Are Sri Lankans niggers or poos Veeky Forums?
Are Sri Lankans niggers or poos Veeky Forums?
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If you're asking this question you literally don't have even a basic grasp of Indian history and it's 12 distinct regions
>India still hasn't balkanized
I'm mad.
these are both of the same ethnicity/region and one looks like a typical african while the other looks like a typical indian, though
caste difference probably
It easily could've after British partition and it's a miracle of History it didn't, I guess British being dicks since the 18th century united them or something
But from Hindustan, Maharashtra to West Bengal, those three areas have NOTHING in common, yet they're somehow part of the same country.
I don't think any other country has those huge kind of culture differences
God, imagine Pakistan and Bangladesh and Nepal were still part of India, shit'd be crazy
>one looks like a typical african
American education
>I guess British being dicks since the 18th century united them or something
I think it has more to do with Muslim Pakistan galvanizing the state of India together. Had Pakistan just joined India it probably would have quickly collapsed.
They really slaughtered our education budgets.
History was first to go then geography.
They're both singhalese
Fine, one looks "more" african while the other looks more "indian"
And i'm no yank
Caste wasn't split by appearance.
there is no "African" look. You can say brown skin but that's found allover the world.
>And i'm no yank
>brit education
>brown skin means African
Britbong education
you know your teachers actually make the same benefits ours do in Germany? 66% pension, you need to whip your teachers into shape or take away their pensions for doing such shit job
stg there was a similar thread about sri lankans a few weeks back
they're in season
Sri Lankan Kaffirs are a thing. Some came as slaves, others as sailors, mercenaries, administration etc...
They have African ancestry. Strangely enough the American Sri lankans don't seem to know about them, they get surprised when I show pics or talk about their history.
Not really. It's a region by region basis.
poos 10/10
wat? no.
Sri lankans are indians with toilets
How did there end up being so many Indians?
>with toilets
Seeing as Indians are not a single homogenous people, thats a bit of a silly question like asking how did there end up being so many europeans; "how did there end up being so many han chinese" is a better question
"Indians" are not a real ethnicity. Nor is there such a thing as "Indian culture" as anything more than a pan-continental generalization. There's so many people with Indian citizenship because Britbongs love drawing arbitrary borders.
Like if the Ottoman Empire conquered all of Europe, then Christian Europe was given independence as one united country. It has absolutely no basis in any kind of nationhood or common descent.
Okay fair enough, I guess I was really asking what factored into there being such a large number of people on the subcontinent. Was it fewer diseases?
I think i heard rice produces more edible product for the same area farmed than wheat, could be wrong though
Why would you ever want balkanization? It doesn't help jack shit.
It's probably the anglo looking for easy pickings
yeah 'cause centralization has been great for India
which one is sri lankan
>one on the right
>looks like a typical African
good lord I think you might want to see an optometrist
this lmao
qt 2bh
>Are Sri Lankans niggers or poos Veeky Forums?
I don't think I care.
Just post MOAR hot Sri Lankan babes.
the girl on the right doesn't "look african" at all
her skin tone might be similar to an african but in terms of facial features she looks more like a typical serbian than a typical african
this was funny the first time it was posted
not so much anymore
>60% thinks thats what an african looks like
This. Fucking Anglos are worse than Jews.
>Anglos after WW1
>Yes goyim every shitty little ethnicity in Europe needs their own state, not traditional strong empires
>but Scotland and Wales are British lmao
>the incapability of some nations to hold themselves together is somehow the fault of the british
lmao @ u
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