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How are you building your gay lords?
Finally finished all of my favorites. Time to work on my second favorites.
Hurry it up!
Post Laegjarn
Writeanon taking requests for what people want to see.
No smut please, unless you're prepared for it to be mediocre at best.
Cute stuff with Celica
Why does female Corrin and Priscilla's VA make me...... feel things
The next three weeks are gonna be pretty boring
>+Def -Spd S.Catria
I guess she's only useful as a debuffer now, but she can't quite run ploys.
How would you build her? She's too cute to sacrifice
Roy looks pretty shook up about having to kill Valter. I hope Frey makes sure Mist doesn't have to watch.
This turbofaggot refused to be rolled. I'm just fapping to the porn instead.
Bend down for me, nowi!
It hurts.
that is so gay...
Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't devour my Sieggy to give Atk Tactic to the Black Knight
Jaffar and Nino's cute newlywed stories
This game has this pull on me, I have to pull for these sexy characters its impossible not too.
Show me cute FCorrin builds
>Nowi has to bend down for you to pat her head
The absolute state of manlets
The Black Knight doesn't say he's Siegbert
best girl
Mmm... Kagero Cummies...
you still have 30 days
The one and only
You still have a month to go.
So swapping out Rein for a bonus unit, this is my arena core. I'm steadily acquiring feathers and Fae merges to eventually replace Nino, but I'm rather hesitant. My problem is that if I build Fae to replace Nino, I'll have no player phase units, which for me is a problem because I very much like those to break up range overlap, kill bold fighter users, and to kill enemies that prevent counters (fire/wind/water sweep and dazzling). To people who run full bait unit core that isn't armors you can just ward stack through WTD, how do you deal with the aforementioned issues?
>card is in a protective case
Can't say I blame you but that's pretty lame
> Earth Sword: +3 def when enemy is 100HP
I just need one more fury boi.
Eirika and Myrrh hanging out!
Is felicia's plate good or is she still a noodle-armed bench warmer?
I was expecting a bigger load. Guess you'll have to save up for the next time.
As well as take the laminate off.
I second this.
I want to try the Dark breath, fury, lunge build.
But I want to see more.
I like it.
Fake and gay
Can any FE realistically defeat him?
I want to call you a coward but... you did deliver.
ursula tits when
user, it's a normal rarity card. No point in protecting it. Still good on you for keeping a promise.
now that's been a full year of seasonal rate each seasonal banner, and the units you have
>2017 Spring
>Summer Ylisse
>Summer Nohr
>Performing Arts
>New Years
>Spring 2.0
I can't wait for Ueda Yumehito's triumphant return to illustrate the new Robin
>plastic over card
Doesn't count. Go big or go home.
>He delivered
Take this (You) and think about what you did.
Oliver trying to win back Sanaki's approval.
>want to grind SP on SKagero in tempest
>don't have any more noontime fodder
should i just pass her sol or see if she can stay alive to the last map without a healing special?
renewal seal when?
>card sleeve
Take it off
Heck, Ech and Eph going around fighting things, eating meat, pulling pranks and being general rowdy boys. Alm should make a cameo as the OG rowdy boy.
If a nobody like Catria can get a seasonal who else should get one?
Can't really say something since you delivered but kek
>spring banner voting gauntlet
>my birthright and conquest waifus are both on it
One of the many reasons I didn't play revelations was to avoid this
Cumming in boots
I used to have Lightning Breath, Triangle Adept and Sword Breaker. It hard counters any reds you might face but against pretty much anything else Corrin couldn't do much.
Pic related is my current build. She still wins any reds she goes against but Dark Breath + Windsweep let's her do other fun stuff as well.
Phantom Speed is such an interesting seal, if I could run two copies of it I would give Deirdre Watersweep and Phantom Speed to mess with dragons.
Fuck it could very well be an old Spring vs. new Spring Gauntlet
My predictions for the legendary banner:
Red: Ike, Alm, HNowi
We know Ike is going to be there, but because everyone has him they need some other draws for people to pull red. Alm is a pretty old hero made newly powerful, while HNowi would be highly demanded and is next in line to appear as teams of red seasonals.
Blue: Fjorm, Shigure, Lute
We know Fjorm will be on it, Shigure is next in line for blue seasonals, and Lute is the last of the CYL units to be on these banners.
Green: Gunnthra, S Tiki, Rhajat
We know Gunnthra is on it. S Tiki has been avoided for long enough, although she could be avoided for a little bit longer in favor of S Elise. Rhajat is the last of the fates kids to be on this banner.
Colorless: Legendary Dragon, Sakura, Mist
Everyone thinks the colorless dragon will be this legendary, and I do too. Sakura, or Jakob, is next colorless season in line, but I think it'll be Sakura because Jakob is way too good to be on the same banner as another big pull like a new whale target. Mist is the last 5* colorless hero and pretty much has to be here. If she's not, then it's a huge lmao.
At least you're a man of your word
Sharena and kiran talking about heroes and stuff
>no matter how many orbs you have, it may not be enough
>everyone your focus rate increases so does your chance to get MERRIC'd
What a vicious game.
I second this
Does anyone like Athena?
I do
Nino doing her best baking a cake for Jaffar.
I would love to see a season Serra
>2017 Spring
3/10. Only Camilla is decent but even then she isnt impressive, the rest is shit
7/10. Bcord is still the best infantry archer. BLyn is a pretty good healer and the only source of dazzling and candlelight. the other two are meh
>Summer Ylisse
4/10. all lack luster. only good thing is the the multiple valors
>Summer Nohr
6/10. Leo and Xander are god awful. Elise is worse Nino but Corrin is good
>Performing Arts
8/10. dancers are always good but you dont really need em if you already have one. never the less they're all pretty good
7/10. Halloween Sakura was a joke, and Nowi is okay for a mage flier. The armors are very good. No much skill fodder though
10/10. over powered bullshit and great SI. the units are good too
>New Years
4/10. only good thing is Flyzura
8/10. Hector is the strongest armor in the game and Lyn is also very good. Roy is also good and Lilana is okay, but fucked your hector rate. Good SI too
>Spring 2.0
6/10. Kagero is pretty good though there is no reeason to use her over a mage flier. Sharena is worse nino. Catria is good but you know, Rein exists. Alf is actually a decent unit to use. SI is not that bad either, particularly the wo dao weapons.
The problem is that some of these are too good, there needs to be more duds, like how Leo's sole purpose in the last one was to fuck over anyone wanting Ike, and how Gaius and Jaffar was there simply to fuck over anyone wanting Olivia
Throw Gray in over Alm or something.
She's cute, nothing groundbreaking though.
>2017 Spring
Camilla. Meh, the units are pretty bad now, but Cammilla is interesting as the only mage flier and a very tanky mage at that
Caeda and Charlotte. I wish my Charlotte didn't had awful IVs, but the brave set works fine. Cordelia was insane and after the staff buff so was Lyn. I liked it
>Summer Ylisse
It would be bad, if it weren't for how blatant Tiki was with the biki and the melon analogy with her tits
>Summer Nohr
I'd say it was pretty bad, but F. Corrin was nice, I guess
>Performing Arts
Interesting banner, and even if most units outside of water are mediocre, you can't have too many dancers for TT
Good banner. All of the units were either very interesting, had strong niches or were fun units to use.
Powercreep to the max on silly costumes. I like how they're all armors, and for as much shit as she gets, Tharja has a very cool gimmick.
>New Years
a very meh banners. Takumi wasn't enough to save daggers, but Azura is a strong dancer. Otherwise it's forgettable
Interesting banner, with Lyn and Roy being pretty unique characters, but in the end Roy ended up being shit. I feel the new Hector is easier to deal with in the Arena than the old Hetor.
>Spring 2.0
Full of gimmicky weapons, but daggers are a step closer to being saved, and that's a good thing because it means when Dew, Patty, Julian and Volke come out they'll be great.
Anyone besides Tristan?
Every good ranged mage
I was once adamant about not summoning on seasonal banners. Then Christmas, New Year's & Valentine's banner came along.
I consider them the creme of the crop.
bit of a cop out but ok
>2017 Spring
7/10, SCamilla, SChrom and SLucina
9/10, BCordelia
>Summer Ylisse
5/10, none of them
>Summer Nohr
5/10, SCorrin
>Performing Arts
9/10, Azura
7/10, HNowi
5/10, none of them
>New Years
8/10, Azura and Camilla (Corrin as well if he counts)
8/10, Hector, Lilina, Eliwood if he counts
>Spring 2.0
9/10, Kagero
apart from the stupid amount of fateswakening units i liked the seasonals we've gotten so far, i hope they keep giving us more variety in the next year
I do!
I like her. She's straight up better than Navarre in FE11. 8/10, would mass murder half my army for her gaiden again.
There is porn?
Hidari will NEVER draw for FEH
Jaffar eating out of nino's cake
This is nothing compared to the femanon delivering tits
They said that Gunnthra won't be on a banner until next year
>seasonal spoon is a lance
>seasonal spoon can also be an axe
when's the spoon sword
Phew, I'd be able to skip that one. Lute would be tempting but I have 5 blue units at +10 already so as much fun as she'd be I don't need her.
Elincia and H.Jakob would both wreck me though. In terms of reruns, Genny and Elise would both probably break me too.
>Spring 1
>both summer
>new years
>Spring 2
Lukas has no canon pairing
>2017 Spring
shit desu. Lucina had nice fodder.
Much better than spring, a few neat ideas. Candlelight.
Pulled for Cordelia, only got despair.
>Summer Ylisse
I don't even remember who's on this.
>Summer Nohr
I got Corrin on B8%, she's great.
>Performing Arts
I whaled this one. Inigo, Olivia, and Azura are all great and have different niches for me.
H!Henry has been so based for me. Got Nowi too. I might make her my first seasonal +10.
wasn't playing/10. Fighter skills are dope.
>New Years
Only pulled Airzura. Cav dancer is going to be broken when it's added.
Great theme, good unit choice. I pulled for Hector and Lilina and wasn't disappointed.
>Spring 2.0
Skipping. I dislike the Easter theme, and Catria is only okay. Her art is hot as hell.
I like her enough to come up with blatantly retarded headcanon that she and Saber are Gregor's ancestors.