Why does Veeky Forums dislike the English so much?
Why does Veeky Forums dislike the English so much?
I don't. In fact, it is my favorite Yuropean country. However, Brit-anons hate me for being a Yankee tho.
Which is why I hate them.
Yes, you all really should be alot nicer to us, and if not us, atleast to me. I never did anything bad to a Brit nor would I intend to.
I don't understand this hatred for Americans from Brit-anons. It really is perplexing to me.
it seems like such a drab, unaesthetic place compared to the rest of europe
Just butt-mad Germaboos taking their anger about liking a meme country on another meme country. Veeky Forums is a French board.
>drab, unaesthetic
Do you even England's green and pleasant land?
>On an anonymous website
>Be nice to me specifically on this anonymous website fellow anons >:(
This is why the britbongs bully us
It's called "bants" you tard. Britshits actually love Amerifats, but expressing real emotion without hiding it under layers of irony and mockery is antithetical to everything Bongtards stand for.
I'm sorry, I'm just a rly soft faggot.
Well they should tone it down a bit, sometimes I can't differentiate actual insults from banter due to my severe autism!
Veeky Forums is a French Catholic board
It's a combination of the following:
>beady eyes
>traitorous on their dealings
>imperialistic hypocrisy
>cowards during ww2
There are many reasons to hate the Eternal Anglo, and all Germanics.
The English are the devils out to destroy civilization
Sad but true my dude, but you just gotta work past the tism. It's tough but tismos can git gud a social. Remember you can be a successful autist like Mozart, or a huge fucking faggot like Wilhelm II
>The eternal Anglo isn't the reason Aussies and Americans live in civilized societies and not just huts and tents
Sorry m8 forgot Iroquois were founding fathers n shiet
By the Disgrace of God, of Not so Great Britain, Wanton Ulster and the British Thralls beyond the Seas Queen, Defiler of the Faith
The Eternal Anglo is actually responsible for the shit conditions in which non Anglos live in.
Minorities in the USA, abos in Australia, Boers and Africans in South Africa, natives in Canada.
The Eternal Anglo is responsible for Pan Arabism, the conflict in Israel, a lot of the shit in India, no pun intended.
Ok if the eternal Anglo is responsible for all this shitty stuff in countries they left (albeit they did do a lot of bad things, but most nations have) then why did they have it solid in their own nation? (Ie black slaves freed when they arrived on English soil)
Because of humanism, slavery is wrong, and the Anglo decided to completely tear down the slave trade, in the Atlantic.
The Anglo has done things that can be considered good, but very often it will be done with bad intentions, or trying to screw over someone else.
If you want to look at how they look at their non-Anglo subjects, just look at the Irish.
Again they do asshole things. But, frankly intentions are irrelevant. They did a good thing. But, in terms of a nation like England, it's not exactly honest to call them wholly good or evil. So, I'd rather look at what the Anglo has done in terms of the greater long run good. And, for the long run, they've done a lot of good
It's neither good nor evil. It's perfidious.
The truly evil are the Germans.
It's just 3 Frenchmen shitposting. Pay no attention.
HOW FUCKING DARE YOU. IM NOT SOME DIRTY FROG. I'll have you know I own a shower.
Engan:DDDD is gud country
>white dragon on cloak
shite meme out of ten la
I l-like you, user..
They're very unpleasant people.
They are arrogant and chauvinistic.
How do you not dislike the Eternal Anglo?
Veeky Forums is rampantly leftist so it obviously hates any European civilization
I'm from merry old England and love it more than any place on earth
Because they destroy everything they touch, they are insular germans
Nice tirailleur sénégalais
>partly assist in defining america in a country
i see your logic
>I've never been to the English countryside
I love britcucks, however it is thus that unconditionally hate me.
t. 100% froggoy
People hate Brits (and the rest of the Anglosphere) because they're the most successful culture group in history and it's natural to resent the ones who came out on top when you came out maybe fourth or fifth (to say nothing of the non-Europeans/East Asians, who came out, like, thirtieth or whatever).
>because they're the most successful culture grou
their history is shit like their women and national dish: curry
Okay, but we're talking Veeky Forums I don't think a bunch of illiterate savages are on here shitting on Britain.
The answer lies in your question
Spillover from /pol/ who just spew out dank maymays without understanding them.
that's hot
fear the Anglo
The English effectively created it, so it's theirs to destroy.
Success breeds jealousy.
i-it's okay haha we all need some ribbing now and again haha...
Because everyone knows about the history of England, even most normies, thus considering Veeky Forums is vehemently contrarian, Veeky Forums hate the English.
>tfw germanians has always ruled the world
>this causes everyone else to cry
Colour me suprised
Is there any multinational famous Britcuck company or brand which is Universally known? I cant seem to find without googling shit
But I love England along with the rest of the Isles.
BP, Tesco, Vodafone, Unilever, Barclays, Lloyds, GlaxoSmithKline, BT, BAE Systems (owns Lockheed Martin), AstraZeneca, Rolls Royce, etc., etc.
Whilst user's question is flagrant bait a large chunk of those you posted are irrelevant outside the UK.
BP is the 8th largest oil company in the world: $222 billion/yr
Tesco is the 3rd largest retailer in the world.
Vodafone is the 5th largest communications company in the world.
Unilever is the 3rd largest consumer goods company in the world.
Barclays is the 16th largest bank in the world: $1.8 trillion (HSBC is the 6th largest bank in the world: $2.6 trillion)
Glaxo and AstraZeneca are the 9th and 10th largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.
BAE Systems/Lockheed Martin are the largest weapons manufacturer in the world.
Brits are nice and their culture is bretty cool.
t: fingolian
>Tesco is the 3rd largest retailer in the world.
Except it's "multinational" in that it has shops in literally two countries.
The other ones I were referring to are Lloyds and BT.
New Jerusalem m8
I hate how degraded and beaten-down the English became after 1066. They were thralls to Norman and Plantagenet overlords, their identity and culture was mutated into this Latinized bastardization, and they've willingly accepted this ever since. How many English people can name 5 pre-1066 kings? At best, they might say Alfred the Great and of course, Arthur, a mythological Brythonic leader who supposedly fought against their Anglo-Saxon ancestors.
to be fair pre-1066 kings didn't do a whole lot.
They stole our fucking marbles
I like England. My last name is Rogers, but that's irrelevant.
340 days of rain a year is not pleasant
>lord elgin
>can't handle rain
such a soft cunt
This. Not even a britbong and this is how many family operates.
Basically if they give you shit, it's because they like you and expect that you can take it and understand.
That's just how feudalism works m8. They've done genetic analysis and there's actually more native Briton blood in present-day England than there is Anglo-saxon. It just appeared like the Britons got wiped out because the anlgo-saxons were in charge so everyone adopted their language and culture. There's a ton of ethnically celtic people in modern France aswell that got culture cucked by the Franks. It happened all over the place
One autistic German poster memed the Eternal Anglo schtick so hard it caught on.
>Germany ask them to gib land and there will be peace
>England gives it
>Germany takes even more land
>England tries to stop them
>Germany bombs them
>England had enough go to war and bomb the shit out of them
>/pol/: "how dare England do that to those poor nazi. Germany only wanted a jew free Europe and England was being treacherous liars all along!"
The eternal Kraut
I don't get why Americans have lost their tolerance for abrasive humor over the generations. It's like only the stand-up comedians can get away with saying anything mean anymore because "it's expected".
I don't know if the PC crowd won or we really are just a nation of emotional whimps these days.
>when the fucking GRASS is literally their only selling point.
Truly, a civilization at the pinnacle of cultural refinement.
Because we've read history.
It's always amused me how the French view themselves as part of some pan-Mediterranean master race. Take a trip to any town outside of the southernmost third of the country and you'll see people who are very, very similar to the people of Britain. Except with nicer teeth.
As an Eternal myself, I love both the Anglo-Saxons and the pre-Anglo Britons. Their blending resulted in my aforementioned Eternalness. God bless them
Because they are a bunch of cunts. That's why.
>one plane accidentally drops a bomb on the outskirts of London
>firebomb an entire city from the outside-in, just so you can kill as many civilians as possible
>this is after the USSR has already done most of the work beating the Nazis
>Then complain about those "Asiatic hoards" raping innocent nazi women
>As they take credit for beating the nazis
>The English effectively created it
no the romans did and the english copy them
have you even met any english
Did you ever taste their cuisine? It's the biggest crime against humanity in history.
You take that back
who is this