Why is history channel allowed to get away with this?
Why is history channel allowed to get away with this?
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Because you can't object to it without appearing racist.
It's very probably that Hanbibal was black, by our modern definition. North Africa has had a substantial black population since antiquity, and even those we describe as brown would have had lots of black admixture.
There's much more reason to be upset about portrayals of Cleopatra that make her black.
Nice try at stealing my thread, you even stole my picture
Also North Africa was alot blacker before the dark, medieval, and renaissance ages where they raided the coasts of europe for white slaves.
Yeah, all those black people in the Levant that formed the upper crust of Carthaginian society.
what are you gonna do about it goy?
Does it matter?
/pol/ and Veeky Forums are twin boards anyway
While North Africans weren't white, they certianly weren't black as well.
If anything, Hannibal was most likely brown
>The ancient Egyptians were black Africans. The Phoenicians (today's light-skinned Egyptians) are originally descendants of Lebanese traders from the Mesopotamia area.
Please do your research before posting you fucking ingrates
>The ancient Egyptians were black Africans.
>History Channel
This is far from the most egregious thing they've done
Yeah, good point. That claim is completley bullshit as well but the point still stands the Pheonecians aren't fucking black
The BBC had Alexander Siddig play him for a documentary.
It was pretty based.
Depends probably on the place in Egypt and the dynasty. The 25th Dynasty was a dynasty of Southern Nubians/Kushites that were probably black.
Wasn't Carthage a Phoenician colony though? Hannibal would have been Levantine.
Egypt isn't Phoenicia
Oh, my god - how embarrassing. Please provide your banking information so we can immediately transfer all profits from this thread to your account. You are definitely correct to demand proper credit for the astonishing level of insight required to notice that there was a black guy playing Hannibal, and furthermore deserve to be heaped with praise for caring so little that you would even bother to google search it (google.com
This as before the African slave trade, so wouldn't it be less black.
By all accounts he was levantine, for fuck sake they could had just put an arab or the jewiest jew available and it would have been perfect but noooo, the eternal kike NEEDED to put the BBC on screen
Hannibal Barca was born over 500 years after Carthage was founded. The initial Levantine settlers assimilated native North Africans in the construction of their empire. Later on, marriage bonds connected the Carthaginians to the rulers of coastal and Saharan Africa. One of Hannibal's sisters married a Numidian king from modern-day Algeria. Marriage ties with nomadic Libyan groups, including the ancestors of the Tuareg, were exceptionally common.
If anything, the elite of Carthage were much less "white" than the average urban citizen.
The locals they would have assimilated with were Berbers. They aren't sub saharan black either.
Hannibal wouldve been darker than white but he certainly wasn't a west African black man.
Dude was negroid as fuck
Who the fuck cares they couldn't find any good actors at the time so they stuck with star power.
>historical revisionism is ok
Absolutely. He probably did not look too different from modern-day Libyans or Tunisians, given that most of his ancestry would have been North African rather than Phonecian.
Phonecian settlers were like the Normans in England. They brought their culture, but weren't numerous enough to substantially change the gene pool.
Are modern-day leaders of Brazil genetically representative of the initial wave of Portuguese settlers?
1 Timothy 2:12New International Version (NIV)
12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
>assimilated native North Africans
nigga, they weren't negroids, they were berbers
>pointy nose
>thin lips
The same reason they get away with having Anglos portray Romans
That's like complaining that a black Somali portrayed Shaka Zulu vs complaining that Nigel Bottomswell from Leicestershire portrayed Shaka Zulu.
The former may be noticeably wrong, but the latter is just ridiculous.
getting tired of the we wuz presence on Veeky Forums
da Numidians wuz black
>The former may be noticeably wrong, but the latter is just ridiculous.
why is the latter more ridiculous than the former? they're both being played by people who aren't from the same culture or even race
Nope,first North Africans berbers aren't black, heck, the Touaregs are now more black than they were because they mixed with they slave caste, like the Morocans. Also Hannibal, like all the other anons pointed out, was an upper class from a Levantine origin, so a Syrian, Lebanse or even a Jew would suit it better. If you want to put a brown man, put I don't know, the guy than did the dorne Prince in Game of Thrones, even if he is East African or an Egyptian, but a west african is totally anti-historic.
This is his father
Does he look black to you?
looks silver to me but i could be wrong
Who cares, it's a guy playing a character. When some white girl plays an originally asian character all the SJWs get upset and we laugh at them. As long as they don't misrepresent the actual historical facts, what does it matter?
Because it will shape the historical view of people, specially the Idiots than are the Americans than can't even imagine than africa has anything but black people in it.
I'm upset that his helmet looks like painted plastic.
But Hannibal was from a Phoenician family, as was the ruling class of Carthage, not mixed with the native people
>هاني بعل
Such blackness.
i don't see the problem, Julius was black too so why shouldn't hannibal living in actual africa be black too ?
bloody hell i can read this rune
should i convert to islam now
>tfw you'll never be a black actor who gets to portray historical figures who weren't actually black
>tfw you won't drink in Veeky Forums's tears after doing so
Damn, I want to see this now. I love Siddig
I don't have a problem with a black person playing shakespeares Caesar because its fucking shakespeare.
I'm bothered by it. Same way I'd be bothered if a white person played Othello, or an Asian played MacBeth. It's just not what it's meant to be.
>believing the white lie that caesar was white
oi vey
People have taken so many liberties with shakespeare. Shakespear is played in theatres from New York to Tokyo and in all countries there is a different population of actors. Theaters are not big movie studios who can fly in talent from anywhere they want. They are dependent on the local talent. And if a black dude was able to put in the best performance, why not let him play?
>Carthaginians are black
shirley you can't be serious
You know, fair enough. I thought that was a movie poster, didn't look closer to see it was an actual theatre production.
as an aside, did you know there was a production of Dracula recently in Japan where Dracula was played by a chick? She's my theatre waifu now.
look pretty black to me honestly
That's pretty cool, does she bite chicks though?
Assuming the other roles were played by the genders the script intended, yes. I only know about this because she's married to Frank Wildhorn, whom writes some bitchin musicals
literally their fault
Who gives a fuck? Joseph Gordon-Levitt doesn't look like Edward Snowden either
>unironically comparing antiquity with ancient World
Wew lad
In the rare case the ruling caste mixed with locals, he still would have looked levantine/arab and not a subsaharian hominid
I'm just as bothered by people casting the darkiest of blacks to play Othello. I get it, you want to present it under the racism angle, make it more relevant for modern audiences. But still. He's a Moor, for fuck's sake. And probably inspired by Morrocan ambassadors to London.
Black Hannibal doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that they were interviewing Jesse Jackson and a few other no name Black Rights agitators and trying to paint the Roman/Carthaginian wars as a struggle of Whites vs Blacks.
Why does everything in America get distorted by our fucked up race relations?
>muh negroid elephant coins
To be fair, Shakespeare is equally guilty of doing this in his own "historical" plays. Go re-read Anthony and Cleopatra, and think about how they throw around beauty standards that are remarkably similar to Elizabethan England rather than Antiquity.
>Why does everything in America get distorted by our fucked up race relations?
Because that's just how America is. Racial issues are super-ingrained in our society.
it makes me ree when euros go around acting like they understand America's racial problems when they absolutely do not in the slightest
we need to revive the tradition of having boys play women because pederasty is at the core of western civilization.
Hypocrites posting ITT: you KNOW it is a political decision to have a black person impersonate Hannibal. This is the historical equivalent of affirmative action. Nobody actually thinks Hannibal was black, just like nobody thinks Lakeesha deserves to be in college.
His sister married a local Berber
It's highly unlikely that, over 500 years, none of his ancestors did the same
I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. The QT in the middle is absolutely black.
Even the chick on the left probably wouldn't be allowed to sit at the front of the bus.
>Why does everything in America get distorted by our fucked up race relations?
> Nobody actually thinks Hannibal was black
A quick Google search indicates otherwise.
>google hannibal
Hannibal wasn't actually black but present day blacks need a role model other than 2pack. A little white(or black in this case) lie can do a lot of good.
>Even the chick on the left probably wouldn't be allowed to sit at the front of the bus.
You act as though all European views on race is regulated to the southern United States. What difference does it make if they wouldn't be able to ride on some bus in nowhere, Alabama? A contestable claim regardless, as carthaginians we're non-existent in the American South.
>who is sheriff david clarke
>who is Dr. Ben Carson
>Current year
>watching the history channel
my parents watch that pickers show and the moonshiner shit
If you don't think Hannibal was black just like the Egyptians and Jews you're clearly not educated on the subject. I can't wait until you racists and pseudo-intellectual shitheads get shut down.
H would have been dark sure but he wouldn't have had Sub-Saharan African features.
>the Ark was taken to Arabia following the events depicted in the Second Book of Maccabees
>One Lemba clan, the Buba, which was supposed to have brought the Ark to Africa, have a genetic signature called the Cohen Modal Haplotype. This suggests a male Semitic link to the Levant. Lemba tradition maintains that the Ark spent some time in Sena in Yemen. Later, it was taken across the sea to East Africa and may have been taken inland at the time of the Great Zimbabwe civilization.
Blacks are the only true Jews.
In that very same series Attila is played by a Romanian actor. Nobody bats an eyelid.
We ROMUNZ now!
Nigga looks Irish if anything.
Shhh user, if you start preaching whats actually in the bible people wont come to your church!
Yes, and?
come say that in tunisia you fucking die prick
>This thread
USA was a mistake
If you had said finns ok, but anglos? The likes of Hinds and Purefoy would pass as locals everywhere in Italy.
>I am NOT a racist!
>Hannibal wasn't black!
>He was Brown!
He wasn't European
No point. People don't know genetics or north African prehistory
This is false, we have genetics and old accounts stating the contrary
This is simplistic and quite stupid
Wait..this actually happened?!?
Are you honestly surprised to hear of Jesse fucking Jackson talk bullshit? That man literally makes a living by agitating niggers with a level of bullshit that would make a stormfag blush in embarrasment.
mudsharks of antiquity you say?
>The initial Levantine settlers assimilated native North Africans
AKA pic related. Hannibal was probably paler than the average levantine.
those genes are mostly from the vandals who came later
>generations of levantines migrating to Carthage and the whole damn coast had no influences on the gene pool
>a roving band of barbarians contaminated it beyond repair even after centuries from their destruction
user pls, you're ridiculous.
Let's not even talk about how the imazighen have been and are still mostly found in their traditional inland villages in the algerian highlands, where they lived mostly isolated and safe from the coastal powers to whom they barely paid lip service.