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ISIS when???

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First for gay

Hey shouldnt you be talking about Cordelia

Alfonse is the best unit on the banner


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Reminder people who theorycraft and make up skills, characters, etc. are the literal worst.

can someone explain why cordelia is so popular? she's so bland. Is it literally because of her hair

who's allowed to go into the askr library

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she's just got a lot of falseflaggers around here

Source? Cropped images don't reverse image search very well


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You love him, don't you, /feg/?
you know that you're incompetent at anything in heroes and that he was your saving grace for chain challenge like the brainlet you are, right?

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Hope you're doing well over there.

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gonna need sauce on that, friendo

everyone except for siegbert

Who the fuck even is that.

I'm going to promote Nino and feed her to Sharena.

Please, someone stop me before I make her a generic blade tome user.

She already has Fury and Desperation.

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Her name's Liliiiina

Punished Jakob

hump sharena endlessly

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No because I’m not a newfag and completed them a long time ago

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She doesn't need Bladetome you brainlet.

That's some weird ass projecting

>tried my AA runs for 2 hours tonight
>slowly coming to terms with the fact that I need like 3 more dragon counters and another 3-4 more Zelguis counters

I guess it's time to stop sending home Ests.

It's only one page out of here:

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looks like a bleach character

>it's another "put a bladetome on every mage" episode

>>>>> hours

I'm so sorry

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>Building a worse Nino
Just keep her tome
She has her own niche brainlet

At least make her run some different inferior build instead of literally "Nino -1"
>dragon counters
You mean any unit with WTA against them letting them run into their death? Zelgius/BK is fair though


She has a prf that provides her own niche
If you have her at +spd you could do blade but the prf is still more interesting

My best friend!

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thread is slow, it's real Horace hours

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She really doesn't have a niche.
Whatever he goes with will just be dumb meme shit that's worse than a blade tome.
Sharena sure got cucked .

>guaranteed -10 debuff for doing nothing
>want to make her worst nino instead

superior myrm when?

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>go on reddit
>50% of posts are sub-tumblr gay shit art usually including grima
>the other 50% complaining about tits
this is the power of western society...

Why is she so cute?!

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>doing nothing
That's something Shitrena is intimately familiar with.

You need to 1 round dragons in many cases, which not many units, even with triangle advantage, can do. Especially if the map is defense tile cancer.

oh jesus femui's japanese voice is the worst

goodnight /feg/

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ex hentai is literally unusable on every platform for me

Her niche is to power up my wife.

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nice Zelgius alt

I really dislike how this dude draws eyes.

when they feel like they have enough money and decide it's time to add literal whos noone cares about

What's wrong with it? They make her look mature which is how I like my women.

You see the "ex" right? take the x and change it to a "-" and half the time it works!

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Is this how Priam was born?


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very nice
also im only half hay

hana is _______________________

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What does zephiel's 2 hit in a row animation look like

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even the handwriting looks like a 3rd grader's

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the same as every other sword armor's
you can check it in the catalog

For Sakura

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which royal has the worst retainers

one of the shittiest characters in the franchise

>tfw not worse than what my waifu got
consider yourself lucky


which fe character should I roleplay as in Dragon Age

Is FEH even fun

>Cordelia voiced this smelly apple knocker

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a girl with nice hair.


BROS which one is worth 5*-ing

Eirika or a Caeda? Both are now amazing in due to LOL WEAPON REFINEMENT

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yes, especially if you're familiar with FE and the characters in the first place

Life and death fodder

in terms of hating them; sakura. subaki and hana are both douches and bad units

It's way more fun if you don't come here


Tobin too!

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Post Arden with cute wives

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Check IVs then I'll give you an answer

Both are +Atk

spend your dew on alm.

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Cute! Thanks for posting this user

ok so who has the best retainers

Eirika is only worth running in a full tactic team while Caeda niche is extremelly good on any team.

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Sakura and Xander easily

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Takumi because of Hinata!

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Let's try this again.
Who should I give Life and Death to?

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Leo, Takumi, Corrin