>Recent news Metatron and Avatar Raids released Glorybringer and Nekomancer are available Arcarum Extreme unlocked, together with Arcarum Weapons and summon FLB (which needs Magna II Omega Anima) Celeste and Chev 4* uncap EMP skills for Apsaras and CR Story chapters 106-107 released Yaia 5* uncap and Bonito 4* uncap released Xeno Corow is up SSR Summer Jannu (Wind) released 4th Anniversary Event with Magfest, daily crystals, free daily draw, bonus pendant, JD drop boost and Daily Roll Roulette with one guaranteed 100 rolls in the last day if you haven't got one before that. What makes the Sky Blue Part 2 is ongoing with free SSR Sandalphon and a free discount Primal/Sunstone
>Schedule for March: 2/28 - 3/23 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II 3/12 - 3/18 - Rise of the Four Beasts 3/18 - 3/24 - Xeno Corow Clash 3/24 - 3/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun) 3/31 - 4/8 - New Scenario Event
>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning. gbf.wiki/FAQ
>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
>do Chev HL since this morning >still no host material for Metatron Great game.
Eli Walker
As a newer player, what should I work on for my light grid? I've been leeching Xeno Corow raids these oast few days, and I'm planning on getting myself the bahamut dagger
Sturm for optimal Fire or Lecia so you can finally run hi-IQ Wind.
Ryan Sullivan
host apollo hl bros
Asher Robinson
>Nekomemer and Swordslut require an additional 20 distinctions when you already needed a fuck load to even make their weapons Are you fucking kidding me?
>I felt she's not really necessary You have Veight so you made a wise decision not wasting a spark for her.
Adam Brooks
Why wouldn't they? Row IV classes all took 20 distinctions
Lucas Butler
How do I make brat my gf?
Wyatt King
>he didn't predict this with his mind powers smugarulu.png
Connor Baker
Caleb Scott
fack of pedo
Andrew Collins
let me know when you figure it out...
Luis Bell
What will the Vajra doujins be like?
Tyler Turner
What will be sunstone priority after Baha and Luci if I don't interest in Primal? Magna120?
Nolan Barnes
Aside from the Lv100 weapons they handed out a few days ago, I only have like 2-3 Lv40 weapons from Omega bosses, and the rest of my grid is SSR Character weapons.
How long does it take before I can start MVP'ing my own Tiamat/Celeste raids?
Nathaniel Anderson
No SSRs from the 100 rolls. Albert was from yesterday
>60 distinctions to unlock EX2 classes >newer EX classes don't even have distinctions yet >can't even prepare for them in advance Who came up with these retarded unlock conditions?
Angel Evans
Is there info on the DATA of Ridill (when using first skill) yet?
Hudson Stewart
Cog is cow height.
Gabriel Hughes
>nothing but quartz and a few SR characters Truly the biggest there ever was.
At least they had the decency to give us a bunch of plus marks.
>I didn't reroll when I started playing Seeing all of these people starting with the same amount of SSRs I have right now eight months after the fact makes me salty despite this all being my fault. What do?
Camden Hernandez
Tia is easy as long as you can break her. For celeste take DF, clarity, and a lot of heals and shields.
Landon Gomez
No cause KMR timegated Gloryhole for regular players.
You need to waste all of your berries in Metatron anyways but if you don't have a set up capable of grabbing blue chests (Zooey) you shouldn't bother with getting bows.
>pub my raid i did over 40% honors and wiped >prety sure no one will blast it fast enough to steal MVP >some smug hat girl joins and destroys it NO. THIS IS MY FIGHT.
Jordan Rodriguez
Is non-whale varuna any good?
David Lee
Nah. I just realize I should move on and get Monica.
Jack Brown
Gonna make 5* Nio and be done with Wind.
Easton Howard
>that delicious skinnyfat
Xavier Clark
stop I don't want to fap again
Alexander Cruz
>Still no shiva tier summon
At least there was a 100 plus marks. SR vermeil, zaja and vampy.
Andrew Collins
>could've sparked her by now
John Long
Should be Chev, Tiamat, Colo, Celeste Fuck playing magna water, just get demi-varuna and wait until fimbuls come back, it is just as f2p as shitty magna but the power is immensely bigger
Ayden Torres
wouldn't it be nice if we got robomi part 3 as the new event
That's some petty bait user, cmon. You can do me harder than that.
Austin Ward
Retard here, I'm working on my dark grid but cant figure out who to use for my dark team. Right now I have Orchis,S. Zoi, and Vira, with Djeanne and Naru in the back. Does this work or is there another team comp I should be using/focusing on?