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Anyone else concerned about how bottom-feeding-jews whispered to you to buy your item from warframe trading but lower the price to unacceptable level? It's getting tiresome but lately the number of whisper increases.
>solo the entire anyo sortie with limbo >get a 3 day booster meh
Tyler Long
I had the opposite happen. >accidentally put something up for 5 plat that should've been 10 plat >get whispered if I will sell for 5 plat >tell them I meant 10 >they give me 10 Could this be the new meta? Reel in buyers with low prices then double them.
Hunter Howard
Can confirm, just sold a Maiming Strike for 700p after I advertised for 350p
Liam Butler
Any chance we get a real patch this week? I know PA's are prescheduled patches, so could we be looking at an asset dump today or tomorrow? please?
Carter Clark
Wheres the new powerlevel location?
Easton Watson
Since it worked for the other user and I'm not going to get cucked out of Nitain again give me a (You) when the next alert for one goes live, please.
Whats powerlevel location? Location to level up frames and weapons? Then Sedna - Hydron
Evan Phillips
But we just got the dojo upgrade.
Brody Cruz
Which sidearm should I max out next, Kulstar or Lex Prime? Both are already made.
Tyler Adams
everyone needs a Lex Prime in their arsenal
Jaxson Powell
guys help me I can't have fun in this game anymore I have reached a point where everything has been trivialized to the extreme, I can literally sneeze and kill half the enemies on the entire map while the other half is shooting at me but can't bring me down no matter what so I just /pendulum my way to extraction for a quick fap how do I deal with this
Anthony Ross
>be me >go to /v/ yesterday >everyone is shop the wooping and firing their lasers Did something happen recently to resurrect this meme...
Are you saying that all 13 people who're selling maiming strike for 400p wasn't online at the same time?
Benjamin Price
I fear the day when I run out of normal gear and have to start leveling Archwang bullshit. On a related note, are there any ways to make the Stug and Kulstar viable?(without a Riven)
Lincoln Nelson
I think he was memeing
Christian Gray
Fuck, I forgot to farm duckcats.
Asher Lee
This shit was probably around somewhere but could someone describe opticor in comparison to arca plasmor besides second one having more spread and less range
Matthew Flores
One goes 'Bzzt' while the other goes 'wobwob'
Joseph Rogers
t. MRlet
Cooper Evans
One you use when you want to shod down grineer dropships on plains, the other when you massacre tight packed crowds in small halls on Hydron.
Andrew Garcia
I was going to say look it up on YouTube, but everyone that posts videos on YouTube are cancerous faggots.
One is a bow that's secretly a sniper rifle that's classified as an assault rifle while the other is a shotgun that shoots fat waves of radiation.
Parker Green
PoE! They released this huge open world map with new standing and you say no content! Get grinding.
Ryder Evans
well i dont know if it was a good deal but it seems like it.
i sold 5 m1 for 50 plat and run them all on rad with the same guy. then sold 2 more for 25 plat and ran 3 more (one of which he didnt bring a relic) in the end we got 1 mag so i think i made out pretty well here.
Dominic Howard
One is a meteor, the other is a tidal wave.
Carter Cook
meteors can cause tidal waves, but tidal waves can't cause meteors. Checkmate atheists
Madurai, because with Unairu you're fucked without something to E at
Jace King
so basically arca is better for clearing shits and opticor is for taking down big boys? What about that radiation part tho, does it matter much?
Evan Hernandez
prisma twin grakatas?
I would love that =)
Nathaniel King
madurai. every second you arent shooting at something be in void mode. you should have x5 multiplier for each shield part for hydro and gaun unless you are stacking up to one shot shields
>Sit in aids chair. >feed it the cyst >That exact frame is now immune to further infection They fixed that forever ago. Nidus is the only one who is not immune, because he can manually infect himself.
William Jones
everything about the plains is annoying, can't wait to see how they butcher Venus with grinding
like why the fuck can't we purchase wisps with standing? make it 5 thousand standing per wisp, I don't care, fuck relying on RNG for anything
yeh, but I dont like waiting a week with some ugly cyst cramping my style
Elijah Thompson
Jack Martinez
just buy a 30 day resource booster and spend 8 hours going in and out of cetus. to have enough for an arcane set
William Peterson
You still need to look at it for like a week before you can remove that shit though.
Ayden Robinson
>Weeklong wait of space aids staring at you on a fresh frame you were excited to use There's no reason it should be a week of incubation instead of a day or something.
Plague Star had purchasable wisps, but DE only wants to rerun Ghouls instead.
Mason Walker
I'd be so happy if there was an io equivalent for lith relics. Derelict is shit because ancients don't instantly die to AoEs.
Blake Barnes
embershitter pls
Anthony Gutierrez
the best frames are already primed
DE are no longer able to make interesting frames or even do well thought out rework before priming
it's impossible to make Mesa better so she will only be nerfed in one way or another
Chroma's gimmicks do not rely on tiny number changes his shiny version may offer
prime looks are not interesting and totally overshadowed by tennogen
they will have to power creep like crazy to keep any interest and make money in the future from primed access
Brandon Gomez
So how hard is the farm for Augur Secrets?
Lincoln Ross
Use Mesa on ODD. Run to objective, pop energy pad, stand on top of cryopod, press 4, spin around in circles, refresh, energizing dash, repeat, 2 relics in 5-5.5 minutes
Juan Murphy
>the best frames are already primed When did they release Octavia Prime?
Post em in a screen shot, if no bites in thread Endo them.
Jayden Perez
It's honestly been negligible, attack speed buffs make it tick fast enough that things get set on fire and then die anyways, and CO doesn't affect the disc.
Last I ran it was with friends so I can't be sure, but the disc covers the entire main platform and leaves me out of aggro range, so enemies don't really slow down to attack and ancients are usually doing their little jog over. Was posting it more for the sake of how comfy it is for any derelict enemy, not necessarily speed.
Jeremiah Sanders
so i played this game for maybe 50 hrs and its too repetitive so i uninstalled