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/rs07/vsg/ - Vidyascape General - "10" Edition
First for reminder to bump the thread
The virgin vscaper
The chad ironman
took me long enough
>the chad vscaper, can run forever
>the virgin ironman, can run for 30 seconds
>the chad vscaper, acquires his 99s in record time thanks to slaves acquiring his mats for him
>the virgin ironman chopping 96k oaks for thousands of hours with an iron axe
>the chad vscaper, slaying thousands of demons and spiritual mages supplying his inferiors with free gear
>the virgin ironman, grinds to 85 slayer to kill a few hundred demons and mages to not look like a mega plebeian
>the chad vscaper, has been wearing barrows items since since he acquired 70 defence
>the virgin ironman, grinded thousands of barrows chests and the only full sets he got were karil's and torag's
>the chad vscaper, grinds in silence, is self aware and satisfied by his numerous accomplishments
>the virgin ironman, feels the need to shit up yell constantly and have an icon next to his name to validate his accomplishments to others
Make the right choice when you leave tutorial island.
how many times did you die
once, this was my second attempt because i got cocky with my flicks first attempt
whoops! thread already ran out of things to talk aboot
gratz raltz
did an image search, this is one of my favorite images in the book, I like the architecture more than the rest though