I honestly just hit 200sq, I dont mind waiting just a bit more

If you don't stop bullying little Gil-Gil and Lancy I'll tell the teacher. Kuzuki sensei! Saber is misbehaving again!

>loli is banned on reddit
>suddenly all loli on the Paraguayan cross stitching website is reddit

Sasuga discord

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>d-d-doesnt count!
Keep telling yourself that Jetkek. Lmaoing @ u! No better than gilkeks.

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Absolute state of Jobtria fags.

Does Moriarty's Evil buff apply on himself?

Just play Granblue instead

>want to ruin perfect body into old hag
shit taste desu

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>fermenting sake using your saliva


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No it doesn't

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Why is KEKthur so shit? Why can't he stay loyal? Is he traumatized for getting cucked by a CHAD when he was alive?

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I agree the idea of Wu as a tall sexy, beauty is very enticing. She's still better as a small, sexy loli though

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>tfw broke my login streak today since the day the game came out

It's both frustrating and equally liberating at the same time.

This was a happy accident. I'm finally free /fgoalter/, I'll see you guys starside whenever your time comes.

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>reddit wiki




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why I am seeing SQ cost in euros even tho it's the NA version?
Do SQ cost the same in all countries?
Google play is telling me that 1 SQ costs 0.92 euros and at the same time 1.14$, does anyone has a different thing?

>jobs to deertrash, the weakest lancer
>jobs to high school teacher
>jobs to hassan
>jobs to Meduseless even when access to UNLIMITED EXCALIBURS
>jobs to a bootleg Archer
Kek. Instinct A yet she falls for every single strategy or trick attempted on her.




Soft Kalafina music in the background

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Attached: Fate_GO_2018-03-22-03-44-29.png (1920x1080, 2.14M)

In this image, you can see Kekthur and Memewain after they ran from the battle against Lancelot Alter.

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welcome to da hood

gonna miss them

Say something nice about her

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>painted toenails

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el goblino....

Attached: goblino3.png (512x724, 497K)

None of these count. Saber remains undefeated, and that's a fact.

Stuffy and thick, with a hint of stale semen.

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however she BTFOs Gil stay mad gilkek :^)

Fuck off fgog

She would be a good takoyaki.

Hello Anons! Alter's very own historyfag here with some new useless trivia on your favorite servants.

Today's servant? Semiramis.

Queen of Assyria. Poisoner. Demi-Goddess....and, if you happen to be Armenian, homewrecking slut.

In Armenian folklore, there was a king named Ara the Handsome (or beautiful, depending on source). Apparently, he was so good looking, Semiramis offered to marry him to merge their kingdoms. Or, if that wasn't convenient for him, to come on by and fucking the living daylights out of her and go home with presents (presumably the home version of the game).

He declined. She didn't take it well. In fact, she sent the Assyrian army over to burn his fucking kingdom down. Ara went out into battle and ended up getting killed (by whom depends on the version). She was not amused and frankly went a little nuts.

She claimed the gods would heal him and bring him back from the dead. This did not happen. So she had a double disguised as him and just pretended that happened. And a good time was had by all.

attalus.org/armenian/pha1.htm (near the end of the Chapter 1 segment)



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kek, I fucking love love stheno posting

Cool, thanks user
Don't use Reddit spacing on the future

Attached: 1511524486043.png (866x475, 53K)

You are the only redditor here.
No one posted Wu and Abby until reddit suddenly banned loli and you faggots migrated here

Attached: fuck off reddit.jpg (606x554, 45K)

She is also not for you.

Not an argument, cuck

Attached: Apex of cucks.jpg (749x756, 103K)

I'm using paragraph breaks. Note multiple sentences before breaking them up.

anyone? help out a fellow retardfag

Her keyhole is pretty hot.

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>formatting text is reddit

I’ll be Reddit, then.

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Thing is, she's probably for everyone.


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They don't. The largest pack is a little over 80 bucks when converted to my currency.

She has nice bones

Attached: swimsuit abby.jpg (640x640, 152K)

> been posting abi and lavi since their jp release
Stop being paranoid, we all hate plebbit but thinking all loli is reddit is just fucking inssne

She belongs to Amakusa Shirou only.

Hello Anons! Alter's very own historyfag here with some new useless trivia on your favorite servants.

Today's servant? Semiramis.
Queen of Assyria. Poisoner. Demi-Goddess... and, if you happen to be Armenian, homewrecking slut.
In Armenian folklore, there was a king named Ara the Handsome (or beautiful, depending on source). Apparently, he was so good looking, Semiramis offered to marry him to merge their kingdoms. Or, if that wasn't convenient for him, to come on by and fucking the living daylights out of her and go home with presents (presumably the home version of the game).
He declined. She didn't take it well. In fact, she sent the Assyrian army over to burn his fucking kingdom down. Ara went out into battle and ended up getting killed (by whom depends on the version). She was not amused and frankly went a little nuts.
She claimed the gods would heal him and bring him back from the dead. This did not happen. So she had a double disguised as him and just pretended that happened. And a good time was had by all.

attalus.org/armenian/pha1.htm (near the end of the Chapter 1 segment)
This could be a better correct formating, not a reddit formating